i noticed there was a lot of talk about this song about a year ago, but i need to know if there is a site where i can find guitar tabs for it! i've tried google'ing and yahoo'ing it with no success someone please help me! (its been bothering me for years)
I know nothing about guitars, but I'm sure if other member's see this thread, they maybe can give it to you.
You want the song transcirbed for guitar? Cuz there's no guitar actually in it...I could try and transcribe the keyboard notes to guitar for you though. There's a few bass notes in it too that I could do if that's what you want.
that would be awesome. i just think that is one of the most beautiful rhythm's i've ever heard and if its playable on a guitar i'd love to be able to play it. i just suck at making tabs, my specialty is playing tabs if ya know what i mean lol.
its on the hybrid theory EP at the end of the song "Part of me" after a few minutes of (kinda) silence
I'll transcribe it on piano and try to tab it out for guitar. It would take like 2 or 3 guitars to play that song live. Edit: Yeah eff that. Sorry man but it has like 2 rhodes pianos, some bass synth, and like 3 more synths when the melody kicks in to the end. It's just a little too much to decipher. You'd need a full band, plus a keyboardist, to play this song.
man a crew isn't the problem... there HAS to be some kind of tabulature made for this thing SOMEWHERE.. bah. thanks for the effort anyway i guess i'll just keep lookin
:edit: Done actually working out the notes in FL Studio. I'm working on sheet music and tabs now for you.
yes it would.. very tricky.. but i have plenty of fx pedals so i think we (friends and i) could pull it off
It's not really hard at all. It's just a ton of notes to pull off. The tabs are like one note every bar. So it's a looong tab.
well that's encouraging i think i could pull it off. i'm sure tabbing it is more of a headache then playing it... :whistle:
Here you go: http://rapidshare.de/files/6797079/Linkin_...mbient.zip.html Everything you need in that zip file. Tabs, sheet music and a midi. Enjoy. It took me 2 weeks! Just kidding only about 3 days.
man you have my most sincere gratitude. i'm not seeing that midi you say is included... i see the tabs and the sheet.. no midi.. Edit: That middle part for the rhythm piano is really nifty to play, not quite so hard and it seems like a it would be a great lesson song for beginners...
Yeah I guess I forgot to put that in. Here's the midi. http://rapidshare.de/files/6802202/Ambient.mid.html