I think it's because Crawling has either been shortened or not played at all on certain stops on this tour and the last tour, so using Crawling as an example was quite literally a terrible example .
I thought it was because fans seem to despise Crawling, especially as a live song. Either way, it was a funny moment in the interview.
Off topic, but does AltWire ever do negative album reviews? They seem to give out 8 and 9s like they're candy.
You can't blame the band for keeping the setlist. It's a fact that over 90% of the people who will attend these upcoming shows are people who didn't go to the Carnivores tour. We have to remember that we are the vocal minority.
The problem is, I think, reviewing only the albums the editors anticipate rather than... everything. But you can't really ask for that.
I appreciate your criticism, and even accept it. It's a valid point, and something we're looking to improve. The issue is that we don't have really that many writers (not an excuse I know), so when album reviews *do* get posted, they're usually because the writers felt so impressed by the said record that they wanted to talk about it. This unfortunately leads to a vast collection of 'higher scored' albums (to be fair there are definitely a few 7s in the archives - including on a Linkin Park release), instead of a more even mix of high and low. I'm actually looking to hire just a review staff (meaning their focus is 80/20 for reviews vs news) so that we can begin to not only review more records, but also have a more critical edge to our reviews. I want those higher scores to appear more rare in the grand scheme of things instead of "all the time". So thank you for your comments. We're definitely looking for more writing talent. ...now to be further off topic: There's more to Mike's interview than just his setlist answer. Wish people wouldn't focus on just one thing and instead discuss everything.
If you want some bad reviews for your site, I can write up a pretty intricate review of Meteora for you.
Great job to Derek & co. for getting an interview with Mike! I'm actually positive about the next setlist based off this interview. If Mike, the band director, wants to add at least one more song, then we will most likely get the new song or two. Phoenix said that he is up for it too, and Chester...well that's a worse example than crawling . I'll be at the Pittsburgh show and my real hopes for the setlist are to add at least ALITS, but to also make changes to the two setlists. If they brought one song into Set A, they should rearrange Set B as much as they do that. I think that would make it work better.
I'm not setting out to flame here, and I appreciate not everyone will share my concern but - If you record an interview on poor or not optimally configured equipment and there's a lot of background noise - it's probably not the best idea to also stick music in the background.
I listened to this on both speakers and headphones and had absolutely no issue understanding Mike. Regrettably it appears the video render did reduce the volume, but in post editing (pre-render) I had no issue. Several LPA staffers who I previewed it to had no issue as well. I really can't figure out why so many people have issues hearing Mike when I can not only pick him out from the mix, but create a transcription fairly easily. But I will be fair and admit that it wasn't the most optimal situation for the interview. It was a noisy venue (OM&M were performing in the background), and we did the best we could. We actually removed 80% of the noise in post production, but as a result there were some audio artifacts. Was it wise to further compound the issues with music? Maybe not, but it was a stylistic choice as we felt it would make the production values seem a little better. If people want to hear just Mike, I'm sure I can upload just the audio of the interview. It isn't perfect, and doesn't sound as pretty as I'd like...but it would satisfy some people for sure.
This could all be circumvented with a transcript of the interview. *winkwinknudgenudgecoughcoughhinthint*
All fair and I thank you for the explanation but like I say it wasn't my intention to make you defensive. To be fair yes I can make out every word he says but it's not quite as easy to as i'd like it to be. I guess what I really want to say is to see AltWire really take off (and i'd like to see that), the standards need to be higher. With backstage interviews you usually have all round better production values, with held microphones for good reason, and a camera on a tripod.
I definitely want professional standards. I want held microphones and an excellent camera. But unfortunately AW is handled out of pocket and we don't generate a lot of revenue. I hope that to change so we can improve, because believe me when I say I want us to be first class.
I don´t even understand why they should change setlists that often. They play for live audiences, not for people in forums... The current setlists are good, they have different sets, so no reason to already change that again before 2015. They haven´t even toured with these setlist in Europe before, don´t know what is wrong with people and their expectations regarding that matter :-D
Well I don't know, even if I saw them live, I'd like to hear some of the songs I like live. LP's singles are my least favorites in their discography. And, look its not like we're forcing the band to play more songs. We are just expressing our opinions