Hullo, Le Grey here. I joined this excellent forum on reccomendations from my friend Aisha(strangel00m). And. Er. [/newbie-ness] Anyway, I love The Beatles and Franz Ferdinand. That's basically all that's in my head right now...I like to write, and some people actually like my scribblings, shocking as it may sound. Well, that's done with. Let the rejoicing commence!
Si, we chatted a bit. And Thanatos, don't worry. I'm an obsessive 'rule-follower'. I never doublepost, spam, etc. I'll stop complimenting myself now...
"My doctor says that I have a malformed public-duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre and that I am therefore excused from saving universes." I like that.
Douglas Adams, huh. Going by that, and with your liking for the Beatles (and FF, to an extent), you must be a person of good taste.
Oh yeah, late introduction. Go me. Welcome to the LPA, Akbar. Read the rules and have fun posting. See you around!