Weed. It gets you messed up quick, no #### the next morning, theres so many ways to smoke it, its just so much better. My dad said I can smoke all the weed I want. He just doesnt want me to get into other drugs.
Stuff like Budweiser, Busch are nasty, ... canned beers are nasty. Smirnoff, Bacardi, Soko...those taste good. I get drunk quite often. I've gotten high once. The only reason I got high is because I was so drunk I couldn't walk. I could'nt even stand. I knew exactly what was going on the whole time I was getting high, and I hated it. I hated the smell, I hated the feeling of the smoke in my lungs, I hated my friends at the time for wanting me to do it, and they agged me on, it was peer pressure, but what else could I do? I couldn't walk away, and when I said no, they said yes. Anyways, my parents wouldn't care if I was drunk, they would care if I was high.
My friend has been smoking marijuana since he was 11 and he's 21 now, never tried another drug. Not even a cigarette since he was 11.
i drink but i dont do drugs. my parents dont care if i drink (since they know im not going to go crazy) but they would care if i did drugs. but whatever, im never going to smoke anything because i have bad lungs already
I already drink but my parents don't know that. Shhhhh. I think my parents wouldn't be too upset if they found out though. I don't do drugs and I don't plan on doing drugs at all. I know if I did drugs my parents would be more upset than if they found out I was drinking. They would probably disown me.
Pixie sticks... The only legal version of crack... Hehe not like I've done drugs or anything :whistle: Well...not intentionally that is... :wth:
That's true.. Well, I think it's true if you like getting high.. because once you've smoked in excess, you want Something that's gunna fuck you up more.. lol
bacardi 151 is good, i get smashed after like half a shot. (i know pathetic, but i am really short so that has something to do with it). anyway the best drug in the world is oxycontin.
Hmm, I can't decide what I think is worse but if I had to decide what my parents would think is worse I'll have to guess that they'd think Weed is worse. (Maybe I should just ask them. ) I'm going with weed because it's a gateway drug and it usually leads to more serious drugs. Since weed is illeagal for people of all ages they'd also find that as a big problem - They'd think "Well if he/she can get weed then he/she can very well easily get cocaine and heroine ect..."
Dude, a shot of Baccardi 151 would put anyone out almost lol. Its 75% alcohol! And whoever said alcohol tastes bad, has obviously ever had Smirnoff Ice, A.K.A Sprite with the proof of beer. Never done weed, but I've seen a lot worse happen from alcohol, so I'd say weed is less dangerous in general, but alcohol is legal because it's no problem IF YOU KNOW HOW TO HANDLE IT. Ending up :hypno: is not the best thing to do.
Ive been smoking pot for three years and havnt tried another drug and probably never will. I know other drugs are addicting so im not going to touch them.
not physically. i know a s***load of people that are addicted to it psychologically though, and that is just as bad.
Pot is okay in small doses and you have to be careful about getting into more dangerous drugs. Just Look at Casey. :hypno: Sorry just a joke please dont kill me :