I was bored and wanted to see people opinions on this lol. What do you think parents would find worse, their kid was smoking weed, or drinking alcohol? Weed is natural, but is looked on as ruining your life. You can not die from being high, I'm not sure if it can give you lung cancer though.. Alchohol in society is normal. It CAN kill you, give you kidney problems, Make you life shorter, Make you depressed.. I think honestly most people don't have an open mind on it if you've never been high. Smoking weed everynow and then dosen't nessicarily mean your going to ruin your life, it's all in how you chose to live it. I think generally when you think Pot/Alcohol, your going to assume pot is worse because that's what society makes it out to be.. But yeah thank you in advance for your opinions lol.
Anything in excess can kill you; even pot, suprisingly enough. However, it would take a lot of leaves to do so, but thankfully society isn't that stupid.
hmm hard choice, I would have to say Alcohol, because its legal and its more likely die from over drinking...
I thought weed wasn't fatal unless you did something stupid while under it's influence, then I realise it's usally smoked. On the occasions I am drunk, I can't even get up so I guess alchohol is better for me. I hope my mom doesn't see this :chemist:
my parents think they are both bad. go figure. ehh it sucks. anyway i can't seem to get high unless i am getting a contact, which sucks. but i can get real drunk real fast, which could be good or bad, depending on how you look at it.
Well yeah, doy, they're not going to think both are anything good. And when you're drinking, of course you're going to get real drunk, real fast. And you're going to be more vulnerable to make bad decisions real fast as well, so don't be surprised when they think it's bad for you.
'' Damn Maëlle! At your age, it was a long time I had had a hangover!'' [/Quote mum] And she's the same person, along with my aunt, who taught me how to make joints so I guess my parents don't care. Personally, I don't care about alchool or Pot as long as you have enough self control so it doesn't ruin your life.
Wanna get high? I'd say Night Out = Alcohol Night In = Weed I think its that simple Edit : Drugs are BAD mkay!!
I honestly can say that I've never been stoned or drunk, but alcohol is probably worse because it's not too hard to acquire (seeing as it's legal). And alcohol tastes nasty.
My parents didn't care when I drank, it's just when I started to get into weed and cigarettes. Now, I choose anger over all three.