I don't know why people worry about terrorist attacks. If you get caught in one and you die, you should be happy. If you lived a 'pure' life or whatever, you're going to Heaven.
Everyone's so shocked that this happened but I'm not. Those Al-Queda assh*les are bred to be heartless. They are trained to not have any emotion or compassion towards anyone whatsoever, and it's because of this that Osama and his whole f*cking crew of heartless bastards should be hunted down and executed for being the cowards that they are. They behead our people but then run and hide because they dont want to face America themselves. F*cking cowards. I'm sick of watching America try to be peaceful and 'rebuild a new Iraq' while these f*cking ignorant bastards find joy in killing American people because they are too stupid to see we're trying to help them. So screw them all, if they want to #### with us then it's time to show those f*ckers that we're not a country that takes sh*t lying face down. I'm so angry right now I cant even put it into words.
eh, I say we have them beat out. While they behead one or two Americans, we have 7,000 (?) prisoners in Guantanamo Bay that are barely living since we don't feed them and all. Our revenge is coming. T.R.I.C
Exactly. They were really stupid for killing Johnson because now any prisoners we have are going to remain captive until they die. Great job you stupid Al-Queda f*cks, you really didn't think it out did you.
ergh, I saw pictures of Johnson's dead body and it freaks me out. I was simply terrified when I saw them 'cause I think that if they were able to do such things on Johnson, they'll be able to do much worse on other hostages... I'd post the site but I don't know if I can 'cause it's kind of graphic :wth:
The American public may think that their country has Iraq's best interests at heart, but I don't think that's why Bush and his gang of corporate crooks really went in there for. I can really understanding people's anger. It's sickening to hear it myself. First Nick Berg and now this guy. But I know who to blame. The terrorists are full of hatred. But who's feeding them the hate? The problem lies with us as much as it does with them. Blindly spouting rage and empty threats to annihilate these terrorists won't work. They're like a plague you can't shake off. To quote Michael Moore, the American public needs to wake the f*ck up. The US government is feeding its public lie after lie after lie, and the sad thing is ordinary people don't even realize that. They think Bush is the savior of mankind when he's the friggin' anti-Christ for all I care. And to paraphrase what George Orwell said, there is always a need for an enemy. The government will always instil fear into the people's heart (whether it's fear of communism during the Cold War or fear of terrorism today) in order that the people will look up to them and give them all the power they want. That's what Bush is doing right now. Why can't people see that? And anyway, who's "we"? The American people? Maybe. Bush? Cheney? John f*cking Ashcroft? Don't think so. Jesus f*cking Christ. Don't people learn anything? Is revenge the only thing people can think of? Won't that just piss the terrorists off even more and incite them to kill MORE Americans, thereby perpetuating the violence? Tact is the key. Take a lesson from Churchill.
and we really didn't really have to be in this war in the first place.... thanks Bush Jr. History is going to repeat itself! Vote 2004!
This is true. While this may not have to deal with it directly, it is a nice example: In the storyline for Halo, the UNSC (United Nations Space Command) ends up eliminating several militant groups in our solar system. After these militant groups were eliminated, the UNSC began to extend the reaches of humankind, literally looking for a new enemy because they had such a large military, yet no enemy to fight. They moved out claiming that there were others "out there" who were threatening humankind. Since the UNSC was so powerful, humankind was instilled with fear. Therefore, humankind gave the UNSC the power they needed to keep moving outward. It's sort of the same idea. But, on topic, it's sad he was beheaded, but things like this shouldn't come as a surprise at all.
This is true. While this may not have to deal with it directly, it is a nice example: In the storyline for Halo, the UNSC (United Nations Space Command) ends up eliminating several militant groups in our solar system. After these militant groups were eliminated, the UNSC began to extend the reaches of humankind, literally looking for a new enemy because they had such a large military, yet no enemy to fight. They moved out claiming that there were others "out there" who were threatening humankind. Since the UNSC was so powerful, humankind was instilled with fear. Therefore, humankind gave the UNSC the power they needed to keep moving outward. It's sort of the same idea. But, on topic, it's sad he was beheaded, but things like this shouldn't come as a surprise at all. [/b][/quote] Yeah, so Bush might even attempt to make a move on Syria after this Iraq saga (if he is re-elected and if people are stupid enough to let him do it again). One thing I didn't think of until now was: Where's bin Laden? Have they stopped looking for him? Are they still on the hunt? Maybe he's already captured and imprisoned somewhere. But isn't it better to prevent the public from knowing so that they think that big scary terrorist is still at large? Sounds crazy but it's possible.
what I find hilarious is that 9/11 Commission said that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, and yet we're still in Iraq. It's not our ######'' jobs to be the Daddy to the goddamn world. We have our own problems. Let them do mass genocide, who gives a ####. America will go into another depression if the national debt, etc. isn't addressed. Or something.
America has had such a reputation for being the Daddy of the world it's almost natural for us to always be in a war. I mean, look at all the wars that have happened in the world since the US was a fully functioning country. How many of them have included the United States? I think that the next president needs to focus more on the issues going on here than what everyone else in the world is doing. Leave that up to the UN.
They should just blow up everything but the Americas, Africa, Australia and Europe. And all the nice, non-hostile Asian countries. War blows, this #### should just stop. Man I wish Star Wars were real, and the Emperor ordered the destruction of the planet, via Death Star.
It's sad, but I knew it was going to happen. The terrorist only did this because they have a new outlet: the media. I dont like this war in Iraq, but at the same time, I dont think Bush's actions were wrong. I think his timing and planning and funding was way off, I think his expectations were way off, and I think his cabinet is is full of yes-men. The only solution I see is to vote Kerry. johnkerryisadouchebagbutimvotingforhimanyway.com