If youve played Final Fantasy X, you know about the language of the Al Bhed. Well I was bored and found this site where you can translate anything into Al Bhed. The site is found here, and I thought you all could find it kinda cool. Heres something: Smith's speech in Matrix Revolutions English:[Why, Mr. Anderson? Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? For more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom? Or truth? Perhaps peace? Yes? No? Could it be for love? Illusions, Mr. Anderson. Vagaries of perception. The temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose. And all of them as artificial as the Matrix itself, although only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love. You must be able to see it, Mr. Anderson. You must know it by now. You can't win. It's pointless to keep fighting. Why, Mr. Anderson? Why? Why do you persist?! Al Bhed: Fro, Sn. Yhtancuh? Fro tu oui tu ed? Fro kad ib? Fro gaab vekrdehk? Tu oui pameaja oui'na vekrdehk vun cusadrehk? Vun suna dryh ouin cinjejym? Lyh oui damm sa fryd ed ec? Tu oui ajah ghuf? Ec ed vnaatus? Un dnidr? Banrybc bayla? Oac? Hu? Luimt ed pa vun muja? Emmiceuhc, Sn. Yhtancuh. Jykyneac uv banlabdeuh. Dra dasbunyno luhcdnildc uv y vaapma risyh ehdammald dnoehk tacbanydamo du zicdevo yh aqecdahla dryd ec fedruid sayhehk un binbuca. Yht ymm uv dras yc yndeveleym yc dra Sydneq edcamv, ymdruikr uhmo y risyh seht luimt ehjahd cusadrehk yc ehcebet yc muja. Oui sicd pa ypma du caa ed, Sn. Yhtancuh. Oui sicd ghuf ed po huf. Oui lyh'd feh. Ed'c buehdmacc du gaab vekrdehk. Fro, Sn. Yhtancuh? Fro? Fro tu oui bancecd?!
Fuf, drec myhkiyka vilgehk nulgc! a=y, b=p, c=l, d=t, e=a, f=v, g=k, i=e, j=z, k=g, m=s, n=h, o=u, p=b, q=x, r=n, s=c, t=d, u=i, v=j, w=f, x=q , y=o , z=w
ehdanacdehk pid fru fuimt dyga dra desa du tu cilr y drehk? HEY COOL! E's denat uv paehk fryd oui fyhd sa du pa Vaamehk cu vyedrmacc Mucd ihtan dra cinvyla E tuh'd ghuf fryd oui'na aqbaldehk uv sa Bid ihtan dra bnaccina Uv fymgehk eh ouin cruac [Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow] Ajano cdab dryd E dyga ec yhudran secdyga du oui E'ja Palusa cu hisp E lyh'd vaam oui drana Palusa cu denat Cu silr suna yfyna E's palusehk drec Ymm E fyhd du tu Ec pa suna mega sa Yht pa macc mega oui Lyh'd oui caa dryd oui'na csudranehk sa Rumtehk duu dekrdmo Yvnyet du muca luhdnum 'Lyica ajanodrehk dryd oui druikrd E fuimt pa Ryc vymmah ybynd nekrd eh vnuhd uv oui (Lyikrd eh dra ihtanduf, zicd lyikrd eh dra ihtanduf) Ajano cdab dryd E dyga ec Yhudran secdyga du oui (Lyikrd eh dra ihtanduf, zicd lyikrd eh dra ihtanduf) Yht ajano caluht E fycda Ec suna dryh E lyh dyga Yht E ghuf E syo aht ib vyemehk duu Pid E ghuf Oui fana zicd mega sa Fedr cusauha tecybbuehdat eh oui can u guess which song?
*Cough* Numb *Cough* --------------------------------------------------------- I already know some of the Al Bhed words off by heart!! I may start to learn some of this