I definitely don't think drinking should be legalized at the same age as Driving because of obvious reasons. I think 18 would be good.
There actually has been some talk in Missouri to lower it to 18 here, but nothing's been passed, and nothing probably will be passed. The only way to get federal funding for highways is to have a drinking age of at least 21. If the feds didn't hold that over the states, there probably would be a lower drinking age in many states. Besides, anyone who thinks that people underage aren't able to drink is just naive and fooling themselves.
I think that the legal age should be 3 years old. No, seriously, I think it should be after your body has matured enough to actually ingest alcohol without any adverse effects. That is, besides you getting trashed. I don't condone drinking before the legal age, because I have, at one point, done so (didn't get drunk), but I do think that it's better to wait till you're at least 18 to drink.
I've found that people under 21 tend to want to drink more because they're not legally allowed to drink. It comes down to wanting what you can't have. Once a couple of my friends turned 21, they didn't drink as much because the novelty of drinking sort of wore off for them. That doesn't mean we stopped making them buy alcohol for us though. Beer pong tournaments FTW!
The US doesn't make sense. You can die for your country but you can't have a beer at 18. Just ridiculous. 18 all around. drinking, cigarettes, weed.... I'm finally 21, so I can go to bars and all that jazz, but now it's $7 for one beer or drink! how could I afford that? pfft! But then I don't think drugs should be so illegal. Just to sell. But you shouldn't get put away for having a joint in your pocket. In Alaska it's legal to have like 30 plants and up to 3lbs of pot on you but you'll be put in jail if you sell it. I think that's awesome! The age of sexual consent here in Nevada is 16, but its a lot more complicated than that. I don't think an 18y/o can have sex with a 17y/o but a 16 and 17y/o can have sex and two 14y/o's can have sex with each other. it's kind of confusing. You really have to read the laws.