I agree, I'm not able to vote either. My parents are 6 years apart, and they're perfectly fine. I have friends with relationships 4 years apart, and even though I've found they tend not to last, there's nothing wrong with them.
... If I recall correctly, I think Nate had already done a topic like this about...uhm...a couple of months ago. But anywho... I believe that if they are a happy couple, and really do love each other, the age shouldn't matter... Of course, try telling that to the government :chemist:
I think a certain age limit has to be used. I think it's ridiculous when you have 24 and 25 year old guys dating 13 year old girls. That just screams desperate. And things like Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher...she's old enough to be his mom. That's ridiculous, too.
It's not that I have a limit, it's that the laws prohibit me from doing anything. I've had feelings for this girl I know called Christina since I met her back in March but she's 14, and everytime I get close to her I'm reminded that it's "not right" until she turns 16. My psychotic and f*cked up ex-crush used to date guys that were 6-7 years older than her. She was 17...they were 23/24. A lot of problems that girl had..I swear.
I'd personally probably not date anyone more than 2 years older than me in high school, but once i'm out i'd feel better about more distant ages, I guess.
Once you hit highschool there's an automatic closing of the gap. Before it was 2 years below, one above. But now that I'm a senior it's no one (for the fact of college and leaving ,etc). Then after college the older you get the wider the ages can get. 60 yr old men having 25 year old men. My friends put it this way. Walk up to a newborn and say "Oh yeah you'll be mine in about 20 years". That's just weird.
Look at it this way, using Link's parents as an example because he gave the gap amount, it would've been like an 18 year old going out with a 12 year old. Sure, at one time it would be creepy, but when it's a 21 and 27 year old it doesn't seem that bad.
well i know someone dating a 23 year old when she's only 15... i think that's kind of wrong cuz she's so young. but i think after you hit a certain age it doesn't matter as much. like you hear a 20 year old dating a 28 year old it doesn't sound that bad but i mean if i told you 15 and 23 you'd think differently.
The reason the gap goes away after high school is because...like, when you're 23 and you want to date someone under 18, you can't because it's illegal. But once you're both over 18, then it's okay. But, like...when you're both under 18, it's okay. For example, I'm going to be a senior this year. If I want to date a freshman, I don't think there should be any problems with that. Granted it would end up being illegal once I turn 18, it wouldn't be a problem or illegal when I'm still under18.
See for me, being 18, I have my limit now. Late 16 through 19. I was a senior dating a freshman and well, you all know how that turned out....
It's strange. For example, a 13 year old with a 16 year old would sound sick and perverted to most people but you hear about, say, 27 year olds and 30 year olds quite a lot.
I live in Canada so there really isn't the issue of dating a minor...I think. I personally think it's okay as long as the age gap is fine. If a 19 year old wanted to date a 17 year old, I see no problem with that. For me, 2-3 years is okay. I'd never date anyone older than me though. Girls mature way too fast as it is anyway and consider too many guys their age to be immature. I have a friend who's turning 20 and she's dating a 30 year old guy, but I don't mind as long as she's happy, I guess. I'd never do that though.
personally It doesn't matter to me. I wouldn't mind dating older women, they could teach me stuff i don't know about But i would mind if the girl i date is younger than me, at least right now cuz i'm 19. Imagine the girl is like 13, damn that would be like child abuse lol Right now i'd only date girls who are 1 or max 2 years younger
I don't really care of the age gaps except when it becomes extreme. The cousin of my best friend is 17 and she dates a 34 years old men. I think that's way too much. But anyway, as Habrid Bunny said, the whole issue of age gaps isn't really present in Canada.