After an honest listen...thoughts?

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by Pinkin Lark, May 4, 2007.

  1. #21

    KILLAkayleigh New Member

    Mar 29, 2007
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    oh no! im a very intricate listener and repeated beats/samples/anything annoys me pretty badly. are there any other instances like this? :unsure:
  2. #22

    orangemangoes Member

    May 4, 2007
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    they wanted a more organic album.they got and as usually, the change has already pissed some numetal fans.
  3. #23

    lparks41 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2005
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    This is my current rating of all the songs on a scale of 1 to 10

    01. In Pieces.....15!!!! Because I can relate to what it's about I guess.

    02. Shadow of the Day....................10.0, another perfect song
    03. What I've Done..........................9.5 We already know it's good
    04. Given Up....................................8.5 Just all around bad ass rock track
    05. The Little Things Give you Away.....8.5 Lp's first country I love it none the less

    06. Hands Held High..........................8.5 I like it because it's different and cool
    07. Wake..........................................8.0 Awesome kick start to the album
    08. Bleed it Out.................................7.0 This song is ok, but not great
    09. Leave out all the rest....................1.5 This song sucks and is emo, but that's alright. One bad song on the whole album....

    Over all rating? Not sure, probably close to perfection...

    The rest of the songs I'm unsure of as of right now because I need to listen to them a little closer. But those up there are the ones that struck my attention right away.
    Last edited: May 4, 2007
  4. #24

    Andrea best friends. LPA Addicted VIP

    Dec 12, 2002
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    I didn't want to download it, but I gave in anyway. Here's what I thought:

    -Wake // I thought it was decent for an intro/instrumental. Nothing really else to say there. 3/5

    -Given Up // Total bad ass song. This will definitely become a new 'pit' song live. I love the screaming and the 'punk-ish' influence. I just wish the lyrics weren't so angst ridden. 4/5

    -Leave Out All The Rest // My favorite song on the album. I can definitely see this becoming a single and I actually hope it does. I love the slowness and the range in Chester's voice makes the outcome sound so beautiful. I love the lyrics as well and I have no problems with this song at all. 5/5

    -Bleed It Out // A total "what the fuck is this shit" type of song, lol. Definitely interesting. I love the beat but the lyrics are sort of crappy. Too repetitive as well. 1.5/5

    -Shadow of the Day // This is probably my second favorite song at the moment. I find nothing wrong with it. Basically what I think of this song is how I feel about "Leave Out All The Rest". 5/5

    -What I've Done // A good lead off single I suppose. The more I listen to this song, it seems like it shouldn't be on the album. It doesn't flow well with the other songs. The lyrics aren't the best but it's a good choice for the first single. The "so let mercy come" part always gets me. I just love that part. The song still needs to grow on me though. 3.5/5

    -Hands Held High // Mike just owns in this one. This song reminds me of a little bit of "Kenji" or maybe even "Right Now" off of the Fort Minor cd. The lyrics are ace and proves Mike can still write lines that capture the listener's interest. The little gospel "Ahhhmennn" gives it a nice flare as well. I love it. 5/5

    -No More Sorrow // "Hey miss murder can i, hey miss murder can i, make beauty stay if i take my liiiife". *ahem*....yeah. It sounds like AFI to me. I love AFI so I'm not complaining there. I love the guitar riffs in the beginning and the lyrics are pretty good as well. I felt the scream during the bridge could have been a little longer but I guess Chester makes up for it near the end. 4.5/5

    -Valentine's Day // I absolutely love the lyrics but I found it rather hard to get into this song. It was just boring until the guitars kicked in and Chester started singing, "On a Valentine's Day" over and over again. That part I liked. It may take a while to get into this song. 3.5/5

    -In Between // It's good to know Mike can sing well. No offense to him or anything, but I would like to see him stick to rapping, lol. This song does nothing for me. 1/5

    -In Pieces // It's not the best, but I am feelin' the song. I love the reggae feel and the guitars/drumming sound fine to me. Pretty cool song to just "jam" to. 3.5/5

    -The Little Things Give You Away // The most hyped song on the album. Did it succeed in the hype? I believe so. Everyone has their own opinions but it's nice to see Linkin Park do a song like this. I'm happy with the final product of this song and it's a great way to end the album. I'm actually kind of shocked on how good it actually is, lol. From the lyrics, Chester's beautiful voice, the guitar solo and the background vocals...they all came together nicely. 5/5


    Album: 3/5, which is what Kerrang! gave it and I feel it's justified.

    For the first time ever I will actually have to try to get used to a Linkin Park album, lol. It's not necessarily a bad thing either. They were dead on about the description of the album, that's for sure. I'm glad they experimented on trying things they've never done before. It's good to do that even if it doesn't satisfy the hardcore Linkin Park fan. So good job on their part for that. With that said,
    the biggest problem i have with the album is the lyrics. A lot of them come off still angst ridden. Even if they are trying something new that they haven't done before, the lyrics are the biggest fault for not letting a song be the best to its potential. It's a shame and I think that's where it hurts them in this album. Hopefully they'll realize that for whenever the next one comes out, which will probably be in another 4 years :)rolleyes:).

    The end for now.
  5. #25

    "/Shawn08\" Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2007
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    So i gave in and listened to the leak... here's my review:

    Wake: An intro, not much to say. 2/5
    Given Up: Definatley the most angsty song on the album. Has a punk feel to it and Chester really shows off his screaming capability. I can't give it a whole 5 however. 4.5/5
    Leave Out All The Rest: Very catchy. Very, very catchy. If this doesn't become a single I will be surprised. 4/5
    Bleed It Out: A very odd song to me. I like the return of Mike's rap style, but is it just me or do the lyrics seem more nu-metal than their previous songs? Lyrics aside this is still a good track. 3.5/5
    Shadow of the Day: Didn't do anything at all for me on the first listen but it has grown on me in a very short period of time. The U2 connection is pretty obvious. A good ballad but not as good as Leave Out All the Rest. 3.5/5
    What I've Done: A good choice as a single, but I really wouldn't have complained if this song would have been dropped so that a heavier song could have been substituted. Other than the halloween-like intro this song isn't anything special IMO. 3/5
    Hands Held High: Great song. Sounds very similar to Kenji. Great lyrics and the "ahmen" gives the song something extra. The highlight is towards the end when mike sings. 5/5
    No More Sorrow: I love the intro in this song. I've seen a few people complain about the lyrics, but in all honesty i don't think their is anything wrong with them. Possibly the heaviest track LP has put out and I like the sound of it. 5/5
    Valentine's Day: This song is going to take a while to grow on me. It reminds me of My December. To me there just isn't anything that stands out on this track. 2.5/5
    In Between: To me it seems like most people aren't liking this song, But I am really into this song. Mike's voice is great on this track. To some it seems really boring, but to me the simplicity of this song is its strongest feature. 5/5
    In Pieces: This, like Valentines day, still needs to grow on me. I like the music in it, but none of the singing has really caught my attention. 3/5
    The Little Things Give You Away: Well the hype was worth it. This is an outstanding song. Chester is great and the song just builds and builds until Brad pulls out that guitar solo which comes at just the perfect time.

    Overall: 4/5

    Closing Comments:
    Lacks the intensity of previous albums, but the transition to a softer sound has been excellent. The album is very experimental. The best thing about this album is that it has really opened a lot of doors for the direction they can go on the next album (I know it's early).
  6. #26

    Arlene Oh what tangled webs we weave LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    I refuse to download it! >_< I want to buy the album, crank it in the car on the way home, and totally jam out to new songs. Well maybe not jam out, judging by the comments on the slow songs, but oh well. It's unbelievably hard to resist to download, but I'm going to! ^_^
  7. #27

    lparks41 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2005
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    Ok the other songs I left out....

    In between........Great song......8.5
    No More Sorrow....meh it's ok....7.0
    Valentines Day...Don't really like it, can't get into it enough to rate it.

    So over all on this 12 song album I love 8 songs, 2 I'm ok with, and 2 I don't like.

    Over all Rating with all honesty...8/10 B It passes my fan
    Last edited: May 5, 2007
  8. #28

    marijaLPnarkos Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    Yeah, mature....they put that damn adult-ish sound with a way too classic they've taken it too far. Notice that MCR definitely went "classic" on The Black Parade, but they did it in such a beautiful way, whole "being" of their music and lyrics went forward-on MTM some of these elements are fallen behind, like some lyrics. I've never been a hardcore fan of MCR, but like an example I took them. I think I could also take The Used...
    I really don't know what to think, I'm very confused. I'm on the edge of giving up something that I believed in so much. I've already been deeply disappointed, I still can't believe it.. It's so unbelievable, that I feel guilty for that. I feel sorry for using "big" words and maybe judging too early, but I'm insanely pissed off. I know I love this much, but honestly, I've never believed a band could make me feel like this. I think I'll never stop hoping (and wishing)-it's just something nobody can kill. Nobody can kill what's too good... What's coming on my mind now: they wanted to make something insanely perfect and they messed up, I've been tied for them too much-now I'm too critic..seriously, am I that critic?? Oh dear... I so burned out...:blink:

    I'll NEVER be able to admit this.
    Last edited: May 5, 2007
  9. #29

    Importskyline22 LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Sep 20, 2006
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    wow...that was one long paragraph. As i was reading that i could hear you running our of breath towards the :lol:
    Last edited: May 5, 2007
  10. #30

    danielpsoad-09 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2005
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    Since my english isnt too good, so I cant do the same description I did in spanish .. but anyway here is my brief description :;

    Wake : I'ts just a good intro .. but something is missing there . 5.5/10

    Given Up : Very powerful ... its pure rock. I like it . 7.5/10

    Leave Out All the Rest : I like it, It has nice melodies, but I was expecting a 'climax¡' during the song. It never came. 5.9/10

    Bleed It Out : It's , the weirdest LP song. It has a lot of elements there, I lik the rap, and when chester's voice is more aggresive its very cool. Very good song . 6.5/10

    Shadow Of the Day : Very nice song. Melodies are just beautiful. I liked it a lot . 7/10

    What I've Done : We all know this song. It hasnt anything special, but its a good song. 6.5/11

    Hands Held High : Fort Minor? .No .... I think this song could be better .... 5.5/10

    No More Sorrow : Epic song. One of my favorites. From Intro to the end its just amazing. 9.5/10

    Valentine's Day : I didnt like it too much ... it seems like something is missing on the song .. more melodie changes maybe .. I liked the final part. 5.5/10

    In Between : Big dissapointment. This just was just the same boring thing all the time. Nothing special .. very bad song. I'm sure some of those 150 demos written were better than this song. 3.5/10

    In Pieces : Amazing ! It impressed me. I wasnt expecting a song like this .... It has a very cool guitar rythm , and the solo sounds amazing ! One of the best songs. 8.5/10

    The Little Things Give You Away : Get song. Very well done. Nice harmonies and arrangements. It's just a track to sit down,. think ... enjoy ... amazing. 9.5/10

    The whol album was cool ... I know its too soft in some way, but there are some awesome songs there. I'm doing this review just with listening the album 3 times .. so .. it probably keep growing up on me
    Minutes To Midnght = 8.5/10
  11. #31
    Pinkin Lark

    Pinkin Lark Prince of Persia.

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I've been listening to this album on repeat since I got it last night and it has gotten better the more I have listened to it. But this album is still far from what I think Linkin Park is capable of, because I know they can do a lot better than this album.
  12. #32
    El Muerto

    El Muerto LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    I'm gonna spare you reading what I think of each song as a whole lot of people wrote their reviews already and I'm just gonna rate them :)

    Wake : 8/10
    Given Up : 7/10
    Leave Out All the Rest : 6/10
    Bleed It Out : 10/10
    Shadow Of the Day : 5/10
    What I've Done : 8/10
    Hands Held High : 10/10
    No More Sorrow : 8/10
    Valentine's Day : 10/10
    In Between : 6/10
    In Pieces : 8/10
    The Little Things Give You Away : 8/10

    Overall: 8/10, pretty decent imo.
  13. #33

    Cale. Banned

    Jan 20, 2005
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    The entire album lacks edge bar a couple of tracks.

    Reminds me of the latest Lost Prophets effort in comparison to Start Something.
  14. #34

    Koala New Member

    May 5, 2007
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    MTM proves this: "If it ain't broken, don't fix it".

    To me this album sounds like a demo-tape of a young band: "listen to all these different styles that we can play: punk, ballads, synth-pop, hiphop... please give us a record deal!"

    I feel confused and dissapointed. To me linkin park on their previous albums had this unique and full sound that felt like it had been worked and worked with 'till it was perfect. MTM feels like it has been left half-done. i don't like the raw and classical sound. Changing and experimenting isn't bad, i enjoyed collision course, FM and the remixes cos they all had a lp twist, but to me MTM doesn't feel like lp at all. it sounds too cheap.

    i will give it a chance to grow on me though, and i'll need to listen it in full cd-quality but at the moment it doesn't feel worth buying.
  15. #35
    Mr. Benzedrine

    Mr. Benzedrine Rock the 40 Oz

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I cant beleive im pretty much the only one who hates 'The little things..' Its an incredibly boring track IMO..nothing to it at all.
  16. #36

    maccadaspacka New Member

    May 4, 2007
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    I really don't think it's that good at all
  17. #37
    El Muerto

    El Muerto LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    The last three minutes are the best part of the song
  18. #38

    Klootzak Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    They should've made an EP in stead of an album.

    Minutes to Midnight EP:
    01. Wake
    02. Given Up
    03. Bleed it Out
    04. What I've Done
    06. Hands Held High
    07. No More Sorrow
    08. The Little Things Give You Away
  19. #39

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Well unfortunately, LP listened to the fans who got tired of their 'signature sound.' I'm sure you've heard people talking about 'Hybrid Theory Part 2' aka 'Meteora.' And if LP were to put out an album in the vein of those two, critics and fans alike would be calling them a one trick pony.

    After a few more listens through, my opinion has changed.

    At first I was critical of Bleed It Out and In Between. Now I love basically all the tracks with the exception of Shadows of the Day and Valentine's Day.

    Um, the beginning of In Pieces has a chord progression similar to the beginning of Into The Void?

    Oh, and for clarification on my opinion of the record right now:

    Ranking of Studio Albums by LP:
    1. Hybrid Theory
    2. Minutes To Midnight
    3. Meteora
    Last edited: May 5, 2007
  20. #40

    LPLifeFan Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    I'll have to tell you guys my opinion after I get it in the mail. I'm not going to download it now.

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