After an honest listen...thoughts?

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by Pinkin Lark, May 4, 2007.

  1. #1
    Pinkin Lark

    Pinkin Lark Prince of Persia.

    Feb 13, 2003
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    This is my opinion on the album, what's everyone else's?

    My taste in music has vastly changed since Meteora was released, so this first listen was interesting. This album is Pop Rock with a Linkin Park twist IMO. They did change their style, in some postive ways and some negative ways. What got to me was that they went ballad crazy, more than I ever thought they would do on an album. That hurt the album for me personally, its the softest Linkin Park has sounded (I was expecting more raw, harder songs). Also, the lack of Joe Hahn to me was disappointing, more DJ/Electronic would've benefited the album. But other than that...I liked how melodic they have gotten with their sound. What really stood out to me was Mike's rapping, anytime he rapped on this album, it was one of my favorite parts of the album. Fort Minor really helped him in his lyrics and his flow. My favorite track off the album so far is 'In Pieces', this to me was one of those 'Breaking the Habit' type songs where they show how creative they can get.
  2. #2

    Fox Love & Trolls LPA Super Member

    Jan 3, 2007
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    I wouldn't give my hopes up for another nu-metal album in the future.. but even if they do go back to their previous sound (which I doubt), it wouldn't work for them anymore... They sound good, and of course is strange becuase we are not used to it.. but I really like it.

    This record is something personal. We are not talking about the same guys we started listening to 8 years ago... They have changed, grown and now they just have learned how to express their feelings with different music...
    We all know that some point form now on, these guys can get into real rock, and I mean harder... but yeah...

    MTM is amazing for now... ^_^
  3. #3

    maccadaspacka New Member

    May 4, 2007
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    It's vastly different but it's much more mature, and that reflects how many of the Linkin Park fans are now as well... we've all grown up in these 5 years or so.
  4. #4

    Joeykat Forever watching...

    Aug 28, 2006
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    I agree it is much more mature. The people on the torrent sites are all flaming the album, but I am like, they have matured and they are experimenting with ways to express their feelings now. Nu-metal is not dead, it is just being done in a different way :p
  5. #5
    Mr. Benzedrine

    Mr. Benzedrine Rock the 40 Oz

    Feb 20, 2004
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    'Leave Out All the Rest' is the best song on the album..Im so dissapointed with 'The Little Things Give You Away' I was so bored listening to it, There is a couple more standout tracks, 'Given up' is a great song along with 'Shadow of The Day'..all in all its a good summer album i think.

    'Bleed It Out' showcases the power of Mike's rapping skills perfectly..but at the same time i think that's one of the weakest songs on the album

    I'd give the album 7/10 because when it gets going its pretty epic..but there are some times where it slows down for me..and it sounds lazy in places.
  6. #6

    Klootzak Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Wake: It's an intro. Nothing special. 2/5

    Given Up: I really like the bridge but I'm not a big fan of the punky sound of the song. 3/5

    Leave Out All the Rest: Sounds a bit like the emo songs my little sister listens but without annoying vocals and with better instrumentation. 3/5

    Bleed it Out: Mike's raps sound different than on the former albums. I like that. The song is a bit repetitive, though. 3.5/5

    Shadow of the Day: Another slow song. Boring. 2/5

    What I've Done: Only song on the record where we can hear they have a DJ. I don't think this is the worst song on the record as I heard many people say. 3.5/5

    Hands Held High: MIIIIIKE!!! Really like the end of the song but the chorus is a bit boring. 3.5/5

    No More Sorrow: Pure awesomeness! 4/5

    Valentine's Day: Slow again. Sounds like this could be a single but I don't like it. 1/5

    In Between: I didn't knew Mike could sing that well. 3/5

    In Pieces: The music sounds a bit like a ska or a regae song. I don't really know what to think about this. I have mixed feelings about this song. 2.5/5

    The Little Things Give You Away: Chester singing high notes. That's new. I also never imagined LP writing a long and slow song that doesn't sound too long. I wonder if Rob will play all the drums on this song live or let Joe sample it. Best song on the album. 5/5

    Was it necessary to totally get rid of the nu-metal sound, LP? I can imagine why there isn't that much rap on the album. Mike has a lot of other things to do. But why is Mr. Hahn almost completely gone on this record?

    This reminds me of the song 'Step Up':
    "And a DJ in the group just for credibility"

    My wishlist for the next album:
    - More electronica
    - More rap
    - Less ballads
    Maybe a co-production with Trent Reznor and Saul Williams?
  7. #7

    lparks41 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2005
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    I'm listening to all of them in full length right now. OMFG "In Pieces" is easily the best song on the album for me, It's so euphoric. I love some of the tracks like In Pieces, No More Sorrow, Hands Held High, What I've Done, some of the tracks are ok like Bleed it Out and Given Up, but I'd have to say Leave out all the rest, it sounds emo and this is the only song I'm not a fan of right now...

    But "In Pieces"! Holy shit!!!
  8. #8

    webz New Member

    May 4, 2007
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    leave out all the rest is the best song for me and here are the lyrics..correct me if im wrong:

    I dreamed I was missing
    You were so scared
    But no one would listen
    'Cause no one else cares
    After my dreaming
    I woke with this fear
    What am I leaving?
    When I'm done here
    So if you're asking me I want you to know

    When my time comes
    Forget the one that I've done
    Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
    And don't resent me
    And when you're feeling empty
    Keep me in your memory
    Leave out all the rest
    Leave out all the rest

    Don't be afraid
    I've taken my bail
    I've shed when I'm near
    I'm struggling to surface
    Not all the way through
    I've never been perfect
    But neither have you
    So if you're asking me I want you to know

    When my time comes
    Forget the one that I've done
    Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
    Don't resent me
    And when you're feeling empty
    Keep me in your memory
    Leave out all the rest
    Leave out all the rest

    Forgetting all the hurt inside
    You've learned to have so well
    Pretending someone else can come and save me
    From myself
    I can't be who you are

    When my time comes
    Forget the one that I've done
    Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
    Don't resent me
    And when you're feeling empty
    Keep me in your memory
    Leave out all the rest
    Leave out all the rest

    Forgetting all the hurt inside
    You've learned to have so well
    Pretending someone else can come and save me
    From myself
    I can't be who you are
    I can't be who you are

    also on:

    Now my comment on the album..

    Its a masterpiece! Now let me explain..

    Im a big LP fan.. and always was..
    LP is the first rock/nu-metal band I began to like.. and I loved em.. HT was so original, when u hear it..u say THATS LP!
    LP helped me to get into the rock/metal scene.. I began to listen from Metallica, Slayer, Pantera, Dream Theatre, Dimmu Borgir, Tankard, In Flames, Megadeath, RHCP, Disturbed to Incubus, Audioslave, Placebo, Nirvana and so many other bands.. no matter if they were Death/Black/nu-metal or punk or soft rock or alternative rock.. Im an alrounder now.. I have grown like LP did.. and MTM includes all types of songs.. from rock balades like shadow of the day, valentines day to rock/alternative songs like leave out all the rest to heavy songs like no more sorrow (sounds like metallicas - Am I evil?)or very have tracks like Given up (my second favorite)..
    Little thigs give you away is just great.. the solo is beautifull like on some other songs.. Rob has grown and learnt much.. his riffs are sounding much better on MTM.. Mike sings good.. and Chester always had a great voice..on MTM its even better! MTM lyrics are great and there is no bad song..

    so stop blaming LP.. and grow up.. its a great album.. 4.5/5
  9. #9

    christian_j Member

    May 4, 2007
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    I love it. Its a really beautiful album. I just wish they had balanced it out a bit more by say adding 3 more heavier tracks to it. I like the pop songs on the album but its full of them. I like pop and i like rock, but i like rock more.
  10. #10

    Importskyline22 LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Sep 20, 2006
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    Corrected them on the songlyrics page ;)
  11. #11

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    After an honest listen... the beginning of Shadow of the Day is EXACTLY like With or Without You.

    Of course, it's just the beat, but hey.
  12. #12

    cyanide02 New Member

    May 4, 2007
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    Well my honest opinion on the album is its a pile of shit. i'm gutted my favourite band of all time have come to this. leave out all the rest sounds like a boyband song, sit on a stool with the mic for the verse then stand up for the chorus for all the girls to scream. i think the lyrics are amazing, a bit depressing but great none the less. i just dont see why they have come to such a weak end (im guessing this will be the end to linkin park) the real linkin park is dead.

    At least now i get the lyrics to what i've done 'cross out what i've become' yes they really should.

    I was expecting the album to be more like given up, im sure i'll grow to love it but im just really dissapointed. i've waited so long, got so excited, to realise my favourite band have turned into just another emo band. :(
  13. #13

    imwhoim01 Active Member

    May 1, 2007
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    Exactly. That was even evident in those 30sec preview clips. I don't mind that hovewer, I like what LP has turned into, and yet they managed to retain a part of the old sound IMO.
    And the composition of the album is another thing I like; hard song, soft song, hard song, soft song... and a few soft song songs at the end of the album. Although I wouldn't mind hearing a couple more heavier songs, but that's just me:lol:
  14. #14

    shockwave Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2007
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    its a beautiful album...though much its much softer i feel it shows their maturity. loving pretty much all the song on here.

    they've done a great job with this album
  15. #15
    Robot Man

    Robot Man Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2006
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    My review:

    I really like it. It's a great way to start the album. I like how it gets louder as it goes along, and it gets even better when the drums come into play. 4/5

    -Given Up-
    Nice punk-rock style song. The bass guitar really shows, and I enjoy rocking my head back and forth to it over and over. 4/5

    -Leave Out All The Rest-
    Amazing. It gets better and better every time I listen to it. I love the lyrics, and the way chester sings. 5/5

    -Bleed It Out-
    It may be short and a little repetitive, but it's another song that gets me pumped up. 3.5/5

    -Shadow of the Day-
    You can definitely hear the U2 influence in the song, but it's definitely nice. 4/5

    -What I've Done-
    I've liked this song since I first heard it. It has that creepy piano intro with the nice guitar sound during the chorus. 3.5/5

    -Hands Held High-
    One of Mike's best raps to date. The marching band drums are a nice addition to the song, along with the choir in the background. 5/5

    -No More Sorrow-
    Great political song, with an eerie guitar sound at the beginning, and cool drums to make it even better than it already is. My favorite song on Minutes To Midnight. 5/5

    -Valentine's Day-
    Another awesome song. I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I do. Some good lyrics from Chester. 4/5

    -In Between-
    I had to listen to this a few times before I started to like it. Sure, Mike's singing is far from the greatest, but I think he gets his points across. 3/5

    -In Pieces-
    I really didn't like it at first, but it grew on me, especially with the wicked guitar solo from Brad near the end. 3.5/5

    -The Little Things Give You Away-
    A very nice way to end the album. Another great guitar solo from Brad. I like the ending the most, where Mike and Chester overlap each other. It just sounds so perfect. 5/5

    I was afraid of listening to this album, not because it leaked, but because I knew there was going to be a BIG change in their sound. Not many bands can pull off such a drastic change, but somehow, LP have managed to do so, while sounding great. 4.5/5 for the entire album.
  16. #16
    Pinkin Lark

    Pinkin Lark Prince of Persia.

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Bingo, I was not expecting this emo boy band sound from Linkin Park. I like the way you think Cyanide, we're on the same page.

    And I realize that they have all matured, but the slow songs sound like they are aimed for little girls to wet themselves. Like Cyanade said, I'll grow to like it, but it was disappointing.
    Last edited: May 4, 2007
  17. #17

    lpassailant Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2004
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    Hybrid Theory: 5/5
    Meteora: 4/5
    Minutes To Midnight: 3/5

    There's NO Mr. Hahn... there needs to be significantly more Dj Tech.

    Alot of soft singing, only a few songs capture the rage that made LP who they are in the first place.

    Too mellow. LP was quick, sharp rhymes with blaring loud guitars and a melodic chorus.

    Still good music, still a good band, but they lost all their flavor, they are bland now. A couple softer songs balance a harder record, but I think overall, they are moving in the wrong direction. Like the album though... :)
  18. #18

    Importskyline22 LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Sep 20, 2006
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    ITs all starting to grow on me. Its a nice break from all the madness rocking. If you put this cd in a shuffle with the rest of there cd's you will see.
  19. #19
    Pinkin Lark

    Pinkin Lark Prince of Persia.

    Feb 13, 2003
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    They sound like just another band on some of these songs, which is painful.
  20. #20

    king_totakeke Member

    Apr 7, 2007
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    I was scared to hear this album. Now I'm not. I think that it was amazing...not just to suck up. The lyrics have evolved (for the most part...*cough*given up*cough*) and they sound older. Everybody was f'd up when Nine Inch Nails put out the Downward Spiral, but look at them, still an amazing band. MTM just about accomplishes blurring the line between the old and new LP. My favorite songs on the album are "No More Sorrow," then "Hands Held High." While they were all good, those made me feel the best out of them all. On the flipside though, I am slightly disappointed at the lack of Mike rapping and Joe doing his thing. There could have also been some more heavy tracks...QWERTY would have worked wonders...but at the end of the day, I give the album an 8.5/10. Very good, but lacking a tiny bit.

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