OOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKK......what realllllly reallly reallly gets on my nerves about this message borad is that sometimes yall close topics that are really really good that i kno alot of people have things to say about...i dont really think that is kind of annoys me because i want to get my voice out there on the certain topic as well...for example.. like the BREAKING THE HABIT:SUICIDE NOTE topic thingy...i really really wanted to say somethin about but couldnt becase it was closed..after not many replys...and another one about METEORA songs sounding like HYBIRD THEORY songs...yall closed that one also with not many replys as well..and i kno alot of people had something to say about that topic as well....well guys dont get me WRONG i love this message board i think it is one of the best LP message boards out right now...i dont think it is fair to close LP topics that are really good that alot of people can say stuff about....laters
Yes, your right a lot of people have things to say, but when one of those people gets out of hand, we have no choice, but to close the topic and warn the person. I promise you, unless the topic has no use or has already been made, it will not be closed And if a topic is closed your welcome to open another just like w/ the tribute albums
a lot of times forums close for good reasons. your second one: the hybrid theory/meteora similarities? it had nothing to do with the number of replies, but because of what people were suggesting. the moderators know what they're doing.
Well, you have to realize that after a post gets too long, nobody even bothers to read it anymore, so it's just pointless posting stuff... And don't question the mods, they do what they see fit and that works for the rest of us so it should work for you...
Neil. I salute you Ok...I reckon this should be closed now...if anyone wants it re-opened...just PM me and give a valid reason and I just might... either that or someone else from staff will open it *Ping!* Ha...I just realised that this thread was about topics being closed to..oh the irony!!!