Hello all of you newcomers, and long time lurkers who have recently decided to join our forums! Derek from The Linkin Park Association here! I just want to take the time to personally thank all of you for joining our boards, and partaking in all of the fun and exciting discussions we've had concerning Linkin Park's upcoming fifth studio album and first new album single "Burn It Down". This album release period has proven to be one of our busiest to date, going toe to toe with the traffic we received during A Thousand Suns, whilst even setting new records in regards to view/post counts for our news threads. It's proven to be a very exciting time, and we're so thankful to have you all be a part of the discussion and activity. Over 300 members have joined in the last month, and we are happy to have every one of you be a part of what makes this website so special! Being in our 10th year as a Linkin Park fansite (open since early 2002), we are dedicated to giving you guys the best fansite for everything Linkin Park, as well as a great community for you guys to talk about everything from LP, to the Ridiculously Photogenic Guy, ragecomics, current memes or whatever else floats your boat. Feel free to check out our gallery which has over 10,000 pictures...or our awesome Music section (located under "Music" in our menu) which tells you all you need to know about Linkin Park's past, present and future releases. And while you're here, while not learn more about our staff by going to the Behind The Site section, and show your support for the site by purchasing an LPAssociation shirt in our official store? We hope you enjoy your stay, and please if you have any questions or suggestions on how to make this site better...please PM me or one of the staff on these boards. We are eager to have your opinions, and are happy to be your #1 choice for Linkin Park news, media and information! Thanks everyone! Follow The LPA On Social Media: http://www.facebook.com/LPAssociation http://twitter.com/lpassociation http://www.youtube.com/user/LPAssociationdotcom
I think the funny thing is there was actually a user on here that had the name The Catalyst shortly after the ATS cycle began. S/he has since changed her/his name and I've completely forgotten who that is now.
There was? Whoops, i just liked the name and I thought that ATS was one of their strongest albums, but I still love their old stuff too! , I love everything LP bring out..
Hello ^^ I'm Monick and it's a big pleasure to be here. Thank you for the warm welcome! *bows* Although I've known Linkin Park for a long time, joining fansites was never my option and I don't know why. I kept my Linkin Park thoughts for myself. Lol Well TBH, I'm shitless scared to join since I'm shy to talk to other people with the same interest (like Linkin Park). Whenever I look at some fansites for Linkin Park like you guys I just sigh and get tensed and like "I want to join too but I don't know if they'll welcome me." BUT HERE I AM!
Hi im a newbie here, its good to join a site that has awsome interests, none of you will be......VICTIMIZED VICTIMIZED NEVER AGAIN VICTIMIZED! you can call me LinkingParks
Thanks Derek, and ^^Dementia. Anyways I've been lurking around these forums ever since I stumbled upon them around the announcement of BID and I just wanted to say it's awesome to be able to discuss LP in-depth because I haven't met anybody who's really into them like I am. Btw the site looks really professional too.