A Thousand Suns Leaked

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, Sep 7, 2010.

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  1. The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    It wasn't even out in the US when you first listened to it, soo. :p
  2. Joeverflow

    Joeverflow It's all the same to me LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    More kids probably like Linkin Park than kids like Kanye, that's probably the answer, haha. Unfortunately mature Linkin Park fans get overshadowed by teenies and give a bad representation of the actual fan base.
  3. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Case in point: Look at LPMB and look at the LPA forums.
  4. Joeverflow

    Joeverflow It's all the same to me LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    Look at people like Minus, Casey, Jesse, Keaton and many others on this board. They all have a diverse range in music and listen to a number of genres, and whether or not they like the album doesn't matter, what counts is they give it a chance. They can listen to it and they can understand it. It's redundant whether or not they like the result because the key factor is they can constructively articulate how they feel about it. Rather than just labelling it as "shit" or "good". Even if they are not fans of Linkin Park, they're fans of music, and I think that makes all the difference in how they come across. Really, in conclusion, it's unfortunate that it's these "fans" that get overlooked and instead, we're left with the pre-conception of being "nu-metal kids" who like angsty teen rock music, when in reality, it's the complete opposite.
  5. Theazninvasion68

    Theazninvasion68 It's like blood to a vampire, our tragic desire. LPA Super VIP

    Nov 9, 2004
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    Goes to show that you've got to give things a shot and make your own decision, and not others make a deciding call for you regarding music.
  6. Dev-Meister

    Dev-Meister Member

    Sep 8, 2010
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    I have been listening to the album non-stop since yesterday ands here's my final ratings.

    The Interludes- At first i thought, 'wtf, too many!' but if you listen to the album from start to finish without interruptions, they really fit in with the aura of the album.
    Burning In The Skies- Great start to the album. I can totally imagine this being a mainstream hit on the radio. 8.5/10
    When They Come For Me- As much as i would like to like this song, i think it would be better off in a Fort Minor album. Not on a LP record. 6/10
    Robot Boy- Decent track. You cannot go wrong with a track like this. Another radio hit I'd imagine. Reminds me a tad of Shadow Of The Day. 7.5/10
    Waiting For The End- This song really stood out to me, the reggae/rock/hip hop fusion really clicked. Chester's chorus is beautiful. 9/10
    Blackout- This song live can make an entire concert. Mike comes in around the 3:00 mark and him and Chester duet to end if beautifully. 8.5/10
    Wretches & Kings- YES! Brilliant track. Enough said. 9/10
    Iridescent- I do like this song and the lyrics, but its a tad clichéd. Sounded like something Plain White T's would make. Regardless, emotional and touching song. 8/10
    The Catalyst- I was not a fan of this song when it first came out. And i have never been happier to be so wrong before. This song is a grower. 9/10
    The Messenger- Possibly the worst track on the album. It really sounds like a unknown alternative rock band made. This album deserved to end on a better note. 4/10

    Overall, i don't give a darn about the critics; this album is a solid 8/10. I was one of the few who liked M2M, and that too grew on people over time. 'Shadow Of The Day', 'Leave Out All The Rest', 'What I've Done', 'No More Sorrow' (played live) were such hits. I think this will be the same.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
  7. ChuckCheese

    ChuckCheese Did somebody order some cheese? LPA VIP

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Cannot get ENOUGH of this damn album!
  8. iNuBBiN

    iNuBBiN Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    Hey you cant be a true fan until you criticize the band for things you dont like about them
  9. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    The way I see it, all the nu-metal kids whining for the old days should take some advice from Mike in When They Come For Me:

  10. blank_space

    blank_space Member

    Jul 16, 2006
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    Ok so to start off with I'll give you a little background to where I'm coming from.

    I'm almost 20 years old and have liked Linkin park ever since I heard "In the end" on the radio for the first time(back in 2000-2001 I believe). Meteora was the record that changed everything for me. I was literally so obsessed with that record that I didn't listen to any thing else especially any other band because I thought Meteora was the epitome of music(looking back at it it's quite hilarious :D) . I just felt this awesome feeling while listening to it and idk it was kind of magical for me.

    I eventually started spanning out into other LP stuff such as Hybrid Theory, Reanimation, and I downloaded every remix/b-side/live song I could find on the internet. Linkin Park was my life. During all of that though around 2005 I started getting into other music. When M2M came out I was pretty shocked and only liked about half of the songs on it, but then the rest of the songs eventually grew on me.

    Wow I kinda rambled a lot there :rolleyes: Anyways just to give you an idea of what music I listen to these days, here is a few bands I really enjoy: Dream Theater, Lamb of God, All That Remains, A7X, Johnny Cash, Muse, Papa Roach, SOAD, Dax Riggs, Opeth, Radiohead, and Shiny Toy Guns just to name a few.

    Oh and here's a list of my favorite LP tracks: Carousel(demo version), High Voltage(live LPU 2.0), With you, Lying from you, Easier to run, Step up, Leave out all the rest, No roads left, qwerty, New Divide, Dedicated, Crawling, OSC, and No more sorrow.

    On to ATS:

    On the first listen I felt the same feeling as I did when I would listen to Meteora back in the day. It felt magical yet unreal at the same time. Now over 8 listens I can say that this is for sure linkin park's best album. All of the songs collectively just create this certain atmosphere that I haven't quite felt on an album before. My favorite song from this album seems to change a lot since they are all so good but today it has been "When They Come For Me". I don't understand the hate towards this song. I find it amazing...especially the ahhhh's. They sonically fit perfectly in the song and the song fits perfectly within the rest of the album for me. And I don't know if anyone else has noticed this but Chester's "oriental" sounding "aaahhhh's" remind me a lot of the beginning of Carousel.

    I think this album is great from front to back(with the exception of The Messenger, but I'll get to that in a sec.) but I think the one moment that really stands out for me is Wisdom, Justice, & Love and Iridescent. I think the transition between the two is amazing and Mike's opening verse in iridescent is absolutely great. The rest of Iridescent also reminds me of No Roads Left in some places.

    If there's anything negative that I could say about this album at this point is that it is too short! I feel that it should have been 5-10 minutes longer(although obviously ATS is a work of art and the LP are the artist's and they can do whatever they feel the art needs so maybe ultimately it works better at this length).

    Also The Messenger, while good, could have been SO much better imo. I think it's a fine way to end the album(stripped down) but I feel it needs to be a bit longer and also I agree with what others have said that it feels sort of forced. I also don't like the guitar chord progression as it is very common and generic.

    I love how they have certain themes in from some of the songs in the interludes like the lines from "The Catalyst" in "The Requiem" and "jornada del muerto" I love the concept of revisiting themes between different songs such as lyrics, riffs, beats, etc. and I hope LP continue to do so and expand this concept in future releases.

    Overall this album gets at least a 9/9.5 for me. And this is coming from a big old school Linkin Park fan. Even though I'm not crazy about every song on M2M I still like that whole album as I do everything else LP have put out.

    That's all for now :D
  11. Spin

    Spin Chaos that defies imagination

    Jul 1, 2010
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    Absolute win.
  12. mrhahn98

    mrhahn98 Member

    May 3, 2007
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    This is like the biggest and most active LP's fan site, alot of people gathers here, so i think that make sense. Also i think the opposite, people on this site love the album alot, very few negative reviews.
  13. tallmarkymark

    tallmarkymark Linkin Park. Circa Survive. My Morning Jacket.

    Aug 1, 2010
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    For some reason, part of the beat in Waiting for the End reminds me like its from a beat out of Leave Out All the Rest Mike Shinoda remix
  14. LP/DBS/FMFreak8908

    LP/DBS/FMFreak8908 Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2009
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    because for some gay reason walmart isnt allowed to sell explicit cds if ya ask me that is fucked up because they are as hell allowed to sell rated R which doesnt make any sense but yeah i wanted to get other at walmart on tuesday so i thought why not buy the album there too..not saying that what u said isnt true but at least ill have both so that i can still play the album around my niece who is only a year old/my younger relatives..so that is why i am intending on getting the censored as well..
  15. Requiem1394

    Requiem1394 Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2007
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    Only one listen in (too much working, gah!), but I enjoyed the album over all. I definitely understand why they bill it as a complete piece as I don't think many of the tracks work on their own. I won't do a track-by-track break down, but my favorite tracks is Waiting for the End. It's the one track on the album that I think truly comes together as a single track. Blackout is really two songs and that works well when listening to the whole album, but feels misplaced on its own. The Messenger is just no good. I really do like Chester's voice, but the song never feels finished. It still seems like a demo to me.

    Going on 10 years of being an LP fan (fanatic for the first 4 years), it's been quite a journey. I certainly would not have expected the band I fell in love with as a 13 year old in a tiny-ass club in Cleveland to sound the way they currently do. 13-year-old me would have hated this album. 23-year-old me is impressed and, more than anything, appreciative that my once favorite band grew up along with me. It may not be a great album to my ears, but my history with the band allows me to respect and admire their evolution even if it doesn't perfectly match my own musical sensibilities a decade later.
  16. The Doctor

    The Doctor I wear a fez now. Fez's are cool. LPA Super Member

    Mar 20, 2003
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  17. atad6

    atad6 New Member

    Jul 20, 2006
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    Ha, I have absolutely nothing to contribute to this heated thread EXCEPT, this album is fucking weird and absolutely I love it for that reason. You can't listen to it picking track to track, it's an EXPERIENCE.
  18. NickelNine

    NickelNine It's the gin talking >>>>> LPA VIP

    Oct 11, 2004
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    I don't think they choose to sell edited albums based on sexual preference. Also, not to be the grammar police, but please proofread read your posts. My eyes crossed halfway through your first sentence.

    I'm glad you are looking out for the children, though
  19. atad6

    atad6 New Member

    Jul 20, 2006
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    Hopefully they'll keep making music after this.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
  20. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    I laid in my bed for over 20 minutes after I finished my first listen of A Thousand Suns. It took that long for the tears of joy to dry up off my face. Then I started listening to it all over again. I had high expectations, but I couldn't predict it would have such a profound effect on me. I thank the band with all of my heart for making something so surreal. They have completely outdone themselves. Bravo.
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