Timespree made a thread similar to this which actually ended up being him trolling around which also resulted in no true discussion. Also, seeing as though today actually is the 6 month mark of ATS's release, I thought it would be interesting to try this thread again. So, what are your final thoughts on the album overall? In your own terms, was it a success? Did it grow on you if it needed growing or did it perhaps lose its value over time? Have you noticed anything that you didn't catch the first few months playing it? How often now do you play the album in its entirety? Discuss.
Still like it, definitely not more but not significantly less either. It's reeeeeeeeeeeeally frontloaded in that pretty much all of what I would say are the better tracks on there are in the first half or so.
Well, the only thing is, that there's only one blackout.. I mean, you can start with blackout and end with blackout and have tracks 1-15 be blackout and then we're talking. No, really, i honestly love it still, I don't care for W&K though.
I have been pretty loud about how The Catalyst is the best song on there. However, that's recently changed to Waiting for the End. With that said, every song is top notch IMO. Except, as Jesse said, Wretches and Kings not so much.
After half a year I still have love for it. Not as much as I did when it first came out, but in it's defense, it has been out for awhile, and music isn't just about Linkin Park, contrary to popular LP fanboy belief. I understand that this album is not meant for everyone, it wasn't meant to be that way. I think some fans kinda take that with extreme offense though to this day, and it almost makes me ashamed to be in the same fanbase. For what it's worth, I believe the album is a success in it's own ways. It broke whatever barriers were left that Linkin Park were bound to, as far as typical song structure, and now I feel that is going to take off and help improve the band even more. As far as listening to it in it's entirety, I don't see myself doing that too often anymore. I do it every once in awhile, but not as much as I used to.
I still enjoy the album to this day. In my terms I felt it was a success for me as a fan. For Linkin park it was a success to them. They made an album that they wanted to do and didn't have to defend it. If you loved it then awesome. If you disliked it then that's fine as well. I have to say some songs had to grow on me. The biggest surprise for some is that I didn't really like "Waiting for The End" at first but I now enjoy the song very much. Lastly just for kicks my top 5 songs off the album since release to the present still stands: Blackout, Burning in the Skies, The Catalyst, Iridecent, and When They Come For Me.
Hopefully in their future work they make more songs that only they can make or likewise dare to make. As cheesy as it sounds, this band does have that talent. Blackout and When They Come For Me were two songs from ATS that I would describe as such. The BITS/Iridescent type of songs are great, but now I feel that they're songs that they should let other bands write.
IZ WANS MOR NUZ METALZ Edit: Actually I think it was a good album, Amazing For LP, But I wouldnt think it could hold its own If it wasn't LPs work. But it would still find its way on my playlist.
This album is still at the top of my list for Linkin Park's best. I honestly can continue to find new details about each song each time I listen to it and the emotions and meaning from my first listen can still be heard after each listen. Funny thing is I honestly don't listened to any of the songs separately but only as a album each time. I've NEVER listened to songs by themselves. Guess it's my safeguard to make sure I don't overlisten.
Strangely, this album didn't need much growing because I liked it from the get-go. I still listen to it like four times a week, which is very very high on my standards.
I'm with you there. Unfortunately since summer ended I haven't had time to listen to it four times a week :/ You're entitled to your opinion, but can I ask why?
6 months later and i still love the album with the passion of a thousand suns. I think the album while not perfect(nothing man-made ever will be and any who says otherwise is delusional) is their best album to date musically as it offers something new from the entity called Linkin Park. When i first heard The Catalyst, i was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed every minute of that piece. Then W&K and i had no idea what to make of it. So i waited for the whole album and listened to it and enjoyed every glorious minute and according to my itunes, 11 songs from ATS is my most played tracks to date with the most played being 186 times excluding all the times i blasted it from beginning to end on my stereo disturbing all the students in my residence hall. The cool things about the album that stood out to me and made it my favourite Linkin Park album to date are: 1. Mike took his singing further on this album than the previous records which is what i'd been expecting from them ever since Meteora. They had to go there eventually and this album was perfect for it. Mike's voice has the quality that suits the verses of Iridescent and Burning In The Skies that Chester's could never capture and i loved that the band harnessed that. 2. Mike and Chester singing together on the same track. Iridescent and the second verse of Waiting for the End blew me away and elevated those songs for me. A thing of beauty. 3. The electronic side of Linkin Park was brought to the forefront and i thought it was done with style. 4. And acoustic stripped back vocal song was done in the form of The Messenger. I was taken back at first at the ferocity and rawness of Chester's performance but after a few listens, i love it and think the song needed to be that way. Although, i wish they added the drum part they play live at the end to the studio track. 5. Jornada Del Muerto. A great interlude that blew me away on the first listen. 6. Wisdom, Justice, and Love. This speech resonates so much with me because i feel that the words will never not be relevant as long as human beings exist on this planet. And i think LP did a great job calling attention to it and adds a layer to Iridescent. I still play the album in its entirety because i am able to understand what Linkin Park intended for each song and the album as a whole. But most importantly, i honestly do enjoy popping it into my stereo and playing it from start to finish. It hasn't gotten old as i never feel like skipping any track and i feel like it ends way too quickly which is both a good and a bad thing. It leaves you wanting more.
THIS. This is the only album (by any artist) so far that I still love it after so long. The number of times I played it in its entirety is more than the number of times I played them individually, and it never gets bored listening.
I barely listen to it and even then never as a complete album. I only listened to it all the way through a handful of times when it first came out. Save for Blackout none of the songs really grew on me. I like what I originally liked from the album and for the most part that is it. I still think Waiting for the End is great. I still think Iridescent is dull. Six months later, not much has changed Was it a success? For Linkin Park. Its a good album, but from from being the be all, end all. I patiently await there next musical offering.
When it first leaked i listened to it about 7 times a day in its entirety without skipping any tracks. yeah, hours , I loved it so much, I still love it. But, I can't listen to it that much right now. But I am going to listen to it right now because I haven't in a while.