BIOGRAPHY The most obvious criticism of A Perfect Circle is that they're not Tool. Anyone who comes to this Maynard James Keenan side project looking for a booster shot of venom to tide them over until the next Tool album will begin to feel the hot flashes and nausea of withdrawal almost immediately. Not surprisingly, "Judith," the most Tool-sounding song on Mer de Noms, was also the first to be promoted, but don't be misled -- A Perfect Circle are much closer in sensibility to the Smashing Pumpkins than Tool. Songs such as "The Hollow" and "Thinking of You" show Keenan to be capable of sensitivity, longing, even instances of vulnerability. His sinuous voice still sneers on occasion, but is more inclined to coil gently or soar ecstatically. On "Orestes" he sounds like a man liberated, however briefly, from a defeated world. Even without the presence of strings (!) and the gorgeous textures achieved by vocal overdubbing, there's something phenomenal happening here that fans won't find on a Tool album. This is someone's attempt to rescue a little sweetness and light from an encroaching darkness -- and it's an attempt that succeeds over and over again. Some of their influences include Nine Inch Nails, Jane's Addiction, Smashing Pumpkins and Tool.
I like the older stuff that went along with The Outsider (Don't remember the album names) but Emotive was crap. Too many long song names trying to sound too meaningful in name and song.
Huh? The only song titles that are over four words long are "Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm of War Drums" and "(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace Love and Understanding". The second song, like most songs on the album, is a cover, so he didn't choose the song title. "Passive", "Judith", and "Blue" are my fave APC songs.
eMOTIVE had 3 good songs among many average or simply boring ones, and that comes from an APC fan. Passive, Freedom of Choice and Imagine were, in my opinion, the only songs of the album wich had an interesting beat and structure. I prefer "Pet", from the album Thirteenth Step, to "Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rythm of the War Drums" wich was simply... too messed up. However, even though it doesn't fit the whole APC style, Fiddle and the Drum is amazing. Nice vocal work on that one. That sums it up for eMotive. As for the other albums, well TS is excellent while Mer de Noms may sound somewhat weak.
Here is my opinion: I havent heard all of emotive but I have heard some songs (i cant remember the name something about love) from emotive. I feel in love with them through the dvd Emotion, in which my bro introduced me to em. I feel in love with Imagine, then I got their other songs. I have 2 of their albums: Mer De Noms (french for Sea of Names) and 13th Step. I have Imagine burnt from the net on a seperate cd from a friend. My fav songs (and the best ones) are: > Count Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm of the War Drums > The Outsider > The Noose > Weak and Powerless > Blue >Thinking of You > Judith > The Hollow. I admire them cos they are a unique band, with basically all members coming from different bands, like Twiggy from NIN and Marilyn Manson, and James Iha from Smashing Pumpkins (i think hes hot also). I like them for their variety of stlyes they do. But I don't like Emotive that much. I love passive cos its the soundtrack from my fav movie Constatine. The best music clips are: > Count Bodies Like Sheep to The Rhythm of the War Drums > Weak and Powerless > Passive.
I thought that eMOTIVe was a reasonably good album in its own right. Remember that it is mostly covers of other bands' works, with the exception of "Passive" and "Counting Bodies..." Now, Thirteenth Step was a terrific album in all senses. I loved it the first time I sat down and listened through the whole thing, but my favorite song will always be "The Outsider". "The Nurse Who Loved Me" was a terrific alternate take on a little-known masterpiece by another of my favorite bands (Failure), and, well, the whole album rocked. I haven't gotten Mer de Noms yet, but I will be sure to post my opinions on it when I do.
I don't think APC will be releasing any new material soon seeing as Tool is currently busy recording, or so I hear. I find APC to be an amazing band, some of their songs are a lil too different for my taste but over all they are a really good band and I recomend them for everyone to hear.
lol that's funny. how are you gonna name Smashing Pumpkins, Tool and Nine Inch Nails as your influences when members from those bands make up your band
probably not for a long long time. their record contract ran out so they aren't doing anything right now, Maynard is working with Tool on a new Tool C.D so don't expect an APC album for a year or 2 maybe 3. Also James Iha is getting back with Billy Corgan and Smashing Pumpkins (I think James is still in APC I could be mistaken)
probably not for a long long time. their record contract ran out so they aren't doing anything right now, Maynard is working with Tool on a new Tool C.D so don't expect an APC album for a year or 2 maybe 3. Also James Iha is getting back with Billy Corgan and Smashing Pumpkins (I think James is still in APC I could be mistaken) [/b][/quote] Please don't double post. Use the edit button instead.
I dont think their new album will be out for a while. Cos I know like someone said tool's got a new album coming out and I know that James is thinking going back to Smashing Pumpkins during the APC break.
I like A perfect circle alot. My fav album must be Thirteenth Step. I like all the songs of that cd. It's great. Mer de Noms is a nice album aswell. I only listen to songs of that album when I'm a bit sad and/or when I'm alone. eMOTIVe is my least favorite album. I still like it, but I rather have their own songs then covers.