Slackers, new APC album coming out after 15 years and no one made a thread! Release date - 20/4/2018 Tracklist: 01. EAT THE ELEPHANT 02. DISILLUSIONED 03. CONTRARIAN 04. THE DOOMED 05. SO LONG, AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH 06. TALKTALK 07. BY AND DOWN THE RIVER 08. DELICIOUS 09. DLB 10. HOURGLASS 11. FEATHERS 12. GET THE LEAD OUT 3 songs out so far:
how is there a track listing already if it hasn't been released yet??!!! (maybe i'm just behind the times ) I'm kinda following this, but have clearly been pretty bad with it, but yeah, I'm following via the Smashing Pumpkins' news. Would be cool if SP and APC toured together!
I'm excited for this album. In avoiding the singles for this one so I can make the long wait for this album perfect.
Actually, I don't know what I was thinking. Ohh, the few released tracks makes sense, but I didn't know it was normal to know the WHOLE track list ahead of time. Kinda weird. I know SP has leaked their song titles too, but I've never heard of this before. Hmm! I must be old school or it's kinda new. I dunno!
I forgot to say this earlier, but today I finally listened to Dillusioned. Amazing!! Started listening to TalkTalk, but didn't love it like the former. Doomed?? I think I need to play that one still. Perhaps tomorrow.
Im so excited about "Eat the elephant" because they said it was originally supposed to be a linkin park song?
I really like the style of this new album. Cant say any favorite song right now, need to hear it more often.
It's a great album. I'd give it a 9/10. Really like the vocals in almost every song and the sounds are very consistent and create a good atmosphere as well. Even though this album is more mellow than Mer De Noms, I think it's way better. My standouts would be So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish, TalkTalk, Disillusioned, The Doomed (all fantastic singles), Eat The Elephant, Hourglass (probably my favorite, especially the "Breaks Down To" line that's very sticky) and Feathers. It finishes in a good way, but I wish the vocals there were a bit more expansive.
I wouldn't say the album is bad. I do find it kind of boring. A lot of the tracks feel like they are building to something that just never happens.
I really enjoy the album. But it just doesn't feel like an APC album to me. Slap another band name on it and I think some would like it more. There's just certain expectations of Maynard-fronted bands.
It its very Puscifer in places for sure. However I do really love it. My favorites are: Eat the Elephant (fantastic Low key jazz number) The Doomed (Probably the most profound lyrics MJK has ever written), Hourglass (Weird as hell but that ending has an incredible groove) and Get the Lead out (Very NIN Reznor. Very trip-hop) It'll never top 13th Step for me (but not many albums do). But its a very sold effort. It really improves on multiple listens. Oh and terrific review on Altwire @Derek. Totatly got me even more hyped for the album than I originally was!
I listened to the album in one sitting. It's good, but I need to stream it again to make sure it's worth putting on my phone.
One of the best of the year at this point, still have to listen to some albums from the previous months, but not many or even none will get 9/10 like this one. Just some minor problems in for example the instrumental, which seems a bit bland and the vocals in Delicious and The Contrarian (two of my least favorites) not as consistent. Get The Lead Out is a bit too long, but no other problems I can think of. It has a concept and follows it well all throughout. The choice of singles is quite good, though I think Hourglass could have been one, but 4 singles spoil it enough, I guess (19 minutes of the total 57 or so, more than 30%).