Dear Disrespecters Of LPA, Rather then be immature and harsh, I am going to be professional like many of you claim we are not. Here at the LPA, we want to keep a peaceful community that isnt overrun by people who are rude and hateful to other members. Thus our 3 strike policy. We also do not want people who cannot type legibly or sensibly on these forums, as that can greatly lower the value of the forums and make not only the forums but also the site seem immature. Will may be strict, but he has a job, in which he does a mighty fine job of. It's his responsibility to make sure the forums aren't filled with people like I suggested above and in my opinion it's the right thing for him to act the way he does and I respect him as a admin and moderator. As to the most recent hater "linkinfan42" Your statements against my fellow friends and LPA staff were greatly offensive and for this exact reason you are banned. Go ahead say on LPWorld that you don't like us, but in the same time you will offend the people who DO like us and respect what we provide to the Linkin Park community. I'm quickly noticing LPWorld is a sanctuary for people who hate our guts and that's not the way it should be. We(meaning LPWorld and LPA) would have gotten along fine if they did not steal exclusive content without credit THEN(after becoming friends with them) proceed to ban random members of our staff registered there from their forums for what appears to be no reason at all. Then act like they didn't commit this act when questioned about it. I'm sorry but LPWorld has been rather unprofessional to us many times which is why it was our descision to ultimately remove them from our forums. We do not hate on other sites but when a site such as LPWorld steals from us, disrespects our staff members after we were at peace AND claims its thier mission to be "better then LPA" in a cocky attitude, it's highly unproffessional and not the way situations like this should be handled. Upon NICELY suggesting they had taken our news a few months back, Ent had this to say: dHOP NhS cws: You know, we're not going to post news anymore. Because we already have more content than you guys, we'll just update our content that we have now. And the news that we post, we'll work harder and find it before you guys do. So, our goal is to be better than lpassociation. dHOP NhS cws: It might take a few months, but we'll work as hard as we can to be better than you. -- Linkin Park sites are not meant to be a competetive game and when it becomes that, that's when things go wrong. The LPA has much love for all the individual fansites out there, and contrary to popular belief do not think we are King. We are lucky and grateful for all the attention we have and we respect everyone who supports our site on a daily basis. Let this be a lesson to people who like to be rude and give sites like this one a bad name, flaming the entire staff won't do anything but make you look bad and immature. I suggest you handle your issues with websites such as this, in a better way in the future. Best Regards, Derek Jonathan Oswald Assistant Webmaster of The Linkin Park Association
well damn derek that was a good post...let me just say this... i used to go to LPworld..and i had heard from some people that the staff here were all idiots and,i came here to check it out and damn was i wrong.believe me ..LP world will never be as awesome as LPA...i professional is it when one of the admins spams up the place like theres no tomorrow,and then hires a girl as a mod just because he has a crush on her??!?!? all i know is..that with staff like this,LPA will continue to be one of the best sites around. LP world will never be better. and i think we all know this,but LPA rocks!!
Thanks for your respect . Whenever we get an email, reply to a LPA related post, or a post in feedback that says we are an awesome site, we always respect it. We take every comment(even the negative ones) with open ears. Only reason we haven't changed the way we do our jobs is if we become very light on our jobs, many troublemaking people are going to be let into our forums thus causing our forums to become a mess. Im sorry that's not what's going to happen here Once again, thanks.
I agree. I noticed lately ever since some type of explosion of some sort, the LP community broke. LP Haters came in, and so did people who ripped the band off. More immaturity was shown in the fans and the older, more mature ones were to suffer. I noticed in my attempt to better my site, people steal what I tried to bring to the public first (for example: the lp commercial screens). I also noticed the jealousy that has grown for the LPA. I admit that I wished that I was as good as the LPA, but I'm not, and I accept that. I don't try to be the number one kick ass site because that's not the point. To be a good website/fansite is make sure your content is 100% yours unless rare. Then you give your source credit. I mean if you don't credit them, then why the hell put it up in the first place? Like I said before, getting things for yourself and sharing them doesn't mean others can take it. It's like stealing a gift you've recieved. Anyways, great letter Derek and it explains alot that I've been trying to say. THERE SHOULD BE NO COMPETITION BETWEEN THE LP FANSITES!!! We're all in this together and it's sadly immature of all who think it's about competition. Just... plainly... sad... I'm sorry to say it, but it's pathetically...sad, lol.
Stop BSing Keaton, you know you have a wicked fansite . Thanks for adding your insight ol' buddy. I swear I wish I had you half the time when trying to prove a point, you got such good input on stuff . Too bad the LPA is closed on staff right now, I'd love to have you on .
lol Derek, you flatter me so . Annyways, hey, I don't need to be part of the LPA to back you guys up . Hell, I'd back you guys up before my own, lol. And I never BS . lol. If you ever need a back-up buddy, you know where to find one .
\m/ You rock. Lol, I gotta be honest, the new look on your site is DEADDD SEXXY. But that flashing banner is throwin me into convulsions lmfao, but the site looks hella wicked, dare I say...more wicked then the LPA? . Haha, being on a LP Fansite is so fun.
lol. It IS fun being on an LP Fansite . And thanks for the comment . But nothing can compare to the LPA B), lol. Edit: Woo.. I can't type .
lol. It IS fun being on an LP Fansite . And thanks for the comment . But nothing can camare to the LPA B), lol. [/b][/quote] Yes nothing can camare to us Hahha I'm just playin.
Well said Derek I don't think there is much that I can add to that . It does sicken me when you put allot of hard work into a site and then people come along and unjustly "rip it" in every sense. My staff are the best people I could have ever hoped to work with and anyone who contradicts there abilities are unfounded. When we started we had no anticipation about numbers of visitors or popularity, we were just happy to be doing what were doing in the hope that people appreciate our work and effort. We don't want to have to deal with selfish and grudging sites that think there going to launch "wars" with us just because people like and enjoy our site, it's the most preposterous thing i've heard in a long time. On a happier note I would like to send out a BIG thank you to all the people who have ever emailed me because it is guarantied that there is always a mention of how much they luv LPA and this is the reason were so dedicated Word Alex Site Admin
They can come on our forums and spam and flame all over the place, they can spread propaganda about us everywhere, but the ending result is: they're immature. Anyone who comes on a site's forums to say how much the site "sucks" because they're jealous, has a life without purpose. Of the most childish things, this has to be the most childish. It's like fighting over which cookie is better by arguing over which one is bigger, in the end it still tastes the same. If LPW think they're better than us, that's very pompous of them, how can you be better than someone if you copy everything they do? I mean, think about it, plaigarism is dumb. I'd like to thank everyone who has visited the site, and who still respects and supports us. Let's let the 7.6 million hits in March do the talking. I'm just afraid that if they keep posting wrong news, such as claiming "Lying From You" was the next single when they had absolutely no proof, people may think we have the same wrong news because they're so used to seeing our news there.