A Lengthy Coming Out

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by Rachel, Dec 11, 2007.

  1. #1

    Rachel look at my horse. LPA Super Member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    This post was initially going to go in Got Something You Want To Let Out, but I figured this needed more background, and I really want feedback on this. Sometimes it feels like some posts are overlooked in the thread for others. I strongly desire feedback from everyone.

    Most importantly, if you are going to judge me and ridicule me, have fun because I am not affected. I believe in the Threefold Law: Any harm done unto others comes back on you three fold. I have no problem with my karma, and certainly have no problem watching you screw yours up. Now...

    Most people have forgotten altogether that yoga was originally a way of spiritual practice in India. Today, it is more focused on as a method of toning your body, which isn't a bad idea, especially for us Americans, considering we are quite possibly the most obese nation. I think we are, actually.

    However, yoga is a way of uniting the spiritual or metaphysical self with the physical body, leading to enlightenment. The yoga most people see is Hatha Yoga, which involved more complex stances in order to obtain the union of spirit and body, and is also used to remove energy blockages, like disease, from both the physical and spiritual bodies.

    Also, most people, when the term Wicca is mentioned, either they think of movies such as Practical Magic, and The Craft and shows like Charmed and Buffy the Vampire Slayer...or they think of black magick and demonology and Satan worshiping and the like.

    I am a practitioner of Wicca, an earth and spirit based religion that hearkens back to the age of Druidism in the Celtic communities. It was created in the 1940s by Gerald Gardener, who happened to be friends with Aleister Crowley. Crowley is given come credit to Wicca, but since he has a Satanic connotation to him nowadays, he is very rarely mentioned in the history of Wicca itself.

    Being able to practice Wicca has given me the strength to search more into the otherworldly, ethereal aspects of the world we live in today. Energy auras, and even otherworldly beings are being more and more focused on as we come to accept that we are not the only ones in the entire world.

    If you ever see me in person, I always have many rings and necklaces on, usually just a necklace with a pentacle and Triple Goddess symbol on the chain, and a Celtic knot on another chain. I am also seen with a rainbow stoned bracelet, known as a Chakra bracelet. It balances my energy centers in these Chakras, because without them balanced, I can get tired or even sick.

    There are no other words for what I am about to say than "I am an energy vampire." No, not vampire in the sense of Hollywood Bela Lugosi cape and shitty Romanian accent, turning into a bat, and only coming out at night. I mean, depending on something in other humans in order to survive in a proper and healthier way.

    Most of you know if you're sick or you're upset, you feel drained and tired and lethargic, and wish that there was some master energy drink to completely make you feel better. Imagine having that sensation every day for as far as you can remember. This is how I feel. I feel weak, and trust me, I have tried every energy drink known to man. Nothing particularly works. Most people don't know this, but caffeine only makes you hyper using the energy you have left. It expends the rest of your energy and then you crash horribly, only worse than you were before.

    Instead, I came across a startling revelation one I had entered my junior year of high school. I had noticed that when I was around my friends, they suddenly would get tired, and if one friend was upset, if I was around them enough, they'd feel better, and I would feel like crap. I was concerned about this, and at the same time, I was really starting to get into Wicca. As I meandered my way through Walden Books one day, I noticed in the New Age section a darkish blue book, with an Ankh and a Scarab on the cover. I recognized the Ankh having just given mine to Jay. I looked at the cover, and there it was. The Psychic Vampire Codex.

    At first I read the book with skepticism. I wasn't exactly sure what to make of the text. Once I read the actual codex, and learned more about the author, Michelle Belanger, I decided to do some investigation.

    I then learned that there are more than just psi vampires. There are sanguinarians, who are the basis of most vampire literature. They drink blood, but not in the sense of draining the body from two holes in the neck. They have willing donors who are tested for blood-born pathogens, and they take at most 2 tablespoons and then are sated until the next time they need to feed. I also have heard of Otherkin, such as Faeries (there's a Faerie in one of the Wicca stores here in Salem, actually) and of course, Therianthropes. Better known as lycans, lukoi, or even werewolves. There are also werelepards, wererats, etc etc etc. I haven't met the other two, but I know a few sanguinarians, a few Fae, and even a couple of lukoi.

    Why am I admitting this to you? Well, to be honest, I was sick of having to keep something so important about the way I live such a secret. I understand that there will be those who don't believe and would like to call bullshit. But remember...I called bullshit too.
  2. #2

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I'm not going to lie, that's the coolest thing in the world.

    I've heard of different people claiming they do this or do that, but none of them actually ever said that it worked. But it seems like it's actually working for you. And I think that's what matters most, that you believe in yourself and whatnot.

    Or maybe I misread. But either way, I don't think anyone here's going to give you any flak. You're a great person, you shouldn't have to hide who you are.
  3. #3

    Rachel look at my horse. LPA Super Member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Thanks so much, I've never heard anyone call it cool, actually.

    It's a trip. I remember Jay was freaking out one night and I touched my hand to his lower back when he was lying down and next thing I know, he's asleep, and I'm fucking wired.

    It's kind of funny, actually. He gets so confused over it sometimes :lol:
  4. #4

    Friskey™ LPA Super Member LPA Addict

    Nov 17, 2004
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    It's really good and healthy that you decided to come out with this. Sure, i'll be honest, it was a little odd and out there when you decided to tell me this, but like Will said and like what you said when you supported me whenever I came out with my big thing, whatever you support and whatever makes you possibly feel better about yourself by telling, it's absolutely fine.

    Will's right, you shouldn't have to hide who you are. I'm really happy that you did this though, and of course I support you. Love you. :]
  5. #5

    Rachel look at my horse. LPA Super Member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Dawwww, love you too :]

    Yeah, you reacted like most people did when I first told you. I was expecting a slight "whoaa" effect. But hey, everyone has their secrets. I'm glad you and I have that bond now of being true to ourselves :]
  6. #6

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    1. I think it's really cool that you've come out with this. It's good to know that some people can still be connected with themselves enough to know that they don't have to conform to what society dictates as 'normal'. Like I always say, live and let live. You choose your own paths.

    2. I actually find the whole Wicca following rather intresting to be honest. I'm not too informed about the whole thing but I now tidbits of it and it sounds like quite a fascinating following with a long branch of history. Being part of a Celtic bloodline, I might study into Wicca and look into the history of it at some point.
  7. #7

    Tim My perversion power is accumulating LPA Super Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    I find the paranormal cool as well, but I can't shake off my skepticism for all things of that nature. Its not that I refuse to believe it, I've just never had any personal experiences to validate things like that. With that said, I'm not going
    to judge somebody for practicing something they, in their hearts, truly believe
    in. At the end of the day, you should do what makes you happy... regardless of how weird or inane others may find it. You seem like a genuinely good person to me, so I feel your beliefs deserve respect. :)
  8. #8
    Misfit Jay

    Misfit Jay I'm down with tippin 40s to your memory. LPA Super Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    I'm happy you finally got this off your chest hun. You know I'll always be supportive for you.
  9. #9
    Messy Marj

    Messy Marj LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Apr 19, 2004
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    I couldn't have said it better myself! :)
  10. #10
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    It's good to let stuff like this out, and not have to hide who you truly are.
    It's good to not let a thing that has such a huge impact on how you live your life each day burden you with secrecy. By the way, do you know what it's called when you just know the emotions, of someone around you? Like if you can sense they are real happy or depressed by not how they look but just know it? Sorry for being off topic just I want to know what it's called..
  11. #11

    Minuszerø ohai LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Empathy I think it is.

    And I agree with Will. That's really cool, and I really respect and admire the fact that you go to great lengths to not hide it. I know a lot of people would probably get freaked out but you just got me interested in Wicca.

    Everything else I have to say everyone has said.
  12. #12

    Christopher Über Member Über Member

    Jun 18, 2005
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    I agree with the rest, it's really interesting and if it makes you happy then you should stick to it.

    Although, I don't believe any of it, it just seems surreal...

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