9/11 Rant

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by User Name, Sep 11, 2003.

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  1. #1
    User Name

    User Name Angry Marines. Always angry, all the time. >:C LPA Super Member

    Jan 18, 2003
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    Anyways, around this time last year, I gave an extremely contreversial opinion on 9/11. The message that I sent last year hasn't changed much, but I feel I haveto warn you.

    If you are easily offended, then I suggest you completely disregard this thread. It's gonna get really ugly, really fast.

    Last year I came out with a message that basically said "Forget about those people and move on already." It's been a year now, so I have had quite a bit of time to grow, both physically, and in my opinion about this.

    What really irks me when it comes to this is how people are "3000 Americans died today." Well, I'd hate to break it to you, but it wasn't just Americans that were killed that day. There were people from other countries that were in there, so to say that Americans were the only ones that died that day is pretty ignorant, if you ask me.

    Thousands of people will die from AIDS in Africa. Today.
    Tens of thousands of people will be killed soley because of their religion, race, and ethenic origin. Today.
    Tens of thousands of people will die from poor health care in developing countries. Today.

    With that said, I have to ask you all: How is 9/11 more important than what is happening as I type this? Simple: It isn't. It's just as important as the tragedies that I have just stated earlier in my post.

    People will die whether you care about them or not. This year my message is to remember those people fondly and keep them close to your heart, but move on in your daily lives. If you think I'm coming off as if I haven't experienced death first-hand, then you don't know jack about me. I've been losing people I cared about for 3 years now. I know what it's like.

    If you aren't going to comment on this post in a calm, constructive manner, then I ask you not to post at all. I respect your opinions when it comes to this issue, now please, respect mine.
  2. #2

    Dedicated LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Jan 18, 2003
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    I think that the reason it was such big news of it was because of the circumstances of the situation...
  3. #3

    Alex Ambient

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I don't think you understand that 9/11 was a unprovoked hostile attack. Where as AIDS is a result of a lack of education.

    And as for "Tens of thousands of people will be killed soley because of their religion, race, and ethenic origin. Today.", didn't we just liberate Iraq and Afghanistan. How many charities in the world are there giving out food and medic aid everyday? Its not like the world is doing nothing about it.

    I could write an essay on this but seen as its just a reply to an uneducated immature slur, I don't see the point.
  4. #4

    Alexis Extremely H! Vltg3

    Jul 21, 2003
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    I do agree with the part about how many people die daily of starvation and aids.... And about the "unprovoked" attack thing...Hmmm...

    Let me think about that. They may have been grossly wrong and it was an absolutely unfathomable thing -- to even imagine how polluted those terrorists' minds were is impossible -- but whatever they were, it was definitely not "unprovoked". I'm not excusing them in the slightest way, believe me(!), but I also think that it was a little wake-up call for the americans and their foreign policies.

    Secondly, such a widespread lack of education about something as simple as a condom that kills so many people daily to me is just as shocking as planes being flown into manhatten office buildings.

    Africa isn't only plagued by AIDs and poverty (they walk 20 miles for dirty water, their kids are dying from easily preventable diseases, they've got no food at all and we buy $10,000 TVs and drive our useless SUVs around spendings thousands of dollars on gas and insurance for vehicles we don't even really need. Starting to see where the resentment is coming from?), they also have huge problems with war.

    Before we complain any more about how terrible and hard our lives are, think about how aweful it must be for the woman whose six kids are dying or dead, whose husband has been taken and tortured by soldiers and how she will probably be stoned to death for resorting to prostitution to try to feed her remaining offspring.

    1. More than 2.8 billion people, close to half the world's population, live on less than the equivalent of $2/day.
    2. More than 1.2 billion people, or about 20 per cent of the world population, "live" on less than the equivalent of $1/day.
    3.South Asia has the largest number of poor people (522 million of whom live on less than the equivalent of $1/day). Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest proportion of people who are poor, with poverty affecting 46.3 per cent or close to half of the regions' population.
    4.Nearly 1 billion people are illiterate; more than 1 billion people do not have access to safe water; some 840 million people go hungry or face food insecurity; about one-third of all children under five suffer from malnutrition.
    5.The estimated cost of providing universal access to basic social services and transfers to alleviate income poverty is $80 billion, which is less than 0.5 per cent of global income. (By comparison, the Iraq war and reconstruction will cost double this!)
    6.The top fifth (20 per cent) of the world's people who live in the highest income countries have access to 86 per cent of world gross domestic product (GDP). The bottom fifth, in the poorest countries, has about one per cent.
    7.The assets of the world's three richest men exceed the combined Gross Domestic Products of the world's 48 poorest countries.

    Whine, whine, whine.

    I sponsor a child with my own money through World Vision. If everybody in the states and Canada did (330 million people!), imagine what a difference that would make?

    In memory of those people who died 9/11, I try my best to help the people who still have a chance fighting other disasters.

    World Vision -- sponsor a child today to help stop world poverty!!!

    The Hunger Site - just click a button and for FREE one of the sponsors will donate food to the Hungry People of the World (it's worth 2 seconds of your time)!

    the UN -- do some research for the cause
  5. #5

    Cal LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Apr 9, 2003
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    the main factor that its such a big deal, is that they were killed for other peoples pleasure
  6. #6
    User Name

    User Name Angry Marines. Always angry, all the time. >:C LPA Super Member

    Jan 18, 2003
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    I perfectly understand what it was and what resulted from it. And yes, it is true that some good came from invading Afganistan and Iraq, but there wasn't enough evidence to invade them.

    That brings me to my next point. Weren't the terrorists from 9/11 from Saudi Arabia? Wouldn't it make more sense to invade SA instead of Afganistan?

    Also, the reason why I brought up those things is because I wanted to show everyone that there are things happening that were in a sense, 'worse' than 9/11.

    I have to say though that it's good to see that there are intelligent people out there, and I appreciate your input, Alex.

    EDIT: I see that other people have posted while I made mine, so I'll make a huge one later on after I get out of school.
  7. #7

    Neil Super Duper Member LPA Super Member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    Cameron, I think you have a point but what you have to realize is that we have become used to the fact that people are dying everywhere all over the world from AIDS and such, but what you have to realize that what was done on 9/11 was a completely unnecessary attack on humanity by a terroristy faction.

    This is why these terrorists need to be stopped. If any of you saw the news lately, Al Queda made another threat and apparently Bin Laden is still alive. Remember when Bush made a promise to all Americans that he would go in and take out Bin Laden? Well he'd better go do it because they need to be stopped ASAP
  8. #8

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    The difference between 9/11 and the previously announced problems in the world is that it was planned out by evil people to kill others. Sure, the daily killing of people from different religions/races was hatched by other terrible people and it is a tragedy, but they're isolated situations whereas 3000 people (24 people from my country) died within an hour of terrorist attacks at the WTC, Pentagon and the downed Pennsylvania plane. AIDS is being battled, Poverty is getting recognition and attention, but these problems will not go away by ignoring this tragedy. I know 9/11 is a one day thing, and the other problems are ongoing things, but forgetting about it will not fix it. No matter how much news coverage is given to the Sept 11 attacks, and all the tribute and remembrance, these problems probably wouldn't get recognition. If this attack hadn't of happened, you can't say that these problems would go away, or even drastically improve.
  9. #9

    Alexis Extremely H! Vltg3

    Jul 21, 2003
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    Poverty is NOT getting recognition, this is what I'm talking about. Roughly 24,000 people will die today of starvation or a related and easily treatable problem and what do they get? Every couple of months or so, the news will air a story that won't even scratch the surface of how terrible this epidemic is and that's it. 9/11 was a significant event in world history, and I'm not saying that we ignore it! I'm just saying that maybe in memory of the people who did die that could also be a step forward, people donate money towards helping other people in the world. Do you know how much money the american goverment has spent hunting down those terrorists? I understand that it's an issue of national safety. I also understand that your first priorty is always your own country, and your own people. But did Bush ever actually uncover any weapons of mass destruction? He found some weapons that pretty much every country has, and a broken people. Good for him. I'm sure his Mama's proud.

    I think that a great way of showing to the rest of the world that the USA is not a self-centered, ignorant country that really does give a damn about the rest of the world would be to develop a little more of a social conscience. I think it's crucial that you do. My american friends sew little canadian flags on their backpacks when they go abroad, because of how little respect they get as Americans.

    Oh, and they're not very isolated.
  10. #10

    LinkinTheory Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2003
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    I think Cameron has a point. But before my ass gets jumped I'm gonna say he said it wrong, in my opinion. Yes, tens of thousands of people die each day because of some bastards out there, but this was for something we haven't even done. And people die from AIDS. But to say that this is not a big deal is to piss on America, and America DOES NOT LIKE TO BE PISSED ON. WE GET PISSED OFF. People die everyday. I think that the people who die for faith are just as important as the 9/11 victims, and people who die of AIDS are victims too. But what you're saying kinda rings out a bit Anti-American, and you've seen how we feel about that. To downplay 9/11, hmm, is just wrong.
  11. #11

    Bryan Guest

    The Saudi Arabia leaders had met with the terrerists before the attacks. They weren't from there though.
  12. #12

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Poverty is NOT getting recognition, this is what I'm talking about. Roughly 24,000 people will die today of starvation or a related and easily treatable problem and what do they get? Every couple of months or so, the news will air a story that won't even scratch the surface of how terrible this epidemic is and that's it. 9/11 was a significant event in world history, and I'm not saying that we ignore it! I'm just saying that maybe in memory of the people who did die that could also be a step forward, people donate money towards helping other people in the world. Do you know how much money the american goverment has spent hunting down those terrorists? I understand that it's an issue of national safety. I also understand that your first priorty is always your own country, and your own people. But did Bush ever actually uncover any weapons of mass destruction? He found some weapons that pretty much every country has, and a broken people. Good for him. I'm sure his Mama's proud.

    I think that a great way of showing to the rest of the world that the USA is not a self-centered, ignorant country that really does give a damn about the rest of the world would be to develop a little more of a social conscience. I think it's crucial that you do. My american friends sew little canadian flags on their backpacks when they go abroad, because of how little respect they get as Americans.

    Oh, and they're not very isolated. [/b][/quote]
    I can see you're really passionate about this so I'm not going to keep talking and start an argument.
  13. #13

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    I don't know about the rest of the world... But here in Hawaii... People got really pissed off and crap after the big 9-11... And to be honest... I think it serves the U.S. right, in some ways--excluding it was a terrorist attack. I'm not trying to sound rude, or anything--hell, bash me, because I have no energy to talk back about any of this. But... I think that the terrorist attack was a sort of smack that hit people hard and woke some of them up. For me, after seeing the planes hit those buildings over and over on the news... I began to notice how happy I am to be alive. I still think that. But I think the U.S. got a little head of itself causing it to let it's guard down... Then boom, out of no where they get attacked and everyone's running around like headless chickens, and from there, down went the economy or whatever. It's like the U.S. was based on these buildings and seeing they're gone... Living in the U.S. seems to be a major pain in the ass. I don't know much about the U.S. and the money, and all that stuff... Because it's very depressing. I mean good lord... It's been two years since the hit and people are still "OMFG!!!"... Personally, it's getting a little stupid on how the world keeps bringing it back into people's memories.

    I've experienced many deaths in my life ranging from when I was just a child (around 5 was the first time). I know how it is to lose someone, but sulking and bitching about it won't get you anywhere... I mean to this day I hear people complaining "Oh my God, I cannot believe the U.S. didn't do anything about this!" or "Oh God, today is 9/11!"... My Science teacher made us stand up and do the pledge of alligence (sp)... Personally I can see you want to show respect, but I cannot take this crap anymore. Is it right to down yourself on this particular day? I mean the way a loved one died is bad, but what are you going to do about it? You can only hope that the U.S. has learned or that the people will figure out other ways to do things. It's probably just me and or some other people that think this, but this is getting stupid. It's been two years since the damn thing happened--You'd think they'd tone down the drama a bit, but it's still this 'big' thing. I say move on because you can't do a damn thing about it anymore. The towers aren't coming back, nor will the people. I know people who break down at this situation, and I understand the heartbreak something like this can cause, but we can't go and hide in a shadow every 9/11 because we don't like the fact something shifted our lives and history... That'd just be like admiting that the terrorists did their job well... They've struck terror into you. I was shocked when I saw it, but you know... there's nothing more we can do right now, so we just have to move on...
  14. #14

    Bryan Guest

    Poverty is NOT getting recognition, this is what I'm talking about. Roughly 24,000 people will die today of starvation or a related and easily treatable problem and what do they get? Every couple of months or so, the news will air a story that won't even scratch the surface of how terrible this epidemic is and that's it. 9/11 was a significant event in world history, and I'm not saying that we ignore it! I'm just saying that maybe in memory of the people who did die that could also be a step forward, people donate money towards helping other people in the world. Do you know how much money the american goverment has spent hunting down those terrorists? I understand that it's an issue of national safety. I also understand that your first priorty is always your own country, and your own people. But did Bush ever actually uncover any weapons of mass destruction? He found some weapons that pretty much every country has, and a broken people. Good for him. I'm sure his Mama's proud.

    I think that a great way of showing to the rest of the world that the USA is not a self-centered, ignorant country that really does give a damn about the rest of the world would be to develop a little more of a social conscience. I think it's crucial that you do. My american friends sew little canadian flags on their backpacks when they go abroad, because of how little respect they get as Americans.

    Oh, and they're not very isolated. [/b][/quote]
    Bush is in charge of the United States. Not to sound like a complete #######, but there is no way in hell he should be dishing out money to other countrys just because they're starving. The only hunger he should be worrying about is the hunger in the US.

    He is going after the terrorists in hope to stop another attack such as chemical's that could harm a whole coast.

    Also: I'm pretty sure they found a few war heads in Iraq.
  15. #15

    Anthony. .Orestes LPA Super VIP

    Aug 25, 2003
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    This is the post with the most intelligent answers I've seen from the moment I signed up.

    Let's analyze the situation


    It was like if the U.S. was protected by an enormus shield. Nothing could hit the U.S. (naivety)

    19 morons hijack planes (human stupidity)

    3,000 people die (tragedy)

    Thousands more loose a family member (sadness)

    Millions are affected by any way (a big mess)

    Medias want news, more news, and more news (greed)

    Mix up and you get nations paralyzed, people that can't belive what happened, so a big event...


    An easy war against Afghanistan. Justified war. Nations united..

    Bush an hero.

    The U.S. a model of proudness.

    A nation slowly coming back to normal.



    War in Iraq. Half justified. Nations divided

    Bush half an hero, half an *******

    The U.S. a model of selfishness.

    The media want news, news, and news.

    More paranoia.


    It's normal to remember what happened on 9/11. 3000 people died, but not because of a sickness. Because of people who decided about other people's destiny. It changed the world. Not of a positive way, but it did. We should remember about the day when the sky came crashing on the world. The day when everyone, everywhere in the world, saw that they were vulnerable. It was a shock. We should remember that we are human beings. Not gods.

    This message is intended to the few people in the U.S. that think they are the world. I know that most of you are not the person I am describing.

    On this day, do not forget people that fought to defend freedom that really belived in it. People that fought for the Allies in World War 1 and 2. People that fought in Bosnia. People that fought in Afghanistan. People that fought in Iraq for a reason. And the people that died on 9/11. Let's remember we are human beings. Let's remember we are equal one to an other. Let's remember to love people around us. Let's bring peace to a trouble world. If possible, answer by words, not bombs. And it begins with the people around you. If you're not able to talk to your neighbor, how can nations do?
  16. #16

    Alexis Extremely H! Vltg3

    Jul 21, 2003
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    Bush is in charge of the United States. Not to sound like a complete #######, but there is no way in hell he should be dishing out money to other countrys just because they're starving. The only hunger he should be worrying about is the hunger in the US.

    He is going after the terrorists in hope to stop another attack such as chemical's that could harm a whole coast.

    Also: I'm pretty sure they found a few war heads in Iraq. [/b][/quote]
    if he's worrying about the hunger in the states, why is he blowing billions on things like the drug war (which has been proven ineffective)? And out of the two sides, which one has used the nuclear bombs? The States, as I remember. Anyways, I wasn't suggesting the goverment "dish out" money, I was meaning every day citizens such as you or me.

    Besides, doesn't the USA have nuclear bombs/warheads? I'm sure that they have explosives that would wipe out a whole country. Why is it that North Korea (or whereve it was) was found to be RUNNING nuclear factories that make bombs and was allowed to pass, yet Iraq was such a pressing matter that so many people had to die to capture Saddam? I was reading the Globe & Mail today and it said that he never actually found really much of anything but some standard missiles and weapons that most countrys possess.
  17. #17

    Derek LPAssociation.com Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    People don't realize that these attacks were never meant to be just PA, The Pentagon and The World Trade Centers. This was meant to be the destruction of an entire nation, had people not been alerted of the attacks in progess it could of very well been much more terrible then it turned out to be.

    First off, the Pennsylvania plane before it was downed by heroic passengers inside was aimed directly at the White House, the center of command in the United States. Had the plane reached its intended target, it would have delivered a huge blow to the united states in terms of Government as they had already completely demolished a section of the Pentagon, that would soon have to be rebuilt in order for operations to return to thier natural balance once again.

    George W. Bush was also in danger as Air Force One was threatened to be attacked by Al-Queda terrorists and thus had to be protected by the military to ensure the protection of the current president of the united states.

    I realize that millions are dying from other forms of epidemics across the globe and that the world seems to be doing nothing about it but you have to realize, the sheer and total disregard for human life in these attacks is what caused so many people to permanetely remember what went on that day. I hate to disappoint many of you but I WILL remember what went on today for many years to come and talk to my kids about it when they read it in the history books.

    May I remind you all that not only American civilians were killed in these attacks? TONS of countries lost their people in these attacks and it's only right that the world remembers it because of that.

    Half of the american AIDS deaths are from unprotected sex so as horrible as this sounds, it is their own fault for not being safe and protecting themselves in the way they should.

    In Africa, AIDS is passed around in a different way then sex but who said we were doing absolutely nothing about it? We are. There are organizations set up in Africa to research AIDS and try to find a cure and many celebrities have helped out in this cause, the most noticable being U2's Bono. You act like we are too busy living our fortunate lives to give a sh*t and I'm sorry, that's not true in the least.

    Poverty is something the world is always going to have to deal with. We can always sponsor children and we can always donate to countries, but somewhere in the earth, someone's still going to be struggling to make ends meet. We can't do a thing about it even if we wish to as we've almost overpopulated this planet. The earth now sits at more then 6 Billion Inhabitants, do you have any clue how many people that is? Do you have even the slightest clue how hard it would be to 'set everyone for life' with that amount of people? You talk like America doesn't do anything to help people and just lets millions die each day from sickness, and various other forms of injustice throughout the globe.

    I'm sorry to everyone who believes America is some over-confident, oil hungry, country that cares only about its own people and economy as we do a lot of help that we NEVER get credit for.

    May I remind you of all the countries we helped out in war that turned their backs on us when we needed help? Exactly. We give a lot but get a lot of disrespect in return.

    The world may be going through poverty, hatred and sickness. But dont even begin to think America hasn't done its part to try and save this from happening.
  18. #18

    dips Banned

    Jun 13, 2003
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    Alright, I'm gonna skip all the bullshit, I skimmed the thread and some of you are just down right stupid, illinformed, and ignorant.

    We never did anything to those countries, if you wanna blame anything, blame the Christians. ^_^

    Yea we are too giving food to those countries we have been for years, all the presidents are and I haven't seen one other country step forth to help in the process.... wow, we're so mean.

    SUV's... get over yourselves people, if someone's gonna want to drive it then so ####### be it! You cannot tell someone what to drive and/or what to not drive, it's a free country! ^_^ Just like you can say whatever you want, I can say whatever I want, and whatever I want to buy and own is my own damned business. Thank you for having an opinion on the subject matter but there's really nothing you can do about it except fight for people to build a better SUV because I'll tell you right now, I've driven one and boy is that a NICE drive. o.o

    As for other crap... eh... gimme something else to debate about, I'm tired and lazy at the present time...

    Oh yes! ^_^ World hunger. You people are so STUPID >.< It's been around for ages, you think back in the middle ages anyone gave two ##### about the starving people? Uh no? Duh. ^_^ Least America is TRYING to help other countries like I stated. Just because we have nice #### doesn't mean we ####### have to share with anything else. It's mine, if I wanna share it I ####### will, which of course I do because I'm just so... nice... like that.... for reasons I don't have to disclose here.

    Now, why don't you kiddies grab a textbook of history, maybe some really good newspapers (not ones that LIE like the LA time, and the New York TIMES!!!!>.<), and maybe a good news station like Fox News or something.... because some of you are just down right stupid.

    Oh crap, yea, the whole drug "war". Spfffffftttt, get real people, drugs are easy to make, and no one really gives a #### anymore. There's now way in hell you'll be able to get rid of them. It's too easy to grow weed and hide it, hence the laws stating we can't bust down someone's door to check if they have something unless we have proof of a call to do so. -.0

    As I've stated.... stupid... stupid..... people.
  19. #19
    User Name

    User Name Angry Marines. Always angry, all the time. >:C LPA Super Member

    Jan 18, 2003
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    dips, if all you are going to do is make disrepectful posts in this thread, then don't post at all. One of my hopes is that this thread would not turn out into an all-out flame war.

    As for the freedom of speech thing: Freedom of Speech doesn't exist on forums.
  20. #20

    Derek LPAssociation.com Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Danielle: I totally agree with everything you just said and I couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you.

    Its been long debated whether 'stupid' is a flame and I have to say I'm on the side that believes it is not. Some mods may disagree, but those are my views, however please find nicer ways to get your point across. You don't want a moderator to ban you because you were a flamer do you?

    Be gentle...treat thee with the kindness. :mellow:
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