Holly shit, I had no idea that's how it's calculated. So that 9.5 quake from 1960.. wow, it's better not even to think about it haha
South America better bunker down, that tsunami is coming for them next apparently. A 7.5 China earthquake killed anywhere between a quarter to three quarters of a million. 9.1 Sumatra earthquake killed 230,000. A 7.8 China earthquake killed 235,500. The 7.0 Haiti earthquake killed 200,000 according to Haiti and anywhere between 25,000-90,000 from other sources. In 1923 a 7.9 earthquake hit Japan and killed 142,000. A 7.3 in Turkmenistan killed 110,000 Compare all that to this 8.9 and there's only 137 causalities so far (with 500 missing, 750 injured), and that's incredible news. I've seen a few blog posts and on Twitter, some people are blaming the US for this, I guess we used a super weapon (HAARP). EDIT: Just saw the news ticker on CNN, 200-300 bodies have been found so far. My bad. Just woke up, I'm kind of behind on this news.
Still a pretty low number, all things considered. That number is from the tsunami, as well, I would wager to bet that most of the injured is from the earthquake, and the deaths/missing is from the tsunami. The 200-300 figure I got earlier was just in one region, apparently, so my bad on that, again. They're still having problems with that nuclear power plant, as well.
I just read that they fixed the problems with the power plant and that everything is OK over there. Yeah, most dead/missing definitely are from the tsunami. The expected death toll is "several thousand", so they probably believe that the majority of the missing people is actually alive but they can not get into touch with them due to the entire infrastructure being annihilated. I think that majority of the buildings in Japan from after the WWII are built to support earthquakes of high magnitudes and that's probably what saved tens of thousands of lives.
Fox News is reporting that the Japanese are deliberately releasing radioactive vapor into the air to ease pressure on that Nuclear power plant. I don't think it's completely safe yet, but it sounds like it's getting there. Still experiencing aftershocks, and yeah, they just confirmed that it's expected to top 1000, which isn't anything surprising (but sad). It's weird, you watch CNN, it's non-stop Japan coverage. Same with MSNBC. HLN is covering Mel Gibson's court case and the iPad 2, and Fox News was talking about something in Georgia or something before they switched back to Japan. Good for you, CNN.
There is also a Tsunami that is or has already happened in Hawaii, west coast of California and maybe in Organ's west coast. I first found out about this this morning on the news. I hope everything recovers also and that people evacuated and are safe from these two weather disasters. Was the earthquake in Japan part of that Tsunami? It happened in the Pacific Ocean.
So what's the news with the tsunami hitting Hawaii and California and other regions around the world? Anything significant? And I have no idea how the death toll is so low. Just in a couple videos you can see tons of houses being swept away. Did they have any warning for this?
I consider myself to be among the people who think something really fucked up is happening to the world right now. In the past few years we've seen increased seismic and volcanic activity world-wide which has devestated entire sections of continents, let alone countries. This for one scares the hell out of me. I can only thank my lucky stars that I live in an area that isn't affected too much by natural disasters. My heart goes out to the Japanese people.
It's all chance. Earthquakes happen every day. They always have. Sometimes they will be felt on land, although most times not. I think it's just been an unlucky couple of years.