If you're talking about young earth creationism it isn't even close. If you just mean that God initiated evolution millions of years ago, the two are compatible but it's still not exactly science. Evolution can be and has been observed. God and creation can't be. There is tangible evidence that evolution has happened. There isn't for creation. It's 100% hypothetical at best. It'd fit into a class that's actually about religion and philosophy and stuff, but saying it should be taught as science is like saying Pythagoras should be taught in English Lit. Two completely different fields.
Where do people get these lies from? He's against anything like that. Here's a question for everyone: Would you rather have no states, 50 states, or 5,000 states?
This is the tricky part. There is one obvious part: we need a brain first. The brain has different parts to it: the part that develops first, correct me if i'm wrong, is the "old brain" parts like the brain stem that moderates basic life functions that a person never has to think about: like telling the heart to pump blood, holding poop inside, and breathing (I bet you are breathing manually now, bwahaha). This isn't the part that makes desires, so we need to look at the other brain parts. Other parts control the individual parts of your body, like squeezing your hand. That's not it either. We need to wait for the part of the brain that makes desires. That, I am not sure we can pinpoint down exactly where yet. Or, at least I don't know. I typically hear people saying it is the spot where the second trimester turns into the third. 20-some odd weeks. Imo, it might be a continuum rather and a discrete thing. However, thanks to the obvious brain requirement, zygotes obviously don't count.
There's no logical reason as to why a kid in New York should be taught different material than a kid in Texas.
just to throw my 2 cents in on the abortion thing, I think there are better ways to get rid of a baby. you can give it up for adaption for example. Though I'm exactly an expert to on the subject nor am I one to say what a woman can and can't do with her body, but it is my opinion that there are more human ways
I think your point is fair but there are reasons that justify abortion. For one it's asking a whole lot for someone to go through the 8 months of pregnancy for a baby they don't even want. Also, not all babies/kids find good families to take care of them when they're sent to a foster home. In general, starting your life as someone who is unwanted is never a good thing.
yes, but at the same time is actually gives the child a shot at life, a shot at something.I feel like its unfair to not even give it a chance because you were careless.
That's what everyone says. Then it happens to you and all of the sudden your views on abortion change. I've heard a first hand story of this happening. If abortion bothers you so much then don't have one (or rather tell your girlfriend/wife/prostitute not to have one).
I feel like, if I were to be consistent, I would have to get pregnant as many times as I can to give the most shots at life. ....and then put them in miserable lives in orphanages. Or, if I were a dude, I would give the most shots at life by having a different prostitute every night. I don't think giving shots at life is a logical thing to aim for. Also, pregnancy is scary and sometimes fatal. Actually, it used to be regularly fatal back before we had decent medicine. Don't forget the burden of the person who is already living before considering the person who doesn't exist yet. I literally see no difference in using a condom and taking the morning after pill. And I think it's less ethical to wait until it becomes a person so they live a lesser life, than if they had tried again later and raised a child in a proper home. I don't believe in creating people willy nilly if you cannot love them and take care of them. The orphans we have today need a home. Use your creation powers responsibly.
Obama ftw!!! recently, dont remember when, but recently, i heard on the local news saying that people like Obama [the president], it doesnt just take a day to "fix" everything in terms of the "mess-ups" that someone else did or even the problems that has been going on that takes time consuming. The fact that Obama are fixing these situations is very good. For instance, here in Missouri, there are a lot more job openings for auto-care' in terms of working in the auto industry. there are dozens of opening jobs for that. I'm not sure if i entirely understood that. all i know is that there are alot of job openings nowadays. If you know about this info. please correct me!!
lol not really what I said. Maybe one night your birth control fails or the condom breaks. Its not fair for the one child to have to die because of it. Having as many kids as possible to give them as many shots at a good life isn't exactly what I said. You accidently get pregnant, its not fair to that child to be punished for it. But like I said I'm no place to say what anybody can and can't do with their life. You wanna do hard drugs, fine doesn't affect me, kinda the same with an abortion, you get one, doesn't affect me so in the end I guess I don't really care but I do feel its unfair
I agree - perhaps the legislators and voters in Texas will realize that there's a problem with their educational system when they fall dead last in education rankings and the resume of anyone who was educated in Texas goes directly into the shredder at HR departments around the world. And it's not fair for the child to grow up in a home where he's not wanted, considered a mistake, and treated like shit by its parents because they weren't financially or emotionally ready for a child. Nor is it fair for it to be raised in the foster care system. Sure, if it gets adopted right at birth, it's probably OK, but not all children get adopted and move from foster home to foster home, have no stability in their life and never have anyone in their life serving as the role of parents.
It's cool that we're talking about abortion, the least important issue of these elections, when our economic and foreign policies are what's going to cause our nation to crumble.
@Todd: I do agree with you that thats not fair either, I guess its just a matter of what you think is more or less fair. Does that make sense? @travz: lol calm down dude, its just a conversation, its not like what we say here is going to change anything. And besides your always talking about the government taking away rights, abortion kinda falls under that subject, and for that reason it is a very important topic
You forgot the end of the story: that unwanted kid has an unexpected baby who goes through the same thing his father did. The cycle repeats. You've been on these forums long enough to know that we've all talked about those issues quite a bit.
***This post was supposed to quote Kathy but I'm too tired to post correctly. Durrrrrrr. I disagree. (a) I don't have enough time to research all the issues. I do like what I've read of Ron Paul but I can't say I'm informed enough about all the other candidates to see if I like any of them better. I don't think it's a good idea to vote for a candidate when you don't know all the specifics. That's how Obama got into office in the first place (IMO of course, I can't say that's fact. It just seemed like a bandwagon thing from my viewpoint. You're allowed to disagree.) (b) I wouldn't say that NOT voting counts as a vote for my least favorite candidate. Not voting counts as me not voting. It's not as if my not voting for someone will automatically trigger someone to vote for the candidate I dislike. It just won't do anything at all. That's kind of the whole point.
Because if you don't vote there's one less vote to counterbalance any votes for the candidate you dislike most. Dat logic.