So that we can get to know each other a little bit better, post 11 random facts about yourself! ====== Me.. 1. I brush my teeth with the water running. 2. I'm around 5'5" (I forgot how to convert to metric system, sorry). 3. I love strawberries. 4. I start school Tuesday. 5. I'm the only girl in my famiy (four brothers). 6. I'm kind of a hermit; I don't like going out much. 7. I share a bunk bed with my younger brother. 8. I only wear silver jewelry (I don't like gold). 9. I don't like using styling products (e.g. hair spray, gel, mousse, etc.) 10. I've went on vacation to Vietnam and Japan before. 11. I don't like talking on the phone.
umm...i dont know if i'll be able to get 11, but oh well.. My names Bryan My life is pretty much riding my bike I'm 15 yrs old I started school today I'm 5'9" I got blonde hair I'm a MOD here, but you already knew that lol thats all i can think of right now
1. My name is Todd. Im sure you never would have guessed 2. I live in St. Louis, MO, USA. It's the hellhole of the US 3. Im 6'1" and like 220 lbs. So yes, I could probably kick your a** if I wanted to 4. I started school last thursday 5. I have brown hair 6. I work at a grocery store. At the self-serve salad bar. Refilling crap and everything. Its easy. Except my manager is a _itch (fill in the missing letter) 7. Im 16 years old 8. I like sleep 9. I cant think of 11 facts
1. i luv mcdonalds 2. i wear contacts 3. butterflies scare the sh*t outta me 4. mah fave pillow is mah 101 dalmations one 5. i always feel like crying when i go to concerts cuz im always getting crushed (i cried at warped) 6. i dont like to wear jeans 8. i used to be obsessed with nsync 9. i like the macaroni at old country buffet 10. i say random stuff a lot 11. i have an oral brand toothbrush
1. My name is KiTo 2. I am MeXiCAn And PROUD 2 BE! 3. I have a Beautiful, HOTT, and GOD DAMN SEXY ASS! Girl named, JeNNiFER... 4. I am an EmCee, for ¤DeLiNKweNT PrODuCTIonS¤ 5. I street race...(Yeah its illegal thats whats fun about it) 6. I have dark brown hair, I am 6*0 ft. and 190 pounds.... 7. I LOVE LP! 8. I wear a SIZE 14 ft. (Is'nt my girl happy? ) 9. I have spikey hair 10. I dont SKATE! at all! Thanks..... and I love my JeNN jEnn ¤KiTo½¤
1.i-have-this-keyboard-problem... 2.i-dont-really-drink-vodka-or-any-other-kinds-of-alcohol... 3.deftones-have-been-one-of-my-favorite-bands-since-96 4.i-have-3-deftones-cds(i-really-want-that-other-rare-one) 5.i-actully-play-guitar-and-not-turntables 6.i-dont-own-a-gun 8.-i-DO-go-to-school 9.i-spammed-alot-to-get-my-custom-title 11.i-think-im-better-than-you
but-isnt-it-so-cool?[/b][/quote] i guess... but look at mine, i got a custom title before i hit 1000!
i guess... but look at mine, i got a custom title before i hit 1000! [/b][/quote] ya-i-know-and-can't-you-change-yours-as-many-times-as-you-like?
ya-i-know-and-can't-you-change-yours-as-many-times-as-you-like?[/b][/quote] i cant change it...only the Admin's can but if i asked...they'd change it probably
1. my name is Micky 2. i'm 15 years old 3. i'm around 5"7' and i'm not gonna tell you my weight becuz it sucks 4. i'm finally in yearbook this year 5. i used to be in LOVE with BSB, now i'm just a *normal* fan 6. my current fave song is "Konstantine" by Something Corporate 7. umm...i have black hair 8. my toothbrush is sexy! j/k, it's just white and red and *cringe* pink 9. i saw xXx -for free- this summer and i LOVED the movie 10. in my whole life, i've only been to 2 concerts, and that was all in this past summer 11. i can't think of an 11th thing...
1. I am Amy 2. I am Evil 3. Scotty (MoJo) is my boyfriend 4. I am 13 5. I turn 14 in like acouple of weeks 6. I love scotty! 7. i am Bored 8. i go to school 9. I have legs 10. i am the most evil person ever 11. i am talking to owen on msn Last edited by EvilAmy at Aug 29 2002, 04:25 PM
1. My name is JeN 2. I Love my Boyfriend KiTo 3. My Bf Has the FINEST ASS EVER..He Is SOOO HOTTTT!! 4. I have brown hair 5. Im Italian 6. i go to school 7. I use colgate toothpaste 8. My shoes are white 9. I love my Bf 10. i want to live in cali w/ my sexy man KiTo.. bored
Umm... 1. My name is David Russell. 2. I'm 16 years old. 3. I live in Southern Ontario in Canada 4. I am 6'4" 5. I have dark brown hair, although it was once blonde (as a toddler) 6. My eyes are green 7. I wear contacts to avoid the glasses cracks 8. I'm a hopeless romantic 9. I work at the library, a computer access building and as a tutor. 10. I'm an Invision Board team member 11. I enjoy music.
awwwwwwww HOW SWEEEEEEETTTTTT THANks BaBY....... I love you too baby....... and nah im not sexy......... .... ¤KiTo½¤
Invision? Alex run! they're onto us! LOL JK Hey welcome 1. I'm an alcohol 2. I like Linkin Park 3. I like drinking alcohol while listeneing to Linkin Park ^^ Another corny joke like me lol ^^ Another corny joke