I just got back from the show... it was amazing. My 12th LP show. I was right in front as always, and got to sing with Chester and Mike singing along in front of me. I got to meet some friends from the LPU community, and the set was cool. For some reason, I got emotional during the breakdown of Given Up, kind of strange. Almost teared up for almost no reason, I'm assuming it's because of the raw emotion and just because I was having a bad day this morning. All the new songs were awesome live, LITE being the best. Chester nailed those screams. Can't wait for Mansfield on Tuesday, then the summit and show on Thursday! Looking forward to seeing Incubus as well. Mutemath was a tad bit boring..
There's no point in trying to start a fight with you cause it seems you really are an immature asshole fuc*ing prick Your immature for calling *METEORA, metejora just because you hate the album that doesnt mean everyone else has to that album helped me through fucked up times in my life, so go f*ck your self.
I don't know you but I think I love you? Last night's show was one of the best I've seen. A great first LP concert for me and my parents who all got right up front to the pit. I honestly felt each album was evenly represented and there was enough variety and energy that this felt like a perfect show. A hybrid of every album, if you will!
Is Linkin Park giving out free downloads to the audio to their concerts like they did for A Thousand Suns World Tour?
And on a serious note (pussy)... Yet you do anyways. Says the guy calling me an immature asshole fucking prick. I'd like to note, gentlemen and ladies of the courtroom, that I have not once called LPHybrid Soldier any names. All I've said is "It's LPHybrid Soldier." I call it MeteJoera because there was a running joke about inserting Joe's name (Joe the admin) everywhere. Inside jokes. Clearly only something immature people have. No, everybody else hates the album because they also think it's shite. I don't influence anyone else's tastes in music. The majority just happen to agree with me. And as many people have pointed out in the past few months, you're not helping the case of Meteora fans and the community's general opinion of them. NOW BACK ON TOPIC, I'm really hoping for some sort of setlist change by the time they get to Dallas. No SIB, certainly.
On the 2011 Winter US Tour, the band gave out the free code every night of the tour to redeem the DSP from that night. Fans all shared codes and used them to get all the DSP's from the tour, so essentially, it was free. But to answer the question, no, the band is not giving away free DSP codes on this tour.
Random coment with the argurment, more people like Meteora or however you spell over ATS, they just don't blog. Not saying I like one over the other (Go Living Things). Anyway..... does anyone know how to get non lawn tickets to the concet (dallas), i didn't buy it earlier cause im not paying 120 when I dont even listen to Incubus.
If you wanted non-lawn tickets under 120, you started shopping about 4 months late. Good luck with the scalpers. More people may like Meteora over ATS, but I guarantee you that the average spelling mistakes per sentence is higher among Meteora fans than ATS fans.
Even though I think the songs in Meteora are catchy, the album is the worst when it came down to experimentation. All other albums represented some sort of step by the band except Meteora. And it's also responsible for people to think LP is ONLY nu metal. If the band had experimented even a bit in that album, people would have been more positive about the change that came in their sound.
Yep including me, for me Meteora is so fucking hard to spell lol. I usally flip flop between the two (LT>HT>M=ATS>M2M). Anyway thanks for ur input on the seats, hopefully I can find some alright ones