Good gracious.
Well I used to listen to Maroon 5 and bought one album from them, the only song I ever liked was She Will Be Loved but all their MVs sucks. Lyrics...
Favourites: Roads Untraveled, Castle of Glass, Victimized, Powerless Worst: SKIN TO FUCKING BONES!
Glad to see everyone's still posting despite my inactiveness
Skin To Bone will be such an awkward song live.
SKIN TO BONE LYRICS SUCKS 65% of the opinions here are kinda bias - 1. Only pick on the rap OR singing verses and not the song as a whole. One...
Lies Greed Misery will disappear in the distant future (Hit The Floor come again) Skin To Bone (Awkward song) Victimised (This is for sure)...
Hit The Floor come again!
I love the way you guys think.
Still waiting for that New Divide demo from Mike.... Can't believe half a year has gone.
GOD TIER Castle of Glass, Roads Untraveled, Victimized (THE ONES!) S TIER Until It Breaks, Tinfoil, Powerless (These have great potential to be...
Robot Boy.
I voted for Minutes To Midnight because well, each song is different - except for What I've Done - and not every song uses similar vocal layers...
Just. Loop. The. Fucking. SONG!!
Lost in the Echo is a single. Together with Burn It Down and Castle Of Glass.
Separate names with a comma.