I will keep that in mind. I have learned that trusting people isn't a good idea for me. It always comes back to bite me in the ass. =(
I try not to, but its kind of hard when he is making me out to be such an incredibly whorish person. yeah, its wonderful. I trusted him, and when it came right down to it, I told him that we couldn't be friends because I thought that was the best thing for him. Boy was that a mistake. He is making me pay for it again and again. There's only a few people that I hate, and he is really high on my list.
That's good to know. Kevin definitely fucked up a lot of my hard worked for attempt to be stable. He drug me over the coals himself and then threw me to the wolves to let them finish me off. I hate him so much, he took everything that was said by both of us and twisted it all to make it look like he wasn't involved in it at all. I feel like an idiot for letting him in.
I have it set to friends only for what I think are some what obvious reasons. I am tired of feeling like a freak.