From what I've heard from officials, You'll only be able to run an Apple OS on an Apple machine, if someone can prove me wrong, please do so....
If possible, go into their recording studio when they would be making an album and just watch them work (or tie Don Gilmour up and hide him in a...
I think in some cases they are a necessary evil, because god forbid we ever stop building new cities and towns :(
Technically, the PSP is the better system. Also in the capabilities of it, the PSP still owns it. Although I have to give some credit to the DS...
SOTY had one vocalist, last time I checked. Dan does screaming and singing. [/b] On the album, only Dan sings because there was a guitarist...
Story of the Year Alexisonfire
Wow, what asses... Seems like stupid fights are happening everywhere as of late.
Awesome, can't wait for it :D
Excuse me? [/b] Sorry, I didn't mean the posting or anything, I meant of how it's taken so long for it to get out to the public that this is...
Its about bloody time.
Thats awesome w00t for Chester :D
I'm actually in 2 right now Instant Noodle Death: Thats just the running title and its mostly a joke band. We have 2 guitarists, a bassist,(sort...
No offense but thats the most fucked up thing I've heard in a long time [/b] haha, thanks :P , I think.... :wacko:
Haha United States: "Hey can we come into your country? We're kinda fucked up here." Mexico: "No way, you screwed us over too much and you...
I lit my cat on fire and kicked it out of the window and congratulated myself on my aim by jacking off.... Haha jk jk that'd be really...
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