Ohhh man! That really sucks!! I don't know if I will be there because my family will visit us :/ That is so annoying that I don't have time :(
Yeah..I go out with friends a lot haha xD And I know what you mean...life is too precious for just working...life is hard..
Yeah I know. But that's life. I should get to know how life is really in my young ages beore it is too late. You see..I have watched too much TV :lol: But serious..you have to work hard for having a great life...at least I think so :)
I don't know...I have to prepare school stuff and I have the feeling that I have to educate myself...so busy busy busy
I know that man! I am busy too...really really busy. That sucks! Although I have holidays :/ Well..got news about the job?
Yeah, I should stop that haha But you can't decide what you want to be. If I was you I would be happy with that. You will get used to. At least try it and then if it is too stressful end it.
Ohh well..then I say that I dislike THE MOST of science fiction and fantasy. And I love cartoons, so I also like anime I think haha. You see I don't know much about that xD I am sure that you will learn that very fast. You're thinking too negative! When will you know of you got the job or not?
I don't like science fiction or fantasy if I am honest. I more read romans about history..I also dislike live stories. I think I am not normal xD And I also didn't like animes...I didn't know that Avatar is an anime too, I love it haha. Ohhh..50 others..that sucks. But we must think positive! I think you will get the job. I hate that, they have to interview so many persons that's why they don't have so much time for each person. Still I hope for you the best.
Haha, I don't read actually :lol: I just read when I have a book and I don't buy them with my money.. And don't worry! I know you will do it great! They are mostly nice..but I think it's stupid that a 14-years-old tells that to you haha. Soooo i wish you the best! :)
You read a whole book in a single day? I would never do that. If a book has got 20 chapter I read about 3 chapters a day. Usually because I read in my bed at the evenings and I am tired then xD
GOOD LUCK! And I do exactly the same with reading books haha. And when I stop reading it although I am not ready with the book I imagine so many solutions. That is fun :lol: