Where has Wolly's mouth been? Do I even want to know? xD Yeah, I think I'm gonna go for a little bit. ttyl :hug: I want to hear about your dream when I get back. :lol:
Yeah, this is the third night in a row I haven't gotten much sleep. I'm feeling good, though. ^_^ I'm hungry. xD
Oh right lol. Well I'm a quarter Indian and I got the strong Indian gene so that explains the colour of my skin. It's funny because I'm actually 3 quarters British but you'd never guess it just by looking at me. :lol:
Oh I will! Not until like, May the 19th though lol. :lol: I swear this'd be the one new feature I actually use.
I know, I'm silly. I'm waiting to get it cut though, 'cos I've got a ball/prom thing early next month. Abusing new forum features FTW. :lol:
I didn't. I did the opposite and let it grow :lol: So the fringe is long enough for a Frank, but the rest of it is a fucking mess, lol.