Casual D
Last Activity:
Feb 15, 2025 at 9:59 PM
Jul 13, 2002
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Oct 6, 1986 (Age: 38)
Home Page:
Reading, Pennsylvania, United States

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Casual D

I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D., 38, from Reading, Pennsylvania, United States

LPA Administrator
Casual D was last seen:
Feb 15, 2025 at 9:59 PM
    1. Benjamin
      It it's alright with you, could I have another name change that simply says, "Ben"? Thanks.
    2. SNap
      i am a new member.
      my name is Ahmad. I am from Iran.
      i am a big fan of Great LP.
      i have a question about LP's tours.
      could you help me?
    3. SNap
      hi Derek
    4. credicle
    5. Brentaliath
      Brentaliath is what i'd like it changed to thanks. :)
    6. Holiday
      My phone stopped working completely... and I'm not working so I don't have the money to replace it...
    7. cradle
      Dead on review,, you know your stuff.
    8. Brentaliath
      do you still do the name change thing for peoples usernames?
    9. Justin V.
      Justin V.
      Thank you man! Yeah I thought there was another Justin. And periods are classy.
    10. Justin V.
      Justin V.
      Is there any way to change my name to Justin or Justin V. I don't know what I was thinking with my name. But then again it was 2004 lol. It doesn't seem like it's been that long at all. I need to get my post count's weight up!
    11. Agent
      is it okay to openly share download links of the top catalyst remixes?
    12. WheresMyFckngFrappuccino?
      I know...the problem is I don't know how to add another quote to a fresh coment...? help?
    13. cstebila
      Thanks a ton, been a large LP fan for a long time. Love the look / feel of the site, and the content is very impressive. I saw your editing on Wikipedia, working on the changes which were at the time based on speculation, and wanted to say thanks for the help. I'm a slightly new editor, and a huge reader / working on a book on it , and I can't say how much I appreciate fellow editors.
    14. hawk
      Did you read my PM's about the VIP status and donating?
    15. Gloomy Mushroom
      Gloomy Mushroom
      Dear, for the LPA video project, next one, why don't we choose our favourite pop song and make a remix out of all the entries? Imma about to get the current one underway.
    16. hawk
      Whats wrong with me saying that you're an awesome mod? You are.
    17. hawk
      Best. Modfather. Evar.
    18. Messy Marj
      Messy Marj
      The pleasure is all mine! :)
    19. Messy Marj
      Messy Marj
      Haha thanks babe *bearhug*
      i'm just popping in now and then, not always posting though, just...observing like a ninjah!! :shifty:
    20. L₳ζ₳Я
      Oh you deleted them, lol. I was checking it and i couldn't find them. I am still trying to adjust to LPA and this conversation thing in particular. So far so good i guess. This is a great side and wow, you interviewed Phoenix and Joe (did not know that but hey i'm the new guy here so i guess i'm forgiven). You have got to show them this thread and make them read every single post. Should be fun, i mean for them.

      And thank you for your compliment, now you are making me blush!
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  • About

    Oct 6, 1986 (Age: 38)
    Home Page:
    Reading, Pennsylvania, United States
    Music, Graphic arts, Lyrics, Video Games, Photography, Sports, Self Expression, Chatting Playing Vid


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    Formerly known as Derek