Casual D
Last Activity:
Jan 19, 2025
Jul 13, 2002
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Oct 6, 1986 (Age: 38)
Home Page:
Reading, Pennsylvania, United States

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Casual D

I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D., 38, from Reading, Pennsylvania, United States

LPA Administrator
Casual D was last seen:
Jan 19, 2025
    1. $pvcxGhxztCasey
      finally. no need for c-truth, casey will be fine.
    2. Joeverflow
    3. Eirhnh
      Hi and ty
    4. Omar
      Nah, he's a really cool guy. He said they went to school together and she took him to her parents house and they kissed. Then, a number of years later he ran into her grandmother lol. He said her dad is/was a lawyer, and I forget what her mom does. But anyways, when he told me that I thought of you lmao.
    5. Omar
      Just wanted to tell you that I was out with a friend from college last night (who grew up in LA), and you'll never believe who he kissed as a child: Amanda Bynes. He also rear-ended her grandmother (car accident, not the other way :lol:).
    6. Theazninvasion68
      Hey, I saw you got the Flip video camera. It's a good camera, and it still records in pretty high quality in the dark.

      I know, I used it for a school interview project :lol: Nice buy.
    7. Ashwhisker
      Look, I'm sorry if I made it look like I was taking credit for those downloads. That was unintended. I also had no idea he was giving you this information as well. However, I'd appreciate it if you would either give some credit for this, as I apparently should have done for you over on LPL, or make it clear that this is not an LPA exclusive.

      Thank you.

    8. Nobody Can Shave Me Now
      Nobody Can Shave Me Now
      Can i post a video on the thread? I wanted to show off the ve'cel stuff.
    9. Nobody Can Shave Me Now
      Nobody Can Shave Me Now
      Hey, just wanted to let you know that Paula gave me a ring and that she is sending the tracking info. I'll let you know more when I have more info!
    10. Omar
      I'd like to start some kind of website up again. But it'll have to wait since I have no money and cannot afford a domain and server space lmao. That's literally how broke I am, I can't afford $15/month for more than a few months lol.

      Thanks for reading the pages. I really think the first 10 pages are the least funny, so I really want to work on those. Glad you caught the twenty-eight thing. :)
    11. Casual D
      Casual D
      Reading now, love it so far and love the Twenty-Eight plug (didn't think I'd catch that did you? ;)).

      By the way, whatever happened to Twenty-Eight? That was exciting.
    12. Omar
      Sent! Enjoy (I hope lol).
    13. Omar
      Great! Change it to Blomar. Kidding of course.

      I feel really silly asking you this, but what's your email?
    14. Omar
      Are you able to change my name?

      Seriously though, could you read 10 pages of my script and tell me if it sounds funny or not?
    15. John
      can you change my name back to Johnny

      gracias amigo
    16. John
      already got it changed, thanks though
    17. John
      are you able to change my LPA name?
    18. Agent
      hilarious xzibit memes @ SH :lol:
    19. Nobody Can Shave Me Now
      Nobody Can Shave Me Now
      Hey, its no problem. Thanks
    20. Nobody Can Shave Me Now
      Nobody Can Shave Me Now
      Hey Derek, for some reason my profile picture shows in the shout box. I cant see anything but the picture in the shoutbox. Do you have any suggestions?
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  • About

    Oct 6, 1986 (Age: 38)
    Home Page:
    Reading, Pennsylvania, United States
    Music, Graphic arts, Lyrics, Video Games, Photography, Sports, Self Expression, Chatting Playing Vid


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    Formerly known as Derek