Don't tease me :D
Lol, I think so :D
Woa :awesome: I'm sorry but I love this song and I take it often as a nickname. So I made a "_" after it. xD
Robot Boy. Loved it in the beginning because of the lyrics but now it's the least favourit for me.
Awesome! xD
haha, this makes me laugh :D
meow. :D [img]
Saw them 2 weeks and one day ago in Hambourg... and it wasn't enough but I have to wait, I guess, till I see them again. :(
ooh nomnomnomnoooom, thaaaanks, nomnom ;D
Just saw the video and it's simplay AMAZING. Wish I would be part of this video but I'm too late. Great work! It almost made me cry.
Thanks a lot, guys! I don't know where to write it so I'm doing it here now :awesome: : Just want to...
Hello out there! :awesome: (yay, you have my favourit smiley in this forum!) I'm new, only a few minutes out here in this forum. I wanted to...
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