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Sep 26, 2024
Dec 24, 2011
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Mar 22, 1990 (Age: 34)
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Civil Engineer

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Proud Venezuelan LP fan., Female, 34, from Venezuela

LPA Contributor
Andreina was last seen:
Sep 26, 2024
    1. Blackee Dammet
      Blackee Dammet
      "With adorable feet."

      1. Andreina
        Lmaoooo..! It's an inside joke. A few years ago we talked about how I wear 3.5 size shoes and well.. It picked up from there.
        May 29, 2017
        Blackee Dammet likes this.
    2. polleo
      Happy birthday!
    3. Apop
      Congratulations on becoming a Contributor! You deserve it!
    4. tyrskytyyhty
      Haha, that's funny, 16-18 degrees is totally okay for me! :D Actually, after winter even 0 degrees can feel like summer - you get used to the cold so when it starts getting warmer, it really feels warm. It's vice versa in autumn, dropping temperatures feel quite chilly after the warm summer. Right now it's +3 degrees here. I phoned my mum earlier today and she told me they've already had first snow (she lives in Central Finland)! Yes, buying lots of coats sounds like a good idea. If I ever travel to Venezuela, I'll be sure to take lots and lots of sunblock with me! :D

      You definitely look younger than 23, wow. You should be happy about it! :D I've been told a few times that I look older than 20. Let's see how I look when I'm 50, haha. I think you are beautiful! (: And I like that picture of yours also because you're holding ATS+, yay! I have the same album, it's the only "special" LP album I have, the others are just plain studio albums.
    5. tyrskytyyhty
      (Oh no, I accidentally posted this message on my own profile at first. :P)

      34 degrees, that's really hot indeed! :D Usually it's not that hot here in summer. The highest temperature measured in Finland was 37,2 degrees but that's very rare, I think 20-25 degrees is quite typical in June/July. And wow, it's interesting that you have two seasons, not four. Which one is it now? We have autumn here. It's raining right now, I can hear the waterdrops falling on the roof...

      Oh no, poor guys! :D That picture is cute. I guess it's quite common for Nordic people to get a sunburn in tropical areas. I managed to get a sunburn once in Thailand even though I wasn't even sunbathing... The sun was just burning hot there.

      I'm 20 years old, what about you? (:
    6. tyrskytyyhty
      Oh yes, I learned that margarita is that flower with white petals and a yellow centre (I spent a week in Spain in 2010, it was a school project, and my host taught me that word) but I figured it's probably that drink, too. That flower is "päivänkakkara" in Finnish.

      My username doesn't really have a meaning. It consists of two words, "tyrsky" and "tyyhty", tyrsky meaning something like a surge of water, and tyyhty... It's not an official word, I guess, but it's a bit like a tuft, you know, the kind of tuft that some birds have on top of their heads. :D I just thought "tyrskytyyhty" looked nice so I picked it. But yes, it's a bit difficult name, I guess.

      Yes, "anteeksi, en puhu suomea" is absolutely correct! That's so cool! :D Not that many people are interested in learning Finnish, I think, so it's great that you've learned some words. That's a useful phrase. If you ever come to Finland, you can just say that, and all the people will be amazed that you took the time to learn something, even if it's just one phrase. (:

      I hope you can learn German one day! It's a lovely language. I've studied it for 9 years, my German is not as fluent as my English but at least I'm able to understand written texts and clearly spoken German quite well.

      Snow gets terribly boring after a while, trust me! :D I always get excited when the first snow falls down, but after a few weeks I'm usually like "why can't it be spring already"... Although, it's the same with all the seasons for me, I always tend to look forward to the next one. :huh: But yes, snow is probably very exotic for those who have never seen it in real life. I think I have seen northern lights only once in my life, I guess they're not common here in southern Finland. But if you go to Lapland in winter, chances are you'll see some. So welcome to Finland! (:

      Really, your temperatures are always above 20 degrees? That's like an endless summer. (: I find that exotic! Do you have the wet season as well?
    7. tyrskytyyhty
      I agree, the artwork of ATS is amazing and goes well together with the music. :)

      I really like your name! I would like to study Spanish someday, it's an interesting and beautiful language. I've never studied any Romance language so it would be fascinating. The only words I know now are "hola", "buenas noches", "gracias" and "margarita". :D
    8. tyrskytyyhty
      On Eero's birthday, that's nice! :D It's a kind of shame that bands often play songs only from their two latest albums or so. But I guess it's understandable since there are probably many people who only know the biggest hits and want to hear them. But it's awesome that you were able to attend the concert! Hopefully TR will return to Venezuela someday. (:

      It would be quite exciting to travel abroad to see Linkin Park. I don't know whether I would have the courage to do that, though, I tend to get so nervous in new places and around new people that I would probably freak out trying to find the venue, haha. :D Maybe if I could drag my brother with me, haha... He doesn't like LP but I managed to get him to a HammerFall concert once.

      By the way, what is your favourite Linkin Park album, may I ask? (I'm so excited to have met another LP fan that I have to ask, haha.) I think A Thousand Suns is my favourite at the moment. When I finished listening to it for the first time, I didn't really know what to think, but it quickly grew on me. I like its diversity, structure and atmosphere. But I enjoy all LP albums, there's something special about all of them, I think.

      Don't worry, song recommendations are always welcome! :D I enjoy listening to new stuff. I listened to Long Shot and really enjoyed it! And I found the lyrics quite inspirational. I should definitely check that compilation album out, I'll keep that in mind!

      Oh yes, Denmark really deserved the victory! It was a nice song and a good performance. Haha, yes, Romania was so weird! :D Definitely unique. I like Russia's song, too, it's inspirational. And also Sweden's, that's a very catchy song. (I had to watch those performances again, I couldn't remember what they were like. :D) Estonia was also one of my favourites. My mum is Estonian, that's probably one of the reasons why I like it, but definitely not the only one - I think it's a very beautiful song, and Estonian is such a pretty language. I didn't like Finland's song this year - it was just a typical pop song, nothing special really. I'm also looking forward to next year's competition, too bad ESC is only once a year!

      Oh thank you so much for the compliment! You seem like a very cool person too! :D By the way, is Andreina your real name? I like it a lot.
    9. tyrskytyyhty
      Oh yes, Smash is amazing! So nostalgic. And Days, oh my, I had totally forgotten about that song! It's awesome as well. (:

      Yeah, I guess I shouldn't feel ashamed. I have a huge amount of CDs so I guess I'm a collector in that sense but most of them are just ordinary studio albums, nothing special. Maybe I'll start collecting Linkin Park stuff someday, we'll see. (:

      By the way, have you seen LP or Rasmus live? I've seen Rasmus twice, in 2005 (if I remember correctly) and 2008, but I haven't seen LP. Maybe they'll come to Finland next year, fingers crossed...

      I think I should give the new 30STM songs a bit more time, maybe they would start growing on me. Nevertheless, at least I still adore Jared Leto's voice, he's such an amazing singer! And 30 STM's music videos are definitely special.

      Kelly Clarkson has a very beautiful voice! I've thought many times that I should start listening to her but I've just never got around to it. Oh yeah, another Adele fan! She's truly amazing indeed. I hope she will release new material soon. (:

      Yay, I enjoy watching the Eurovision Song Contest too! :D I think it's entertaining, educational and a good way to discover new artists. I don't usually watch the semifinals/eliminations, though, only the final show.
    10. tyrskytyyhty
      I agree, they're definitely talented guys. (: Which one of their albums is your favourite? HFTS brings back so many memories that it might be my favourite... Even though people generally don't seem to like it very much. But I do like all of their albums. It's funny, their earlier stuff is so funky and then their music started becoming darker and more melancholic.

      Wow, your collections are fantastic!! You seem to have Fort Minor and Dead By Sunrise there as well, cool. I don't know if I should be ashamed since I only have the studio albums by both bands, plus Reanimation and Collision Course by LP, and one single and Hell of a Collection (well, two of them but that was an accident :D) by TR... :unsure: I guess I'm just not much of a collector. But hey, if you ever want to expand your TR collection, I'd be glad to help you since I'm in Finland. (:

      Over the years the most significant bands in my life have been The Rasmus, 30 Seconds to Mars, HammerFall and now LP. The Rasmus was number 1 for me for many, many years but I haven't listened to them in a long time. I should start again, I really like their latest album. (: When I was 13-14 I was crazy about 30 Seconds to Mars but not so much anymore. I haven't bought their new album since I don't really like the songs I've heard from it. Anyway, after my 30 STM phase I was madly in love with HammerFall and a couple of other metal bands. :D I'm not that much into them anymore, I guess I overlistened to their albums, hehe. But I enjoy many kinds of music, right now for example classic rock, pop, a little electronic stuff. What about you, what bands do you like besides LP and TR? :)
    11. tyrskytyyhty
      I'm glad you think that way. Maybe I just worry too much. (:

      Wow, I just noticed that you listen to The Rasmus. That's awesome! I grew up with their music, they were my favourite band for a long time and I still appreciate and enjoy their music. (:
    12. tyrskytyyhty
      Hi and thank you so much for your kind words!! :) They really mean a lot to me. I'm a bit unsure about my posts since English isn't my first language and I don't think my opinions are very original, so it's great to hear that you think my first posts are okay. Wow, your message really cheered me up! (: And I feel very welcomed.

      Oh yes, lots of interesting stuff seems to be happening in the near future! Are you looking forward to hearing Recharged? (: I'm quite excited about it. I really like Reanimation so it's very interesting to hear new remixes.
    13. Ree
      Congrats, Andreina! :partyminus:
    14. Melis
      Hi Andreina! How are you?? ;)
    15. Melis
      Oh no. That isn't true.
      I like your face. It is so beautiful.
      I don't like blond hair so much... I don't know why but it is so :D
    16. Melis
      Unfortunate I am not so. I look mature for my age -.-
    17. Melis
      Whaaaat?! 22?! You look like 16-18 !!
      Wooow that is very good! When you are 40 you will look like 30 haha :D
    18. Melis
      Of course I don't have children. I am fourteen !! That would be exaggerated ;)
    19. Melis
      Yes, I know. I like to design those things. I have begun with clothes now I draw much more things haha :D
      Your job is also good. I have considered about it too but..I don't know, I like architect more hahahaha :D
      Well, let's go to the neyt thread..I have a question: Do you have childeren? :awesome:
    20. Melis
      I do haha :D
      Wooow that is a great job, isn't it?
      I will be an architect. It is my dream job;) I love drawing things and so :)
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  • About

    Mar 22, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Home Page:
    Civil Engineer
    Just an average girl, or, not so average. Civil Engineer, Guitar player ('cause of Brad), Music addict, Tech lover, Sports fan (hardcore Liverpool FC fan): Basketball, Tennis, Soccer (or Football, how I call it), American Football are my faves. Linkin Park of course, my favorite band, The Rasmus, Disturbed, Rammstein, Eisbrecher are some others.

    Music, sports, construction, technology, video games, guitars, football (soccer)

