Star Trek vs Star Wars (musically)

Discussion in 'The Living Room' started by Reed To Black, Feb 6, 2015.


Which has all around better music?

Poll closed Mar 28, 2015.
  1. Star Trek

    0 vote(s)
  2. Star Wars

    9 vote(s)
  1. #1
    Reed To Black

    Reed To Black Prog, bro.

    Jan 9, 2013
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    So I'm currently in a big debate with my friends over Stark Trek and Star Wars; particularly which one has better music. We are all in band, so we are always having these kinds of arguments :D So I figured I would ask y'all a couple questions about these two franchises.

    My first question: Which franchise has all around better music? This includes all movies, tv shows, etc...

    My second question: What is your favorite song from each franchise? (Post videos. People may discover new music)

    My third question: What's your favorite movie from each franchise?

    Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions!
  2. #2

    Gibs The Prog Nerd Über Member

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Both franchises are known for their fantstic score work. However:

    1) The Star Wars scores done by John Williams are classics, all six of them. I'm incredibly excited for William's new one just based on the teaser trailer.

    2A) Star Wars Episode II: Across The Stars by John Williams


    Listening to John Williams' scores for the prequels always remind me on how great they could have been. Excellent ideas, executed absolutely horridly. My favorite SW score as a whole is Revenge Of The Sith, with A New Hope coming in at a VERY close second.

    2B) Star Trek (2009): Enterprising Young Men by Michael Giacchino


    Now I have to confess, I'm not too terribly well versed with Star Trek music, but the theme for the 2009 reboot is fucking glorious, as is the entire score. Also, the film version of Nero Fiddles, Narada Burns that has the A Capella choir is sooooooo good. IDK why they changed it up for the soundtrack release.

    3A) The Empire Strikes Back (duh!)

    3B) I've never quite been a fan of Star Trek, but I consider the 2009 reboot a classic; I fucking love that film. It's too bad Into Darkness seriously pales in comparison.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2015
  3. #3
    Reed To Black

    Reed To Black Prog, bro.

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Aww man, I loved Into Darkness!

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