CD's:How much is too much?

Discussion in 'Other Music' started by sup103, Jun 17, 2003.

  1. #1

    sup103 Ambient

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Grrr. Okay, I just plunked down 17 dollars for Finger Eleven's new CD. Now, not that it is a bad CD, but that is crazy. I was going to pick up Flaw's CD as well. It was 20 bucks. 20 freaking dollars. Why do CD's cost so much?

    File sharing I think might attribute to it, but cmon. File sharing is how you find out about tons of bands. If not for file sharing I wouldnt know about half the bands I do. It is a way to decide whether or not the CD is worth purchasing or not. Now, if I like the CD, I buy it after I download it. File sharing actually increases popularity of bands, and the RIAA knows this. They want to rob you of your money. Think about it. A catchy single is put out on the radio, you go and buy the CD, and the rest of the CD sucks. You just then wasted 20 bucks on a crappy CD. CD's are getting way to high in prices, ive seen lots of CD's that go as high as 30 bucks, and they dont even contain a DVD or enhanced features. I would understand if it came with a DVD or enhanced features, but not all CD's do. The recording industry does not realize that raising CD prices will just encourage more file sharing. Everyone knows it, im sure you download rather then buy alot. It is getting really bad, and the RIAA needs to wake up.

    What are your thoughts? Are CD's priced fairly, or is it getting out of hand?
  2. #2

    Jawknee Guest

    I agree. A chain here in the U.S. called The Wherehouse is insane with their prices! They filed bankruptcy a few months ago and have had almost all thier locations shutdown already. But I remember when CDs were on sale in that store, it would be like "$16.99." That's a sale? And if you bought CDs that weren't on sale, get ready to pay 20-22 bucks. Import CDs are insanely priced as well. That's why I hardly buy CDs now and I only buy if they're on sale or if I have to. File-sharing is great.
  3. #3

    sup103 Ambient

    Jul 28, 2002
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    I know, that was Finger Eleven on sale too. I think alot of people are starting to get into the more underground artists, because their CD's arent priced so high. File sharing is just going to end up replacing CD's all together if the RIAA doesnt take action.
  4. #4

    Dedicated LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Jan 18, 2003
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    I just get albums from and almost all of the cds are special edition and are around £8.99 (UK) which is quite cheap
  5. #5

    Todd FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Dont go to stores in the mall. They're always more expensive. Ive noticed that Best Buy and Target tend to have cheaper CD prices. New releases are almost always 12 bucks or under at those 2 stores. WalMarts also cheap, but make sure you're not getting the edited version when you go there. Sam Goody has always been very expensive.

    Also, eBay isnt a bad place. I just got Staind-Break the Cycle, brand new and still wrapped for 9 bucks.
  6. #6

    Terry Yeah, but I wish you were my shadow. LPA Super Member

    May 27, 2003
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    They are getting out of hand. I was really obssesed with hip hop and R&B a couple years ago (I think) and I really wanted that old Ashanti cd. It was (same price as sup103's price) 20 dollars. Why is it so f*ckin expensive now? I mean, some cds aren't even that good. (I'm not saying if you buy them they are) Some cds that i buy for $16-$20 are just collecting dust in my closet. These companies are so unfair these days.
  7. #7

    Jawknee Guest

    They are getting out of hand. I was really obssesed with hip hop and R&B a couple years ago (I think) and I really wanted that old Ashanti cd. It was (same price as sup103's price) 20 dollars. Why is it so f*ckin expensive now? I mean, some cds aren't even that good. (I'm not saying if you buy them they are) Some cds that i buy for $16-$20 are just collecting dust in my closet. These companies are so unfair these days. [/b][/quote]
    Ashanti's first album came out last year...meaning you were "obssessed with hip hop and R&B" last year...nice try. ;)
  8. #8

    sup103 Ambient

    Jul 28, 2002
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    I know Todd, but Target doesnt always have the CD's you want. Target doesnt have Finger Eleven, Flaw, Stutterfly or alot of bands alot of us here listen to. And after they become old, they go right to 15-20 bucks. Not all of us get into artists right when their CD comes out, its almost like a punishment.
  9. #9

    Todd FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    True, Target does only have the more popular ones (Then again, I got Breaking Benjamin and 30STM there when they weren't too popular)

    As I said though, eBay isn't a bad place to check, some good deals are out there.
  10. #10

    Terry Yeah, but I wish you were my shadow. LPA Super Member

    May 27, 2003
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    Ashanti's first album came out last year...meaning you were "obssessed with hip hop and R&B" last year...nice try. ;) [/b][/quote]
    Huh? Oh yeah . . I got that album for my friend's birthday . . yeah, I loved hip hop and R&B. But I love LP now. . . I don't like hip hop. It's too boring. Rock is tight. My friends hate me for that. :D
  11. #11

    sup103 Ambient

    Jul 28, 2002
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    True, Target does only have the more popular ones (Then again, I got Breaking Benjamin and 30STM there when they weren't too popular)

    As I said though, eBay isn't a bad place to check, some good deals are out there. [/b][/quote]
    Yes, Target has that Launch Breakout Artist section thankfully. I dont really trust E-Bay, my friend got something off of there and it came to him all mangled and stuff.
  12. #12

    Bryan Guest

    $20 for Flaw's album?

    There is no way possible that Flaw's album was for sale for 20 dollars. You should be able to find Flaw's album for around $10.
  13. #13

    sup103 Ambient

    Jul 28, 2002
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    I kid you not, it was 19.99 on the dot. I was mad too.
  14. #14

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    I bought the new Finger Eleven cd today too. I put down $23CDN for it, which is around $15-$16 US. It's not that terrible a price. Maybe it's because F11 are Canadian that it's cheaper here. I bought 2 cd's the other day (Cold for me and Coldplay for father's day) for $35, which also wasn't a huge price. But it's still a bit too much.

    I think if the artists really care about record sales and whatnot, they'll convince their record companies to lower the prices. If cd's are still going to get as high as $32CDN ($20US), I'll just forget buying cd's altogther.

    Note: has anyone noticed that alot of cd's are coming out with limited edition dvd's? 4 of the last 5 cd's I've bought (Meteora, 14 Shades of Grey, Year of the Spider, Finger Eleven) have come with them. Do I sense a trend?
  15. #15

    sup103 Ambient

    Jul 28, 2002
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    I think the artists wouldnt push the record companies to lower prices, they get paid off CD's, after all.

    The 6 out of the last 11 CD's ive bought (Linkin Park, Finger Eleven, Cold, Third Eye Blind, Staind, Metallica) have contained DVD's.
  16. #16

    Bryan Guest

    No they don't.

    The record company's pay a band to make an album. Let's say Linkin Park got paid 5 million to make Meteora. Meteora could have sold 100 albums total, world wide, Linkin Park would have still got paid 5 million.
  17. #17

    Todd FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    I dont mind the DVDs, they're good to watch sometimes, but if thats whats driving up CD prices, then they should be gotten rid of.
  18. #18

    Jawknee Guest

    The DVDs exist so people buy the albums to get that DVD whereas you download the album, you don't get the DVD...unless you can download that too...which I bet you can. ;)
  19. #19

    sup103 Ambient

    Jul 28, 2002
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    No they don't.

    The record company's pay a band to make an album. Let's say Linkin Park got paid 5 million to make Meteora. Meteora could have sold 100 albums total, world wide, Linkin Park would have still got paid 5 million. [/b][/quote]
    Well, even so. A record company most likely wont listen to a band, consdiering they just paid them all that money to make the album. They have to make that money back somehow.
  20. #20

    Chrissy Super Member

    Apr 26, 2003
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    I like record stores like Empire Records which is right near me (im gonna miss it when i go away to college :*() that charge 10 bucks per CD and 7 bucks for used CDs! that's the way it should be!! if i wanna save money up for college, i don't have enough to buy CDs for 20 bucks!

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