09.01.12 - Calgary, AB, Canada

Discussion in 'News' started by Zane, Sep 1, 2012.

  1. #21

    Qwerty19 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    I think it's not the right thread to discuss it, but let me just say I totally agree with this.
  2. #22

    murphyLP The blood of innocence burning in the skies

    Apr 10, 2007
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    Brad is lazy...and Mike plays guitar better than him!!!
  3. #23

    Filip god break down the door LPA Contributor

    May 23, 2012
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    I can't say I agree with this, as I like the album overall (slower songs in particular). You're right about HT and Meteora (especially Meteora) having simple riffs, but, yeah, they sound good. IMR, BID and IBG are just boring songs, even the guitars don't save them (you can't even hear the guitars, in fact). I can't even really hear the guitars in LITE, and I don't know why people say it sounds like ''OLD LP'', the rap is mediocre at it's best, the beat is completely electronic, and the screaming is what? A scream and then repeating the word ''GO'' in the echo? You're right, the crowd goes crazy on the riffs of OSC or Faint in the first 10 seconds... Guitars should be more memorable, but still, electronic > GUITARZ. As for calling the album ''turd'', no. Castle Of Glass, Roads Untraveled, Skin To Bone, Powerless, pretty much the whole second half is great (minus UIB). Victimized is the only song that the crowd could go crazy on.

    And sorry for posting this here...
  4. #24

    kelies Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    I've seen a lot of youtube vids of the Honda Civic Tour, but their XFest performance is probably the most energetic it's been so far. Has Canada been THIS deprived of Linkin Park?

    http://youtu.be/IGRt7-WHnbU <--- holy crap at the crowd at Faint.
  5. #25

    Catalyst619 Active Member

    Feb 2, 2011
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    Yes, the crowd was absolutely fucking crazy that night. People jumping and screaming and pushing so hard that people in front like me were completely squished against the barricade.

    Absolutely amazing night. Way better crowd than in Toronto last year.
  6. #26

    misery Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2006
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    Went to the show last night and saw LP for the first time.. amazing show, the crowd was unreal and I think the band fed off of it. I'm still sore from being squished against the barricade at the front!
  7. #27

    Derek LPAssociation.com Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    He's not "lazy" and is perfectly capable of writing more complex guitar riffs, as he has been playing guitar for over 15 years. He just chooses not to shred/do solos all over Linkin Park songs, and that's his own choice. Just like Dave did some pretty tasty bass runs and slap bass in The Snax, but doesn't really do that in Linkin Park. It doesn't make them any less talented just because they don't show off Matt Bellamy style in every track.

    Would I love them all to go super crazy and complex on a song/album like Muse seems to be fond of doing and have highly difficult to learn guitar parts? Sure, but in the same light I trust them to know what's best for *their* music. They're already become way more comfortable as musicians in their over 10 years of existence, and for a band that was pigeonholed into doing the same sound for 4-5 years, that's a good thing. They could've fizzled out and died like every other band of that era, but they didn't.
  8. #28

    ToTheCitadel Wisdom, Justice & Love

    Apr 5, 2012
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    True that. If I remember correctly, Brad plays the way he does because of the band and the simplistic nature of their music. He could rip a fast solo, but quality > quantity. (Of notes)
  9. #29

    Derek LPAssociation.com Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Exactly. He can write a solo (In Pieces being a partial example of this or perhaps the best "Linkin" example), and even taught Guitar Theory for an online music mag about 10 years ago, so he's hardly a bad guitarist in the slightest. He just doesn't feel the need to show off. Infact if I remember right from an interview, the band had to kind of warm him up to the idea of recording a solo for In Pieces because he doesn't usually prefer to do them.

    *EDIT*: And to further stick up for Brad's talents as a guitarist...he also recorded a vast majority of the bass tracks on Hybrid Theory too. Meaning he's versatile and can switch between bass and guitar easily, while being talented on both.
  10. #30

    jordanW241 Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2010
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    I don't think LP need to pigeon-hole themselves into a simple sound though, ever since FM and DBS, Mike in particular has made a point about how LP no longer feel the need to channel different sounds off into side projects because they're not 'Linkin Park' enough. If they're capable of upping their game, I don't see why they shouldn't. It's not necessarily a case of throwing solos into every song, it's about doing something a little more interesting than layering in some boring guitar just to make the song louder (IMR, BID). As I said earlier, everyone goes crazy when they hear the Faint strings because they know that riff is coming, whereas a song such as IMR does not, and never will herald the same attention, simply because it's boring. As with the majority of the songs on Living Things, the only thing that really catches my attention are Chester's vocals (which, as always, are top-notch). Instrumentally, there's nothing much that makes me think 'damn, that's cool', especially in the first half of the album.

    ATS is my favourite LP album despite the lack of obvious guitar, so I'm not suggesting they abandon the electronics or anything, but if guitar is going to be done, it has to be done right, otherwise they risk creating a collection of bland songs that sound way too similar (again, first half of Living Things, I'm looking at you).

    I think I recall the band had to do the same with Rob's drum solo's during the BIO bridge, which were also well received. The reaction to Einziger above is another testament to the fact that there's definitely an audience for a little showing off at an LP show. The solo in In Pieces is what saves it from being a mediocre song, and is probably the reason it has the recognition it does amongst LP fans too. Throwing in some more complicated instrumentals would do nothing but favours for LP, and they'd be almost certainly more interesting than these blandfest 'wall of noise' type songs, which are just okay but definitely aren't stand out tracks in the bands catalogue.

    People don't pay a lot of money to go to see bands play their humble songs on their humble stage, they go to see talented musicians to do what they do best and I see no shame in any member of LP working their stuff and playing up to the crowd a little. If Brad or Phoenix were to randomly break out into an improvised guitar or bass solo one show, whilst not being their 'thing', it would probably go down in history on these boards. It's undeniable that songs and live shows are invariably better when you hear something that makes you go 'wow'.

    To me, suggesting that they restrain their talent to retain the simplicity of their music is as dangerous of an idea for the band as those who think that they should still be making nu-metal music. I'd definitely prefer an LP that isn't afraid to flex their muscles a bit.
  11. #31

    Atticus Bullets lance the bravest lungs

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Short answer? Yes. Yes we have.
  12. #32

    thelastdisciple Active Member

    Mar 10, 2007
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    Not the first LP concert for me (September 3rd 2007 in Englewood, Colorado) but finally the first one on my own soil! and yeah you could say some depravity might have been present for us lot in Canada (Calgary specifically, Toronto's had LP more than enough times). :p i was so overjoyed back in April when the X-FEST 2012 announcement for Linkin Park in Calgary, Alberta showed up on my Youtube feed.. i absolutely lost it and got my ticket to the show immediately and because things have been rough this year I decided based on a special deal i was informed about that I'd actually rough it out in the front of my local radio station (who put the event together) in the cold of the night and wait in line for a 50 dollar early bird ticket the next morning beating the Internet rush and paying $40 less than everyone else. I was NOT going to miss this show no matter what.

    SO WORTH IT, such an amazing show this time around and way better than the first show minus the fact that they didn't play No More Sorrow like they did in Denver which was really epic :( but being basically a person or so back from the rail the whole night which i wasn't anywhere even close to the stage for my first LP show more than made up for that. I also got some amazing pictures and a couple of videos.

    Be sure to check my LP flickr set for my photos: http://flic.kr/s/aHsjBShBVC

    Also my youtube vids for Papercut and The Catalyst

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