
Discussion in 'Your Projects' started by John., May 8, 2003.

  1. #1

    John. i am corruption LPA Super Member

    May 8, 2003
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    This song is dedicated to my Grandparents (mainly to my Grandma) who I lost a few months apart at the end of last year
    (Verse One)
    It feels like your still here/
    but your really gone/
    I know your in heaven telling me to go on/
    Theres only a few things I remember/
    It was a dark night, and the last time
    I saw you Gram I was listening to Linkin
    Park's "With You"/
    You couldn't speak, because of your stroke/
    The big one got ya, it was cancer, you were sold/
    A tear comes to my eye I have to pass by your
    tombstone/and you know your more to me than
    all lifes riches, lemme name one for instance, gold/
    But sometimes in life you die young or old/
    God chose you now, whether I liked it he said it clear and bold/

    I can't believe your gone...

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