Somewhere I Belong

Discussion in 'Your Projects' started by kay, Apr 21, 2003.

  1. #1

    kay Guest

    I did this a couple nights ago..i thought it was decent..more i thought about it, the more i thought it sucked.. :rolleyes: thats my opinion on myself there well tell me what u think pls.

    The room looked that of a normal teenager. Occasional poster, messily made bed, a dresser, television, the usual teenage things. The occupant of the room sat on the edge of her bed, facing the window and staring out it blankly, humming an unfamiliar tune to herself. Her pale skin was a strong contrast against her black clothes and pitch black hair that fanned down and out across her back. Being half japanese, she had been one of the few in the family to inherite the dark brown, nearly black eyes. The black haired beauty sat in her room, the only sound being her soft harmonizing as she watched beads of red liquid slowly trail down her pale skin and fall to the floor, absorbing into the beige carpet. Moving only her eyes she glanced to watch the same happen, the results from the small but effective blow streaming down her delicate hands and onto the carpet, leaving stains that would take years to remove. And in those stains would remain memories. Raising her hand again, she moved to repeat her previous actions when there was a tap on her door. Jumping slightly, her hands slid cautiously out of sight under her sheets and she looked up to see the door open and a head pop in.
    "Hey okay?"
    Trina watched her brothers' expression turn from a smile to a concerned look. Putting on a smile she nodded.
    "Is Andy coming over?" he questioned, stepping inside her room.
    She looked at him, slowly shaking her head no. Both to answer his question, and also in disbelief at how alike they were. Even when they were constantly told by others they looked nearly identical..they denied it..but it was the truth. His hair was just as black as hers and he had also inherited the nearly black eyes that symolized what was left of their nationality.
    "No Mikey..Andy won't be coming over," she answered with too big of a smile.
    He turned his head to the side, studying his sister a moment before nodding and running a hand through his messy but stylish spiky hair.
    "Whatever you say Trix."
    "Don't call me Trix."
    "Don't call me Mikey."
    They grew quiet and exchanged looks before smiling. Mike turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Trina removed her hands from their hiding place, blood still running from the deep gashes on her wrists.
    "I'm sorry, Mikey," she whispered.

    The dark haired man turned from waving goodbye to his friend and closed the door only to turn and see his parents standing near the couch, their expressions serious.
    As he always seemed to do when thinking, he turned his head to the side slightly, approaching his parents before his mother nearly collapsed in tears.
    "Dad..what's wrong?" he asked over his mothers quiet sobs.
    "Trina..she's dead."

    September 13, 2002
    Dear Journal,
    I can't take life anymore..things are growing too difficult. If I'm not having an argument with a friend, it's with my parents. Andrew left me, which led me to today's little cutting session. He decided to tell me over the phone so he wouldn't have to face me. And as I thought I'd be okay..Mikey came in and questioned about him. Everything upsets me, not so much as what I'm going to do, but more how it will effect the people who actually care about me. It hurts me most, knowing Mike will be hurt most by my stupidity..but with me out of everyones lives everything will be better. I know many would tell me differently, but I don't care. I want to feel things I never thought were real. There's all this pent up pain from so long ago..I just want to feel like I'm somewhere I fit in and belong..All I know is that I'm sorry Mikey. I really am sorry.

    Mike shot up out of his bed from his dream, a cold sweat cooling on his bare torso as his sheets were thrown off his body. Nearly four years had passed and her journal entry was still vivid in his mind, every word, ever scratched out, ink blotted, tear-stained word was still clear in his mind.
    "You okay?"
    He jumped slightly at hearing the voice before he settled back down.
    "Yeah Chaz..I'm fine," he mumbled, seeing the outline of his friend through the dark of the hotel room.
    "Get some sleep man..we perform tomorrow," his friend suggested before laying down and rolling over on his side, curling back into his previous sleeping position.

    Mike nodded along to the music, glancing at phoenix as he jumped around enthusiastically, hitting every string, playing every note on his bass perfectly, even throughout his jumping. He glanced down to what he himself was doing, playing the notes precisely on his guitar as the song continued, chester doing his trademark singing.
    "I wanna heal
    I wanna feel
    What I thought was never real
    I wanna let go all the pain I've held so long.."
    "Erase all the pain til it's gone," he chimed in, turning attention back to his instrument.
    "I wanna heal
    I wanna feel
    Like I'm close to something real
    I wanna find something I wanted all along
    Somewhere I belong.."
    The last notes drifted from Chester's lips and the crowd erupted in loud applause and screams for the band. Chester always seemed to be able to catch and put the emotion needed into his singing, making every song even more unique itself. Mike grabbed the collar of his shirt, lifting it up over his face slightly. To anyone it seemed he was meerly wiping sweat off his brow..but to his friends, they knew better. The sweat was a simple excuse to wipe the quickly forming tears before they fell. Everyone had their own interpereted meaning to the song..but no one would ever realize the true meaning of it and the chances were slim that anyone ever would.
  2. #2
    [Darken Hybrid]

    [Darken Hybrid] Ambient

    Feb 15, 2003
    Likes Received:

    can you tell me what is this? a story or a dream? ^_^ anyways, good story, or whatever it is. ;)
  3. #3

    Shinji Illuminate

    Feb 15, 2003
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    yeah what the hell should that be ?????
  4. #4
    Happy Gilmore

    Happy Gilmore Y2K

    Mar 4, 2003
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    This ..... This ....... This is weird :blink: :lol:
  5. #5

    Nikki I have no idea what is going on LPA Super Member

    Aug 12, 2002
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    first off...welcome to the boards Kay :) try not to get confused with my name :p

    I see what this is I'll do my best to exlplain it.

    Trina is Mike's (maybe Shinoda, since Chester appears later on :blink: ) sister...and earlier in his life...Trina killed herself.

    Mike is remembering this as they sing "somewhere I belong" and the rest is pretty easy to figure out I guess...

    Anyway...It's short, but sweet. Nice work... :)
  6. #6
    arT saveS

    arT saveS Y2K

    Dec 19, 2002
    Likes Received:


    Good....I think...?
  7. #7

    meteorxero Active Member

    Mar 27, 2003
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    I think....................its..................a.................... :whistle: :wth: :teehee:
  8. #8

    Neil Super Duper Member LPA Super Member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    wow! Must've taken you a longgg time to type that up. Very nice though. I personally think that the issue of cutting and suicide needs to become more widely recognized by the public and its not a "people you dont know only do it" thing

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