In which Charles Dickens interprets a song

Discussion in 'Your Projects' started by Minus, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. #1

    Minus ohai LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    In the beginning,

    I was without words to speak, and had no message to communicate with those words. Subsequently, I find myself meandering hopelessly, lost in the void that can be found at the center of my being. Disoriented, confused, I release the entirety of my emotional state in an outward manner. Upon displaying the unease of my discontent, it is rather surprisingly pointed out to my person that I am not alone in having these thoughts residing inside my very being.

    However, in revealing the meaningless thought process behind the previously mentioned words (words that, need I remind you, I was unable to speak, slightly causing this current revelation about said words being meaningless to be redundant), I have come to the realization that this redundant thought process that the populace has in common with me is the last tangible sensation that escapes my grasp of comprehension. But alas, I do not have anything of value (being the owner of empty words and having released my emotional and mental state prior to this point in time) that is currently at risk of being lost. The reasoning for this is threefold. Reason the first, I am currently in a position where I as a person cannot possibly move, whether physically or mentally, no matter the effort. Reason the second, as hinted earlier in my narrative, I am intrinsically an empty person, void of anything tangible or of value in any way. Third (or alternatively, lastly), I am not in what is generally considered to be a prime social situation. In fact, one could say that I am in a state of total isolation.

    These three reasons can all find roots in activities or actions I have partaken in during my time here, therefore making me the cause of this problem all along. I would like to repeat that these three reasons can all find roots in activities or actions I have partaken in during my time here, therefore making me the cause of this problem all along.

    Ideally, I would like to find myself in a state of recovery from this state in such a way that the situation gets better. Further, it would be of great benefit to all involved if I were able to expand the spectrum of sensation that can be experienced, unlocking things I had previously believed to be outside my realm of possibilities. From this, I wish to release all of the unease and suffering that has defined my being for a heavy duration of time. Alternatively, eradicating, deleting, or erasing the previously mentioned suffering until it is nonexistent would be sufficient. I repeat, I would like to find myself in a state of recovery from this state in such a way that the situation gets better. If the above expansion of the spectrum of sensation is deprived from me, I would be willing to settle for being in the immediate vicinity of something tangible. Finally, my current quest is to discover the one thing that has elude my grasp for quite some time; a place in which I can call home, or rather a location where I feel comfortable with myself as a person without having to force my personality or behavior in a way that defiles the very essence of my being.

    As can be construed by my possession of empty words and lack of a message earlier, I'd like to confirm that I do in fact have nothing of any importance, fleeting or otherwise, to communicate to anyone. I am actually surprised that, taking everything written prior to this sentence into account, I did not at some point lose my equilibrium and thus descend in a manner that would be debilitating to my facial structure. Because of this, I'm baffled that upon thoroughly searching the entire area of what is searchable, my only results conveyed that the constructs I had erected in the inner workings of my consciousness were incorrect.

    So, I ask, if what I believe is wrong and I have no way to communicate my thoughts on this (thus possibly invalidating my earlier claim that I'm lacking a message as I'm currently baffled by how to convey that my thoughts were incorrect), what would any person in this situation (in this case, myself) actually be defined as? It seems that the only thing I have in any sort of capacity is a negative outlook, because despite claiming that I consider myself isolated, I tread back on that thought process upon realizing that I have come up with no reasoning behind the condescending stares of other beings focused on myself.

    While I have stated earlier that I am at a point where I am not in possession of anything worth being removed from my ownership, I'd like to further elaborate and explain to anyone paying attention that my situation is even worse than previously explained as I am also unable to benefit from any changes at all. The reasoning for this is twofold. Reason the first, as hinted earlier in my narrative, I am intrinsically an empty person, void of anything tangible or of value in any way. Reason the second (or alternatively, reason the last), I am not in what is generally considered to be a prime social situation. In fact, one could say that I am in a state of total isolation.

    This can find roots in activities or actions I have partaken in during my time here, therefore making me the cause of this problem all along. I would like to repeat that this can find roots in activities or actions I have partaken in during my time here, therefore making me the cause of this problem all along.

    Ideally, I would like to find myself in a state of recovery from this state in such a way that the situation gets better. Further, it would be of great benefit to all involved if I were able to expand the spectrum of sensation that can be experienced, unlocking things I had previously believed to be outside my realm of possibilities. From this, I wish to release all of the unease and suffering that has defined my being for a heavy duration of time. Alternatively, eradicating, deleting, or erasing the previously mentioned suffering until it is nonexistent would be sufficient. I repeat, I would like to find myself in a state of recovery from this state in such a way that the situation gets better. If the above expansion of the spectrum of sensation is deprived from me, I would be willing to settle for being in the immediate vicinity of something tangible. Finally, my current quest is to discover the one thing that has elude my grasp for quite some time; a place in which I can call home, or rather a location where I feel comfortable with myself as a person without having to force my personality or behavior in a way that defiles the very essence of my being.

    Unfortunately I have reached the conclusion that, despite partaking in this unnecessarily in-depth evaluation of my character and psyche, I will never actually be knowledgeable in the self (speaking specifically of the self in relation to me) until I do all of the above by myself (which, one might reason, would be simple considering the various mentions of isolation and lack of social interaction to impede such solitary progression of the self). In addition, I also believe that I will never have the expected sensations tied in with this until such injuries to the self have been tended to (a process which may take some time to realize in that, being bereft of such sensation, I am unable to accurately judge when the process has ended [or in a worse case scenario, started]). And even considering such tall orders of improving the self, know that everything that I consist of will amount to nothing until I separate myself from myself (something that has to be done later in the process due to the aforementioned not being knowledgeable in the various aspects of my actual being). But in the hypothetical situation where I do separate myself from myself, the only event that can conclude this journey will be the discovery of myself, which is in fact a valid achievement despite the fact that the first step of discovering myself is, in fact, discovering myself.

    Ideally, I would like to find myself in a state of recovery from this state in such a way that the situation gets better. Further, it would be of great benefit to all involved if I were able to expand the spectrum of sensation that can be experienced, unlocking things I had previously believed to be outside my realm of possibilities. From this, I wish to release all of the unease and suffering that has defined my being for a heavy duration of time. Alternatively, eradicating, deleting, or erasing the previously mentioned suffering until it is nonexistent would be sufficient. I repeat, I would like to find myself in a state of recovery from this state in such a way that the situation gets better. If the above expansion of the spectrum of sensation is deprived from me, I would be willing to settle for being in the immediate vicinity of something tangible. Finally, my current quest is to discover the one thing that has elude my grasp for quite some time; a place in which I can call home, or rather a location where I feel comfortable with myself as a person without having to force my personality or behavior in a way that defiles the very essence of my being.

    Ideally, I would like to find myself in a state of recovery from this state in such a way that the situation gets better. But not ideally, given all that I've listed in this narrative, I would be willing to settle for the sensation of being in a place in which I can call home, or rather a location where I feel comfortable with myself as a person without having to force my personality or behavior in a way that defiles the very essence of my being (meaning an imagined sensation of accomplishment is an acceptable secondary result if the primary yearned result is unable to be fulfilled).
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2012
  2. #2

    mastae Some Honky

    Mar 22, 2012
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  3. #3

    Manu Seeking tenderness with a dagger

    Aug 2, 2010
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    Now I want to hear this narrated over the song, by William Shatner.
  4. #4
    lime treacle

    lime treacle You are not alone Über Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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  5. #5

    Minus ohai LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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  6. #6
    lime treacle

    lime treacle You are not alone Über Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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  7. #7

    Flagrare 'Majestic Dick. Brazilian Snake Cock. And Cunts. LPA Super Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    Minus like a Boz. :awesome:
  8. #8

    Hybrid Has gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    :dafuq: Minus interpreting a song from Meteora! THE END IS NIGH! REPENT! REPENT!:cocainefan:

    Seriously, though. Dude, you have an amazing skill with words! Awesome OP!
  9. #9

    Calvin The rhythm projects 'round the next sound... LPA VIP

    Apr 8, 2012
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    Nice work.
  10. #10

    Minus ohai LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Thanks. I'm doing Call Me Maybe next.
  11. #11

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    This is definitely my favourite part :lol: but the whole thing is pretty much amazing

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