Has LInkin Park sold out?

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by PT37, Jun 22, 2012.

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  1. #1

    PT37 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    So I'm on this other forum right now, and this dude is saying that LP sold out because they won't go back to their nu metal ways. Actually I'll just post what he said.

    "How isn't it being a sellout? They moved away from who they are, just to be a popular band by "music standards". Hard rock / metal is shunned upon in society. This garbage from this techno "band" was once on Ozzfest.


    They are a bunch of sellouts. They were too busy being worried for being judged by being such a big nu-metal band, ala, a "rap metal" band. They were successful and popular because of Meteora / Hybrid Theory. They are making new fans by acting like they are some techno / hip hop band, because that's what's part of the in crowd in music today.

    What's worse is the band even claimed this was going back to their old ways. They've been doing this for the last 6 years now. Telling fans they're coming out with the next CD of their nu-metal sound, and it's 100% not.

    What happened to this band? In 2004, I saw a band that covered WISH by Nine Inch Nails. They covered a metal version and it was fantastic. They even leaked news of new songs like this

    Behind Your Lies

    This is Linkin Park! This was supposed to be one of their songs ORIGINALLY from Minutes To Midnight. Instead, it was a stepping stone to this Living Things garbage.

    Linkin Park completely changed who they are, just to become a mainstream artist. It's that simple. Only someone blinded by their love for the band won't admit that.

    I used to be obsessed with this band. I had all their underground stuff, even when they were Xero when their old manager (Mark) was the vocalist before they discovered Chester. Super Xero and all those old songs. I even knew about songs like Step Up and Part of Me, and all their other demo, unreleased and underground stuff. Minutes To Midnight was the beginning of the end for them.

    Also, I'm not sure you know what a sellout is.... Re-read what you even said yourself."

    Me wrote:
    Shinoda has stated multiple times that they could not of made LIVING THINGS without making the four previous records

    "This makes my point even more valid. Mike even realizes it. You think their past success plays no part in them producing these types of records? They used their success to get to this point, then produce music that is popular while they've got a name for themselves.

    It's total garbage. Living Things is horrible. Literally every song minus Lies Greed Misery sound the same. (Oh, my God, is that song awful.)

    The only saving grace in the entire album is Burn It Down. Other than that, they all sound the same. There's nothing unique about their sound. It's just feeding to the popular crowd. They moved away from who they are, just to be mainstream.

    I dare you to name me another band in the Hard Rock industry minus Atreyu that has ever done this in the last 10 years.

    Plain and simple, Linkin Park as a whole, is fake. They can't be successful anymore for who they are, instead, they feed to the in-crowd to stay on top. That's terrible to me. You have to become fake to stay on top? Really?

    I saw this band in 03, and it was awesome. Again in 04 when they played WISH and their underground stuff and it was amazing. Saw them in 08 and wasn't very happy about them playing most of this Minutes to Midnight stuff, but figured it's just a phase. Now, I have no desire to ever spend a penny on them. I'm not going to see them in concert when they're going to play all this crap for the majority of the concert."

    What do you guys think? Has Linkin Park sold out?
  2. #2

    NateXY I was by your side, powerless.

    Jun 26, 2010
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    but first line already,
    Ummm they moved away from their Nu Metal direction and lost a HEAP of fans! So that is basically the opposite of selling out...
  3. #3

    Henry Mochiagete, Tokihanashite.

    Aug 22, 2010
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    Nu-Metal/Hard Rock/Whatever craps again.

    Just let them be, keeping these things out of your head is one way to enjoy your life.

    I saw a kid wrote: "Linkin Park is finished, their masterpieces are in METEORA and Hybrid Theory". Lulzy.
  4. #4

    shwcobb 持ち上げて 解き放して

    Mar 14, 2012
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    I agree with most of what he said, except LP being a sell-out. They're loosing fans much faster than gaining them, and they're aware of it. That is by no definition a sell-out. I understand why MTM had to happen, and I see why they did ATS (which is perfection), but I simply do not like LT. It's fine. That's it.

    I don't want my favorite band to be doing fine, when I know they're able to blow people's heads off with their melodies and sound. LT is a let-down in that way and they really should take it easy, because constantly changing the vibe will eventually steer away even the hardest of fans. Simple math. But no, they haven't sold out.
  5. #5

    Vdalem Purrfect! LPA Super VIP

    Dec 17, 2006
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    No they didn't sell out! I always believe that they may change their music style and do lose some fans but those "fans" always get replaced by new fans!
  6. #6

    SkullDevil217 Dork Of Ages

    Jun 11, 2012
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    The moment I read when he said they were sellouts just because their musical taste changed for the next albums, I stopped. Alas, this is just another butthurt nu-metal Linkin Park fan. And no, they have not sold out, because now they're creating the music they want and evolving in the process.
  7. #7

    Flagrare 'Majestic Dick. Brazilian Snake Cock. And Cunts. LPA Super Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    KorN, Metallica and In Flames. Close the topic.

    Even if they are not hardcore bands (just like Linkin Park is not), are very strong examples that bands change.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2012
  8. #8

    Filip god break down the door LPA Contributor

    May 23, 2012
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    Being ''mainstream'' would mean them just keeping their original sound of HT and Meteora, not trying anything new just following the formula to a well-recieved album. People got sick of their nu-metal sound already in Meteora, and now they want it back. They actually do make a record that sounds like their older stuff in a couple songs, and people complain again. You just cant please everyone. But they did not sell out.
  9. #9

    JasonN Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    Does he have some ear problems or something? Each song in LIVING THINGS has its own style (folk rock, nu metal, alternative rock, electronic). The album the songs of which sound all the same and boring is Meteora. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with that guy? :facepalm:

    I'm tired of these complaints, just ignore it, and enjoy the music that you like. Accept it, these people will never stop, and will never grow up. Despite the fact that Linkin Park has stated that they will never do the same old music since the release of Minutes to Midnight (5 years), they will never, never understand and give Linkin Park some chances.
    Let them stuck in the year 2003, they won't catch up, so ignore everything they diss about Linkin Park.
    Linkin Park don't run their tracks, they make the tracks run.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2012
  10. #10
    Death Slayer

    Death Slayer Julian

    Jul 24, 2010
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    *stopped reading*
  11. #11

    Spitz Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2012
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    People have no idea what the fuck "selling out" is. Just like the word "epic", that word has been bandied about with such flagrant disregard to its actual definition that it's completely meaningless. See, this is exactly why I look down on nu-metal fans. They like crappy music and don't use their tiny brains to accurately pinpoint why they don't like anything else. So they do anything to feed into their little persecution complexes. "Well, electronic music's popular now, that must mean the band's a bunch of sell-outs for putting synths in their songs!" For Christ's sakes, they recorded a trip-hop song before they were even famous. Just because it doesn't use guitar distortion to fulfill your arbitrary definition of "heavy" doesn't mean it's not good music.

    This is honestly why most I've completely shut out most bands heavier than Deftones. Aside from the fact that metal is now boring to me, the fans are the fucking worst. They only seem to be concerned with flying the metal flag and being condescending towards anyone with tastes more broad than Pantera or Burzum or some other nonsense like that.
  12. #12

    jare0674 There's a seat here along side me...

    Mar 12, 2010
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    It's been almost 10 fucking years since Meteora, I don't understand how so many people still haven't been able to grow up or move on.
  13. #13

    Minus ohai LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Radiohead and NIN would like to speak to you.
  14. #14

    Manu Seeking tenderness with a dagger

    Aug 2, 2010
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    Also Dredg, Anathema, Opeth (who released a 70's prog rock album with jazz vibes after 10 albums of death metal), and many more.

    Also, didn't Hybrid Theory sell over 20 million records? Do these people keep forgetting?
  15. #15

    Jordan Secret Robot

    Apr 17, 2007
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    Going back to Nu-Metal would probably be called selling out as well, considering bands like Suicide Silence and Emmure are achieving results by sticking Nu-Metal riffs in their songs. ~
  16. #16

    Hybrid Has gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    "I'm not changin' direction, I'm steppin' my game up. Maintainin' my name, the same way that I came up."-MS

    I've learned to grow with the band and my loyalty to the band is the strongest it has ever been. This eventuality that you speak of will never happen with me.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2012
  17. #17

    shwcobb 持ち上げて 解き放して

    Mar 14, 2012
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    I listen to NIN and they're not to be compared with LP's 'evolution'.

    If you love whatever they do (not to be mistaken with 'if you love all their albums thus far), you're idolizing. And don't take me the wrong way, like I said, they're #1 in my book. But I just listened to HT, Meteora, ATS and Underground8 in a row and that just owns LT and its vibe. For me at least. But we're off topic.
  18. #18

    Nish Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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    The comments section for this thread should be titled "Effective tools to deal with your average, uninformed Linkin Park basher"
  19. #19
    Delicious Dave

    Delicious Dave I'm gonna drive you into your own anus.

    May 25, 2012
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    Nu Metal sucks anyway. They were more popular as a nu metal band so they didn't sell out. Also next person to say that read my sexy signature :)
  20. #20

    Moridin Death Contagious Deity

    May 25, 2010
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    The guy is a nitwit, you can tell him I said so.

    Actually, I'm bored, so...

    LP have been a hugely successful mainstream band since they released Hybrid Theory. It's not new territory for them.

    Actually their move with making ATS an album meant to be taken as a whole was decidedly against mainstream sensibilities.

    They didn't actually. They said they were using "all the tools in the toolbox", not "all the nu-metal tools in the toolbox".

    QWERTY was written so that they had something new to play at the Summer Sonic (?) shows in '06. Then they recorded it for the LPU6 CD. It was never meant to be on MTM.

    Ahh yes, undeniable, irrefutable proof that they sold out. "I new them before they were famous".

    I don't know what definition this guy uses but I'll stick with "the sacrifice of artistic integrity for monetary gain".

    If any album had questionable motives....*cough*Meteora*cough*

    Does he even know what he's saying here? I'm stuggling to make sense of it. They used their success & popularity to get to a point where they could write songs that would make them popular and succesful.... What?

    May as well just say;
    Because it makes about as much sense.

    Guy loves HT & Meteora, claims all songs LT sound the same.
    Guy loves HT & Meteora, claims LP went mainstream with Living Things, except Burn It Down, the most obviously-aimed-at-radio song on the album, is good.

    Band plays several songs from new album -> Must be a phase.


    Yarp. You can add "amazing" to that list, too.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2012
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