Apple software vs Android software

Discussion in 'The Living Room' started by Star Scream, Apr 27, 2012.


what would you prefer apple or android?

  1. Android

  2. Apple

  3. both

  4. neither

    0 vote(s)
  1. #1
    Star Scream

    Star Scream Does A Machine Like You Ever Experience Fear

    Oct 18, 2011
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    what do you think is better? what do you use? what are the positives and negatives of the software's?
  2. #2

    Blake Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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  3. #3

    hawk because the internet LPA Super VIP

    Apr 1, 2010
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    As a mobile operating system: WP7 > iOS > Android.
    I haven't used a Blackberry, so I cannot say.
  4. #4

    shinformant Banned

    Mar 24, 2012
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    Android > Windows Phone > iOS > Blackberry
  5. #5

    Jesse Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Tell me how iOS is better than Android in any way. :lol:

    Android > Everything else.
  6. #6

    @LP2K12 Est. 2K12

    Mar 20, 2003
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    I use both.

    I used to own an Android phone. A Galaxy S on T-Mobile. I now own an iPhone 4S. I also own a MacBook Air. However, I do not have total loyalty to Apple. I hate iPads. I own a Kindle Fire modded to operate the CyanogenMod flavor of Android. I'm actually a store manager for T-Mobile and I've used all the operating systems WP7, BlackBerry, Android and iOS. I prefer iOS based on what I use it for. I'm huge into music & video production as well as web design. However, Android is my backup OS. With the announcement of WP7 and Windows 8 for PCs I will probably never own another PC or Windows based device.
  7. #7

    Apple for quality. Android for affortability. That's how I see it. I love iPhones but they're way too overpriced.
  8. #8

    hawk because the internet LPA Super VIP

    Apr 1, 2010
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    About 90% of all gaming I do is on my iPod. The OS is also much easier to navigate (but it doesn't get points for how it does so).
  9. #9
    Gloomy Mushroom

    Gloomy Mushroom Absolute Zero LPA Super VIP

    May 13, 2008
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    Two reasons why Apple sucks. Specifically iPhone 4.

    "Apple’s multitasking sucks Apple’s “fake multitasking” sucks for 2 reasons. For one, it’s not real multitasking because not all apps can take advantage of it. Sure you can argue that multitasking drains the battery, but that’s not the point here. Second reason why multitasking the iPhone 4 sucks is because it quickly gets ugly in your app switching dock si Apple doesn’t kill apps until the OS deems it necessary. At any time I have betw 10 and 20 apps in my app switcher, making it very busy. Storage limitation sucks One of the big let downs of iPhone 4 is the storage limitation. Although Apple co have put 64GB of storage in there, they claim they didn’t have the room for it. I t they just want to sell you a 64GB iPhone next year. That sucks because marketi taking over customer needs."

    Android based OS phones save more battery power and you don't have this fake multi tasking crap going on. Yeah, you're going to be using a shitload of power by playing games like Angry Birds, but hell, I can play AB longer then my tablet rivalry the iPad. Which brings me to another point.

    The antenna and reception on the iPad can go suck my left testicle. I did a road test to prove it. Sitting in the Sydney CBD, got my friend with his fancy iPad with fuck all reception (after getting the antenna "fixed" by Apple) and there I am with my good old Samsung Galaxy Tablet with full reception. We are both on Optus.

    Damn well pretty sure if I dropped your iPhone Joseph from the same height as I drop my Galaxy, your screen will be the first to break. The crapphone is notorious for having not only unfriendly OS interface but fucking shitty physical construction.

    Yeah that 90% that was just quoted has to do with you, not a general quantity of people. Because I can tell you I prefer my gaming on an actual console.

    Tactical marketing. They "improve" the OS charge you $500 and then they release a new one six months later.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2012
  10. #10

    Todd FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    I'm not exactly a defender of all things Apple. I like iOS (after version 5 really) and I like Android. I've owned both, and I can't really take sides in this debate, because they both have their pros and cons, but this is an extremely misinformed post.

    All apps can take advantage of multitasking if the developer chooses to leverage the multitasking APIs (which have been available for 2 years). All of the apps I use where multitasking could be useful do make use of it. The biggest reason for multitasking is to listen to streaming audio in an app like Pandora or Slacker while doing something else on your phone, which you can do on the iPhone no problem. I stream MLB games from the MLB At Bat app all the time in the background while doing other stuff on my phone.

    The app switcher isn't "busy". Apps are listed in the order in which they were most recently accessed, so if you're flipping back and forth between web, text and music, all 3 will be on the first page of the app switcher. Of course, you don't have to use the app switcher. You can always go back to your home screen and open the app there, in case you're using a better organization system for your apps on the home screen.
    Or, it's possible they just didn't have the room for it. If you've ever looked at pictures of a disassembled iPhone, everything fits in there tightly. The circuit board is packed. It's not impossible that when the iPhone 4 came out, there was no way to fit 64 GB of storage on it. Given the roughly 15 months between the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4s, it's entirely possible that storage chips became small enough to fit. Flash storage is constantly getting cheaper and smaller.

    I've had Android phones, and I now have an iPhone 4S. The 4S spanks both Android phones in battery life. The so-called "fake multitasking" which isn't really fake at all, it what helps save battery life.

    Apple's "fake" multitasking restricts what apps can do in the background. Take the MLB At Bat app. It updates with every pitch and every play. It also lets you listen to the game's broadcast. Listening to the broadcast is something you can do while the app is running in the background. So iOS lets the app do that. Viewing the location and result of every pitch isn't something you can do while the app is running in the background, because the app is off the screen. So naturally, iOS will restrict that. Less data used, less battery used.

    Or take the Facebook app for example. I believe it lets you upload pictures in the background. So you can click the upload button and go do something else, because the upload will take awhile. But while the app is running in the background and you're tapping out a text message, you can't see your Facebook news feed, so the Facebook app isn't going to refresh it.

    iOS's "fake multitasking" implementation restricts apps to doing only things that are necessary, so no battery life is wasted on performing tasks that provide no benefit to the end user.

    Don't have a 3G iPad, so I can't comment.
    Damn well pretty sure you're wrong. The iPhone is made out of Gorilla Glass, it's some pretty strong stuff. Or, you can, you know, not drop your fucking phone. I've managed to not drop any cell phone I've ever owned onto anything besides carpet. I'm not sure how some people drop their phone all the time. It's really not that hard to not drop it.

    There's a new Android phone coming out practically every day. And one issue I've always had with Android is fragmentation. You can buy an Android phone with Gingerbread (already an outdated OS) today with absolutely no guarantee the manufacturer or your carrier will provide an update to Ice Cream Sandwich. The Android phone I bought back in February 2011 came with Froyo. An upgrade to Gingerbread was released several months after it came out, and that's where it will end. My carrier has said that this particular phone is not on their ICS roadmap. So no upgrade for it. On a year old phone.

    iOS 5 can run on the iPhone 3GS (3 years old) and on the original iPad (2 years old). I'm sorry, but there is no 3 year old Android phone out there running Ice Cream Sandwich, supported by the manufacturer. Maybe if you root it and install a custom ROM on there, but that's not exactly something novice users can do.
  11. #11
    Gloomy Mushroom

    Gloomy Mushroom Absolute Zero LPA Super VIP

    May 13, 2008
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    In the top 10 complaints lodged by iPhone not Android but iPhone users include (other then " it caught me cheating") include some form of the screen and tge problens Apple keeps having. Whether breakage or discolouration without dropping it. I can believe this. The central west group I run on FB to sell and buy stuff #1 reoccurring trend we see are iPhone screen breaks.

    But Todd. The cheapest Android I have seen is like $30 from my grocery store. What's the cheapest RRP for the iPhone?
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2012
  12. #12

    Todd FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Or, you know, people can not drop their damn phone. The iPhone is made of glass. It's not an old school Nokia brick. It's going to be more fragile and needs to be handled more carefully. Simple as that.

    The iPhone 3GS is free in the US when you sign up for a new contract with your provider.
  13. #13

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    People who expect their phones to remain in pristine condition after they drop them from 5 feet onto hard surfaces would probably complain if they got wet during a rainstorm.

    There's a certain level of common sense people should have. Electronic devices that are made mostly of plastic or glass are going to suffer considerable damage if dropped from high heights.

    Are we really comparing the performance of our cell phones based on how idiot-proof they are?

    I mean, if I shelled out $500 on an electronic device that will suffer damage if I dropped it, the price tag of replacing it sure would keep me from being careless with it.

    I have an iPhone 4. I used to own an iPhone 3GS. For the last 4 years I have never had a single hiccup with either device, aside from reduced battery life after a year or so. However, that's to be expected in any electronic device with a battery that is being used constantly. It still hasn't affected my ability to use the phone for long periods of time. Instead of having to charge it every 36 hours I have to do it every 24 hours. Big deal.

    The thing about the vast majority of complaints we hear about the iPhone (the antennae issues upon the launch of the iPhone 4 notwithstanding) is from a vocal minority of people. What you don't hear about is the millions of users like me who have had no issues with their phones and love them to pieces. If you haven't owned an iPhone, I don't think you're in any position to comment about its quality, much like I'm in no position to criticize Android.
  14. #14

    hawk because the internet LPA Super VIP

    Apr 1, 2010
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    Who said I play Angry Birds? Infinity Blade II and NBA 2K12 drain my battery pretty fast, and I both enjoy playing both of them, which I can do anywhere.

    Same can be said for everything you've just said. :lol:

    Strength of a device is bullshit. I've dropped mine several times, perfectly fine. And why am I dropping it anyway? My friends and I don't drop our phones to see who wins.
  15. #15

    Vriska Wiki Staff LPA VIP

    Apr 17, 2007
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    I have various game boys. You could do anything in the world to them and they would still function after that. My 8 year old Nintendo DS is faring better than my iPod 5G, which has borked completely for the second time. Apple chooses to make their wares flashy to please the oooo shiny crowd. They are not designing for durability. It's not like there isn't more that they could have done.

    This is all a red herring because it has nothing to do with software though.

    I strongly dislike a lot of what Apple does. I really hate that is is damn near impossible to open anything of theirs to replace their parts. I really dislike that their software environment is a little closed walled garden. I abhor Apple's constant bullying of other people.

    Android is at least more free than Apple. Google are returning some of their changes back to the Linux kernel from which android is derived. Free and open source software benefits from Android to some degree, which is more than what Apple does for anybody.
  16. #16

    I didn't want to post here before in the fear of starting something, but since it's already began...

    I just wanna address the new iPhone every 6 months. Here is the iPhone release history this far.

    July 2007
    July 2008
    June 2009
    June 2010
    October 2011

    Now forgive me if I'm wrong, but that doesn't look like every 6 months to me.

    Anyways I love my iPhone and iOS for these few reasons

    No Fragmentation
    No malware
    Simple and easy to use
    Good, quality apps
    Good battery life
    An all round solid OS that isn't beta software

    But yeah, cba with arguing, I mean, it's a phone... just a phone.
  17. #17
    Gloomy Mushroom

    Gloomy Mushroom Absolute Zero LPA Super VIP

    May 13, 2008
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    Everything you have just said makes me :facepalm: myself. I used examples and theoritical situations.

    No malware? Anything that incorporates downloading anything from the internet is at risk of contracting malware. I am yet to see a piece of technology that is connected to the world wide web that is not spreading its legs to malware and viruses.

    Easy and simple to use? The only due credit I give to an Apple product is the first gen of the iPod Nano which I have owned. Other than that iPhones are confusing as hell and yes I owned one for a whole week until I handed it back in. Hello Android Swype.

    I have owned one. Not the latest iPhone but I have owned one. And I talked my mum out of buying one. :lol:
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2012
  18. #18

    hawk because the internet LPA Super VIP

    Apr 1, 2010
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    I bet you didn't actually facepalm.
    Why are you arguing as if I mentioned anything about malware?
    You can't navigate an iPhone? :lol:

    I don't see why I mention that I happen to use an Apple device and happen to like it, then it gets turned into an argument. "This OS is better." Cool. I don't give a shit. I use an Apple device, I am happy with it.
  19. #19

    shinformant Banned

    Mar 24, 2012
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    I just like Sony phones and Android happens to be the OS they use so yeah

    The only problem I have with my current one (Xperia Arc) is that the battery life isn't great, and to my knowledge that isn't the OS' fault.
  20. #20

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Ummmm.... Have a looky-loo:

    I think you're really out of your element in this discussion. You can't own an iPhone for a week and suddenly become an expert on it. This is evidenced by the fact your arguments in this thread have more holes in them than a dump truck filled with donuts.

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